As a service to its subscribers, Copyediting-L maintains this directory of freelancers (part-time and full-time). This page is updated monthly. Individuals and companies who employ freelancers may request a copy in text, RTF, or Microsoft Word format by sending a request to
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Surname, Firstname
Business Name (if any)
Street Address, City, ST 12345 COUNTRY and
800-111-3333 (voice), 800-222-4444 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, translation (Romulan <−> Mongol) rewriting, indexing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 1905 (freelance since 1925); since 1930 (academic indexing)
Experience: Seven years
Subjects: International affairs, social sciences, natural sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
The directory was last revised on 11 February 2025.
New listings:
Gage, Elizabeth
Green, Gila
Judkins, Betsy
Liguori, Sheri
Whited, Jason
Updated listings:
Hesson, Jim
Turnbull-Sousa, Jahleen
Acker, John
Acker Editing & Consulting
Redlands, CA, USA
217-778-3451 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, copy editing, proofreading
Type of material: Nonfiction books, academic articles, dissertations, theses, grant proposals
Experience: Since 2006
Subjects: Social sciences, STEM, humanities, business/economics
Availability: Part-time freelance
Adderton, Bobbi
River Birch Proofreading and Editing
1644 Brook Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29708 USA
803-370-4124 (cell)
Type of work: Proofreading and editing
Type of material: Business documents, presentations, catalogs, white papers, annual reports, websites
Experience: Since 1980 (proofreading); since 2018 (copyediting)
Subjects: Business, legal, advertising, marketing
Availability: Part-time freelance
Addicott, Sara
Seattle, WA 98115 USA
206-713-3433 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 2008 (freelance since 2011)
Subjects: Social sciences, general nonfiction, cookbooks, travel, many more
Availability: Full-time freelance
Adin, Richard
Freelance Editorial Services
52 Oakwood Blvd.
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603-4112 USA
888-643-0302 (voice), 888-459-6545 (voice)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, page makeup for book publishers
Type of material: Books, journals
Experience: Since 1984
Subjects: Medical, education, business, professional, social sciences
Availability: Full-time freelancer; availability inquiry and project
scheduling by e-mail, telephone, or website
Adkins, Angela
Washington, DC, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, proofreading, indexing
Type of material: Essays, resumes, nonfiction books, articles, reports, business documents
Experience: Since 2016
Subjects: Personal finance, memoirs, sales material, history, travel, art, video production, TEFL, cooking
Availability: Full-time freelance
Agarwal, Ankur
Type of work: copyediting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles
Experience: Since 2005 (freelance since 2008)
Subjects: Science & technology, social sciences, natural sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Aidoo, Angela
Victoria, BC, CANADA
250-483-1866 (voice)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals
Experience: Since 2004
Subjects: Fiction, memoirs, nonfiction, Christian, business
Availability: Full-time freelance
Aimone, Lindsey
Lindsey Aimone Editing
Keller, Texas, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, ESL editing
Type of material: Scientific journal articles, grant proposals, book chapters, conference submissions, progress reports,
abstracts, posters, slides
Experience: Scientist since 1999 (freelance since 2023)
Subjects: Biology, molecular biology, genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, psychology, neuroscience
Availability: Full-time freelance
Albright, Nancy
Nancy Albright Editorial
Chicagoland Area, IL, USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, copy editing, copywriting, proofreading, beta reading, business writing,
feature writing; Chicago, APA, house styles
Type of material: Manuscripts, blogs, websites, newspapers, white papers, thought leadership, technical writing, training manuals,
desktop procedures
Experience: Book editing, since 2017; business writing and editing, since 1994
Subjects: Contemporary fiction, romance, memoirs, art, architecture, business
Availability: Full-time freelance
Alexander, Holly
Alexander Editorial Services
Eugene, OR, USA
Type of work: Copyediting (Chicago, APA, and house styles), proofreading
Type of material: Trade and scholarly nonfiction, e-books, articles,
reports, Web sites, blogs, newsletters
Experience: Since 2001 (freelance since 2010)
Subjects: Social sciences, including criminal justice, history, human
rights, international affairs, political science, public policy,
social work, and sociology
Availability: Full-time freelance
Alexander, Plaegian
Areté Editorial Services
4704 Enchanted Valley Road, Middleton, WI 53562 USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, and ghostwriting
Type of material: Popular trade (nonfiction and fiction) and academic books; scholarly journal and popular magazine articles;
theses; websites
Experience: Since 1995 (NYC-based)
Subjects: Humanities, social sciences, international affairs, business, travel, literary fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Allen, Catherine Judge, MA, ELS
Catherine Judge Allen Editorial Services
5897 Carol Court, DeMotte, IN 46310 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, author’s editing (electronic and hard copy)
Type of material: Books, journal articles
Experience: Since 1974 (freelance since 1993)
Subjects: Medicine, surgery, zoology
Anderson, Terry
Alan Edits LLC
Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
240-413-0554 (fax 301-587-8416)
Type of work: Author’s editing, copyediting, document development, medical editing, proofreading, rewriting,
substantive editing, writing
Type of material: Academic manuscripts, books, brochures, conference proceedings, journals, manuals, meeting reports,
proposals, scientific reports, technical materials, training materials, web pages
Experience: Since 1990
Subjects: Agriculture, animal sciences, botany, conservation, crop sciences, food and nutrition, international development,
life sciences, macroeconomics, medicine (hematology, infectious diseases, oncology, neuroscience, pharmacology, physiology),
natural resources, nonprofit management, public health, science policy, soil science, water and resource management
Availability: Full-time freelance
Antrobus, David
Be Write There
Mission, BC, CANADA
604-316-4285 (cell)
Type of work: Proofreading, copyediting, developmental editing, rewriting,
writing, ebook formatting
Type of material: Fiction and nonfiction manuscripts, articles, essays,
reports, academic papers, business and web copy (proficient in UK, Canadian, and US English)
Experience: Since 2003
Subjects: Fiction (contemporary, science fiction, fantasy, horror, speculative,
crime), nonfiction (music, film, literature, art), academic (social sciences,
arts) youth issues, digital and popular culture
Availability: Full-time freelance
Applewhite, Barry, ThM, MS
Barry’s Editing & Proofing LLC
3016 Plumtree Lane, Plano, TX 75074 USA
214-558-9128 (cell, voice, message)
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting (Chicago, APA), proofreading
Type of material: Books (fiction or nonfiction), journal articles, dissertations, reports, essays, websites, advertising
Experience: Since 2018 (freelance since 2018)
Subjects: Christianity, Christian theology, Bible, Bible interpretation, politics, military affairs, nuclear reactors,
science fiction, fantasy, history, World War II, geography, astronomy
Availability: Full-time freelance
Arbor, PhD, Joy
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, academic editing
Type of material: Books, dissertations, journal articles
Experience: Since 2000 (freelance since 2003)
Subjects: Poetry, memoir, transformational nonfiction, psychology, education, literature
Availability: Full-time freelance
Arner, Amy E. K., CG
Arner Research
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 2010
Subjects: Family history, genealogy
Availability: Part-time freelance
Arveson, Dylan
Seattle, WA 98115 USA
360-503-2033 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copywriting, copyediting, proofreading, rewriting
Type of material: Journals, articles, blogs, reports, web sites
Experience: Seventeen years
Subjects: Economics, environment, finance, literature, marketing, music, natural science, sustainability
Availability: Full-time freelance
Ashkenaz, Judy
Beverly, MA 01915 USA
978-993-0108 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, writing, rewriting, copyediting, author coaching
Type of material: Books, articles, reports, web content, academic writing, general nonfiction
Experience: Since 1979
Subjects: Psychology, sociology, politics, public policy, education, history, literature, cookbooks, family life
and parenting, memoirs
Availability: Full-time freelance
Aston, Margie
Astonishing Author Services
140 Plains Road #53, Windham, CT 06280 USA
860-450-8428 (voice), 860-617-6004 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journal articles, theses and dissertations
Experience: Since 1996 (freelance since 2012)
Subjects: Fiction (historical, romance, contemporary, young adult, women’s fiction, humor, fantasy); non-fiction
(social sciences, literary analysis, research and development)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Atamian, Crystal
Alpine Editing & Writing, LLC
1916 S. Bolivar Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99037 USA
530-574-0895 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, line editing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports
Experience: Eight years
Subjects: Civil engineering, mechanical engineering, medical, nursing, environmental sciences, biology
Availability: Full-time freelance
Autrey, Kim
Never Alone Publishing
Fort Wayne, IN, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, formatting, uploading
Type of material: Books (fiction and nonfiction), short stories, articles, reports
Experience: Since 2013
Babbitt, Kate
Academic Editing Services
152 Melbourne Street, Vestal, NY 13850 USA
607 221-7201
Type of work: Line editing, substantive editing, developmental editing, indexing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, book proposals, job letters, CVs, grant proposals
Experience: Since 1994
Subjects: Humanities and social sciences, specializations in women’s history, African studies, religious history,
and archaeology
Availability: Full-time freelance
Bachman, Leslie
LB Editorial Services
East Meadow, NY 11554 USA
516-426-3595 (cell)
Type of work: Copy editing, line editing, substantive editing, proofreading
Type of material: Nonfiction/Academic: scholarly journals, books, research reports, policy briefs, working and
discussion papers, dissertations
Experience: Since 1983
Subjects: Social sciences, health care, education, history, international relations, policy-related issues
Availability: Full-time freelance
Backs, Stan J.
SynchroComm Inc.
13 Laydon Drive, St. Albert, AB 8N 2N1 CANADA
780-908-8863 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, stylistic editing, copyediting, and proofreading for academic and industrial clients;
editing research grant proposals for academics; medical editing
Type of material: Major grant applications, articles, web sites, reports, and books (but not dissertations or theses)
Experience: Since 1999 (freelance); Professional Chemist (ACPA, Alberta, Canada); Certified Professional Editor
(Editors Canada)
Subjects: Physical sciences, life sciences, engineering, technology, and medicine
Availability: Full-time freelance
Bagiackas, Anna
Kaiserslautern, RP, Germany
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, copy writing (all in English)
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, blogs, websites
Experience: Three years
Subjects: Travel, lifestyle, food, recipes, cookbooks, music, performing arts, popular culture, marketing,
fiction and nonfiction
Availability: Part-time freelance
Bailes, Marc
(718) 263-3176 (cell)
Type of work: editing, line editing, fact checking, proofreading, substantive editing
Type of material: Academic research, medical communications, books, periodicals, journal articles, websites,
corporate communications, exams
Experience: Since 1995 (freelance since 2015)
Subjects: Social sciences, life sciences, education, recipes, news journalism, lifestyle journalism
Availability: Full-time freelance
Bailin, Jill
Jill on the Hudson Editorial
9 Sunnyside Place, Irvington, NY 10533 USA
914-844-4833 (cell), 914-591-5346 (landline)
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, substantive editing, medical editing, fact checking, proofreading (Chicago, AMA, APA,
and house styles)
Type of material: Books, reports, journal and other articles, essays, web sites, pharma advertising and marketing materials
Experience: Since 1985 (freelance 35+ years); since 2015 (medical editing)
Subjects: Fiction (historical, romance, speculative and science fiction, literary, satire, for adults and YA) and nonfiction
(social justice, business, memoirs, sociology, transportation, medicine and pharma communications)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Balakrishnan, Sruthi
SciScriber LLC
2108 N St, Ste N, Sacramento, CA 95816 USA
805-316-4609 (voice and cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, fact-checking
Type of material: Academic manuscripts, journal articles, grant proposals, dissertations, theses, annual reports
Experience: Since 2019
Subjects: Life sciences, biology, medicine, pharmaceutical, nursing, psychology, public health, chemistry, earth sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Banks, Sarah
Spring Tide Editing and Writing
Houston, TX, USA
346-229-7800 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, report writing, website writing, blog writing
Type of material: Nonfiction books, journals, articles, reports, websites, US & UK English, non-native speakers of English/ESL,
academic, business, nonprofit, government
Experience: Since 2005 (freelance since 2020)
Subjects: Crime, justice, social sciences, humanities, travel, food, and many more
Availability: Full-time freelance
Baresch, Brian
41-15 46th St. #1D, Sunnyside, NY 11104 USA
Type of work: copyediting
Type of material: Journal articles, dissertations, books, websites, periodicals
Experience: Since 1987 (freelance since 1997)
Subjects: Media studies, journalism, social sciences, politics, law, health and fitness
Availability: Part-time freelance
Barger, Carla
BookIvy Word Studio
Chicago, IL 60660 USA
773-732-6977 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, substantive editing, manuscript review and feedback, fact checking
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, dissertations, theses, correspondence, grant proposals, book proposals,
marketing materials
Experience: Since 2008 (freelance since 2013)
Subjects: Fiction, nonfiction, memoir, essays, art and film, humanities, social sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Barker, Kristy
40 Prebend Gardens, London W6 0XU UK
07950 931 427 (mobile)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 2007 (freelance since 2010)
Subjects: Social sciences, humanities, education, music, TV, film, sport, fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Baron, Lois
Baron Editorial Services
600 N. Hudson Street, Arlington, VA 22201 USA
703-841-0564 (home), 703-919-8101 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting, copywriting, social media management, project
management (AP, Chicago, APA, and house styles)
Type of material: Books, articles, reports, websites/blogs, corporate material, fiction (anything other than
technical manuals)
Experience: Freelance since 1987; MFA in creative nonfiction
Subjects: Open. I handle nonfiction and fiction (including annual reports, cookbooks, biotechnology, food, YA,
juvenile, health, business).
Availability: Part-time freelance
Barrett, Julia, ELS
Julia R. Barrett LLC
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
608-259-6182 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, and developmental editing
Type of material: Reports, dissertations, grant applications, books, and research articles; Word, LaTeX
Experience: Since 1994 (freelance since 1997)
Subjects: Biological and medical sciences, physical sciences, economics, accounting research
Availability: Full-time freelance
Barrick, Noelle
Sunflower Editorial Services
Wichita, KS, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, writing, researching
Type of material: Books, journals, articles
Experience: Since 2000 (freelance since 2002)
Subjects: Religion, political and social sciences, popular culture
Availability: Part-time freelance
Basu Singh, Dola
Shiuli Editing Services
Punjab, INDIA
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, narrative assessment, proofreading
Type of material: Fiction books, short stories
Experience: Since 2013
Subjects: Own voices, literary fiction, romance, women’s fiction, crime, mystery, and thriller
Availability: Full-time freelance
Baxter, Zara
Type of work: Editing, copyediting, web editing, technical, online and
feature writing, proofreading, project management, desktop publishing
Type of material: Magazines, web pages, manuals, reports, white
papers, science fiction, fantasy, horror, general nonfiction
Experience: Since 1998
Subjects: Biology (general, microbiology, genetics), genealogy,
computers, IT, general consumer interest, fiction (science
fiction/fantasy/slipstream/horror), general nonfiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Bazaz, Hamed
Street Address, City, ST 12345 COUNTRY
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, formatting, proofreading
Type of material: Journals, articles, manuscripts, reports
Experience: Since 2012
Subjects: Social sciences, engineering, mathematics, medical sciences, life sciences, business & economics
Availability: Full-time freelance
Beard, Brittany
Long Beach, CA 90807 USA
310-703-4127 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, rewriting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 2006 (freelance since 2011)
Subjects: Creative writing, essays, fiction, nonfiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
de Beauvoir, Jeannette
P.O. Box 326, Provincetown, MA 02657 USA
Type of work: Substantive/developmental editing, ghostwriting, copyediting,) rewriting
Type of material: Books, novels, white papers, online content, articles, reports.
Experience: Have been writing and editing as a freelancer since 1995.
Subjects: Fiction, memoir, self-help, history, religious studies.
Availability: Full-time freelance
Beavers, Helayne
Freelance Editorial Services
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Type of work: Copy editing, line editing, proofreading, rewriting
Type of material: Books, journals, reports, white papers
Experience: Since 1984 (freelance since 2010)
Subjects: Education, engineering, humanities, library and information science, social sciences
Availability: Freelance
Bedwin, Christa
Bedwin & Associates
Type of work: training engineers & scientists to write (webinars, conference workshops, corporate sessions),
engineering writing consulting (often taken as a team because the projects are large, hence the "& Associates"),
scientific editing, educational editing, writing instruction, fiction author
Type of material: courses, reports, proposals, journals, articles, educational materials (Gr. 7 - college), and more
Experience: 25 years
Subjects: Engineering, environment, chemistry, geology, sustainable agriculture, ecology, health, yoga, travel, history,
memoir, time-travel, dragons
Availability: Part-time freelance
Beitel, Stephen
2 Woodmoor Circle, East Amherst, NY 14051 USA
sbeitel [at] ftml [dot] net
716-861-3990 (voice), 716-636-0361 (fax)
Type of work: Copyediting, substantive editing, writing, rewriting, proofreading
Type of material: Academic and trade nonfiction and articles; business and marketing reports
Experience: Since 1992 (freelance since 2002)
Subjects: Most humanities and social science fields, religion, business
Bentz-Sim, Lori
SIM Geological Inc.
Vancouver, BC V6G 1E8 CANADA
778-928-6339 (cell)
Type of work: Technical editing, substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading, rewriting, formatting
Type of material: Technical reports, proposals, studies, presentations, correspondence, including NI 43-101,
Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA), Prefeasibility Study (PFS), Feasibility Study (FS)
Experience: 10+ years
Subjects: Mineral resources, energy resources, geology, geoscience, oil and gas industry, mining industry
Availability: Full-time freelance
Bergmann, Merrie, PhD
Type of work: Substantive editing, copy editing, ESL/EFL editing
Type of material: Academic books and articles, web sites, dissertations
Experience: Since 2011 (freelance)
Subjects: Computer science, science & technology, social sciences, humanities
Availability: Full-time freelance
Berry, J Colleen, Ph.D.
The Editing Doctor
County Road 214, Silt, CO 81652 USA
+1 701-610-6783 (cell)
Type of work: Rewriting, substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, translation (Chinese−>English;
Japanese−>English) working with non-native speakers of English
Type of material: Academic papers including theses and dissertations, journals, reports, web sites, manuals, apps,
non-fiction books, almost anything
Experience: 30 years
Subjects: Humanities (literature, history, etc.), international affairs, social sciences, travel, anything Asia-related,
education, etc.
Availability: Full-time freelance
Bethell, Miranda
experienced and highly qualified word services
Hill View Cottage, Ludwell, Wiltshire SP7 9NE UK
+441747 828572 (voice), 07702 713542 (cell)
Type of work: Translation (French/German <−> English); substantive editing,
line editing, copyediting; rewriting; proofreading in English, French and German
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 2008
Subjects: literature, architecture, history of art, Management Sciences, environment, fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Bien, Ethan
Bien Bueno Productions
14 South Street, Lubec, ME 04652 USA
707-879-8493 (cell)
Type of work: Editing, copyediting, translation (Russian −> English), proofreading, rewriting, fact checking
Type of material: Books, reports, articles, journals, magazines, web sites
Experience: Since 2008 (translation and editing), since 2016 (proofreading, copyediting), since 2020 (fact checking)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Bigelow, Tasha
Definitive Editing
Type of work: Copyediting (Chicago, APA, house styles), proofreading (hard copy and electronic), thesaurus and
dictionary lexicography, US localization
Type of material: Books, textbooks, academic manuscripts, journals, articles, grant and funding proposals,
theses/dissertations, training/instructional materials, white papers, encyclopedias
Experience: Since 1999 (in-house with Merriam-Webster until 2015; freelance thereafter)
Subjects: Nonfiction; social, life, and physical sciences; computer sciences and engineering; technology and IT; economics;
management and operations research; healthcare; business (particularly measurement, evaluation, and training); non-native
speakers of English/ESL; LGBT; higher education; Spanish to English translations
Availability: Full-time freelance
Birch, Alison
Yorkshire, UK
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, study materials
Experience: Since 2018; 25+ years in healthcare science
Subjects: Medicine, genetics, biomedical and life sciences, management, self-help
Availability: Full-time freelance
Blanding, Jonathan, MS, ELS
Type of work: Writing; developmental, substantive, and copy editing
Type of material: Journals, articles, white papers, protocols, reports,
labeling, grant proposals
Experience: Biochemist 1982-1993 (freelance editor since 1993)
Subjects: Science, medicine, biomedicine, biotechnology; focus on IVDs for
patient self-testing
Availability: Full-time freelance
Blaseg, Jessica
Editing by Jessica
36 Marian Drive, Norwalk, OH 44857 USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Availability: Part-time freelance
Bloom, Miriam, PhD, ELS(D)
SciWrite Biomedical Writing & Editing Services
2584 Elizabeth St. #5, Salt Lake City, UT 84106 USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, author’s editing, copyediting, writing
Type of material: Biomedical manuscripts
Experience: Since 1991
Subjects: Genetics, genetic diseases, molecular biology, medicine, health
Availability: Full-time freelance
Boles, Kasey
Boles Editing & Proofreading
8366 Lake Shore Drive, Nampa, ID 83686 USA
208-830-6186 (cell)
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Fiction & non-fiction books, marketing & branding documents, websites, blogs
Experience: Since 2003 (real estate, contract, marketing, & business proofreading);
since 2007 (fiction & non-fiction book editing, freelancing)
Subjects: Real estate, business, fiction, non-fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Bookin, Levi
POB 37202, Agrippas, Jerusalem 9137101 ISRAEL
Type of work: Substantive editing, copy editing, rewriting translations, desktop publishing
Type of material: Books
Experience: Editing since 2001. Legal and other document drafting since 1965
Subjects: European history, biography, Judaica
Availability: Full-time freelance
Bookout, Julia C.
Bookout Editorial Services
Type of work: Copyediting, substantive editing
Type of material: Journals, magazines, articles, dissertations and theses, annual reports, marketing materials, web sites
Experience: Since 2008 (freelance since 2015)
Subjects: Higher education, linguistics, fine art, photography, academic (social sciences, humanities)
Availability: Part-time freelance
Bosman, Bianca
Bianca Bosman Editing
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, papers, blog posts, and websites
Experience: Since 2021
Subjects: Philosophy (academic), history, language and language theory, sustainability, animal welfare and veganism, and
books about writing
Availability: Part-time freelance
Boss, David PEng
Boss Communications
3941 Angus Walk, Mississauga, ON L5M 7A6 CANADA
416-704-1839 (voice)
Type of work: Technical writing and editing, design and production
Type of material: Manuals and instructional materials, marketing materials, books, articles, website content
Experience: Since 1988 (freelance since 1996)
Subjects: Technology, business, science, nonfiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Boterf, Nicholas
Accolades Editorial Services
2873 Road 250A, Antwerp, OH 45813 USA
419-285-6447 (business)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, developmental editing, copyediting, translation (Latin, Ancient Greek
<−> English), fact-checking
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, online publications
Experience: Two years
Subjects: Classical studies, English, humanities, fiction, non-fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Boyle, Elizabeth, PhD
Forget-Me-Not Editing
Hartford, CT, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, developmental editing, proofreading, plain language editing, technical editing,
translation revision, editing for non-native English writers
Type of material: Journal articles, textbooks, monographs, books, theses and dissertations, blogs and online publications, presentations
Experience: Since 2012
Subjects: Humanities and social sciences (including literature, rhetoric and composition, history, cultural studies, gender
studies, psychology, film studies, philosophy, and theory), education, STEM (including natural sciences, engineering, and technology),
fiction, nonfiction, memoir
Availability: Part-time freelance
Braden, Beth
Oak Ridge, TN 37830 USA
Type of work: Line editing, copy editing, writing
Type of material: Articles, websites, books
Experience: Since 2012 (freelance since 2015)
Subjects: News, sci-fi, crime, medicine, any
Availability: Part-time freelance, open to one-time and ongoing projects
Bradley, Kristin
Luminate Editorial, LLC
Greater Seattle Area, WA, USA
Type of work: Manuscript evaluation, developmental editing, substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading,
interior book design, ebook formatting, project management, self-publishing consulting
Type of material: Books, booklets, short-form fiction (novellas, short stories, flash fiction), games, corporate/business communications,
marketing and promotional materials, training manuals, instructional materials, articles, newsletters, website and blog copy, book cover
and package copy
Experience: Freelance since 2019; part of employment responsibilities since 2013
Subjects: Fiction, nonfiction, children’s literature, children’s nonfiction, Christianity, business
Availability: Full-time freelance
Brady, Michael
Michael Brady Design
107 Faucette Mill Road, Hillsborough, NC 27278 USA
919-923-4455 (cell)
Type of work: Graphic design and production; line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, other printed matter
Experience: Since 1972 (freelance since 2005)
Subjects: General academic texts, especially legal and policy analysis, educational subjects, business
and technical subjects, humanities and general-interest topics
Availability: Full-time freelance
Branam, Linda
Branam Creative Services
Type of work: Coaching on fiction-craft, substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting
Type of material: Books, articles, web sites
Experience: Since 1996 (freelance since 2006)
Subjects: Genre fiction (fantasy and paranormal, YA and adult; speculative; mystery; crime; thriller); general nonfiction
Availability: Part-time freelance
Braswell, Richelle
Richelle Braswell Comprehensive Editing
Lorena, TX 76655 USA
Type of work: Manuscript evaluations, developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books
Experience: Since 2017 (freelance since 2020)
Subjects: Fiction, fantasy, cozy mystery, supernatural, paranormal, adult, YA
Availability: Full-time freelance
Braverman, Mimi
San Rafael, CA, USA
Type of work: Copyediting (electronic mss; some hard copy)
Type of material: Scholarly books and journals, conference proceedings
Experience: Editing since 1982, Freelancing since 1998
Subjects: Social sciences (anthropology, economics, political science, regional sciences), physical
and earth sciences (including history of science), some biological sciences, Jewish studies, folklore
and fairy tale studies, other humanities (history, philosophy, literary criticism)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Bremner, Lindsay R.
Altadena, CA 91001 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, substantive editing, ESL editing, developmental editing, proofreading, pre-submission peer review
Type of material: Books, journals, theses and dissertations, grant proposals, conference papers, abstracts
Experience: Since 2000 (freelance since 2014)
Subjects: Life sciences (especially neuroscience), medicine, some social sciences
Brenner, Erin
Right Touch Editing
4 Country Spring Loop, Haverhill, MA 01832 USA
978-996-0389 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting,
fact-checking, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 1995 (freelance since 2005)
Subjects: Business, Web, marketing, literature, general interest
Availability: Full-time freelance
Brooks, David
SPS Group, Inc.
169 S. Main Street; #384, New City, NY 10956 USA
646-808-0977 (voice), 818-398-6828 (cell)
Type of work: primary content writing for trade/industrial topics;
search engine optimization of content
Type of material: ecommerce catalogs, investor presentations/business
plans, blogs, press releases, websites, brochures, newsletters, emails,
trade show exhibits
Experience: Since 1982 (freelance since 2007)
Subjects: chemicals, plastics, packaging, printing & converting,
paper manufacturing, electronics, optics, biodegradation and composting
Availability: Full-time freelance
Broomfield, Liz
Birmingham, UK
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting,
indexing (also copywriting, typing and transcribing)
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, theses and
dissertations, novels, web sites, blogs, advertising material, work
translated into English for polishing by a native speaker
Experience: Since 2002 (freelance since 2009)
Subjects: Any except very technical or mathematics. Strong in
humanities, business, social sciences, religion. Particularly strong
with writers for whom English is a second language
Brown, Janet L.
Phoenix, AZ, USA
480-363-8182 (cell)
Type of work: Copy editing (Chicago, AP, house styles), proofreading, formatting
Type of material: Online content, web sites, articles, newsletters, trade publications, blogs
Experience: Freelancing since 2012; as part of job responsibilities, since 2006
Subjects: Sports (NFL, MLB), Christianity, animals/pets, travel, geography, technology, business
Availability: Full-time freelance
Brown, Marla
From The Heart Editing Services
115 S Dawes Avenue, Kingston, PA 18704 USA
570-706-6657 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, Manuscript Evaluation, Beta Reading
Type of material: ebooks, books
Experience: Since 2021 for freelance
Subjects: Romance Fiction, Paranormal Fiction, Science Fiction/Fantasy Fiction, Paranormal Romance Fiction,
Science Fiction Romance and Fantasy Romance Fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Browne, Christine
126 Creekview Circle, Carrboro, NC 27510 USA
571-216-3365 (cell)
Type of work: substantive editing, copyediting (Chicago, APA, AEA, and house styles), developmental editing, rewriting and
coaching, editing and guidance for ESL authors
Type of material: scholarly manuscripts, books, white papers, government and nonprofit reports, slide decks / PowerPoint
presentations, blog posts, press releases, website copy, tables and graphs
Experience: Since 2007 (freelance since 2020)
Subjects: psychology, social sciences, economics, marketing, business, public policy
Availability: Full-time freelance
Brunson, Kara
Silk Road Editing
Virginia Beach, VA 23456 USA
Type of work: Copyediting and proofreading
Type of material: Academic and trade nonfiction books, dissertations, journal articles
Experience: Since 1998 (freelance since 2009)
Subjects: International affairs, communication, religion, business and management, natural health
Availability: Full-time freelance
Bryan, Drew
816 1/2 East Street, Parkville, MO 64152 USA
Type of work: Copy editing, proofreading
Type of material: Books and articles
Experience: Since 1983 (freelance since 1999)
Subjects: General humanities, philosophy, history, popular culture
Availability: Full-time freelance
Bublitz, Stephen
16365 Ziegler Street, Taylor, MI 48180 USA
989-280-6891 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books (from science to cookbooks), journals (medical, natural science, etc.), grants, articles, reports,
web sites, fiction
Experience: Since 2008 (freelance since 2011)
Subjects: Social sciences, natural sciences, medical, homesteading, gardening, permaculture, regional news, music
(esp. traditional jazz)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Burch, Kelly
San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA
Type of work: substantive editing, line editing, copyediting,
coding/formatting/styling, indexing (controlled vocabulary and
back of book), proofreading, fact checking, expertise with nonnative English
Type of material: journal articles, trade nonfiction, reports, articles,
textbooks, reference works, conference proceedings, thesauri, bibliographic databases
Experience: Since 1994
Subjects: academic, humanities, social sciences, literary theory, hard-core
linguistics, psychology, history, education, life sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Burkley, Marilyn
Albany, OR 97321 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, magazines, articles, reports, websites
Experience: Since 2011
Subjects: Nonfiction, any, but especially memoirs, self-help, religion/spirituality, business
Availability: Full-time freelance
Cable, Charlotte
Charlotte Marie Cable
1210 Henry St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 USA
734-531-9945 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting, mapmaking, ELS
Type of material: Nonfiction/Academic: journals, articles, reports, academic websites, grant proposals, conference papers,
abstracts, technical manuals, theses, dissertations, curricula vitae
Experience: Since 2005 (freelance since 2014)
Subjects: Social Sciences and Humanities, especially Ancient History, Ancient Near East, Anthropology, Archaeology,
Area Studies, Biblical Studies, Digital Humanities, Ecology, Geography, Higher Education, History, International Development,
Middle East Studies, Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Social Work, Sociology, Sustainable Development, Theology,
Urban Planning, World History
Availability: Full-time freelance
Cairns, Anna
Type of work: Developmental editing, substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, research, indexing, investigative
reports, ghost writing, rewriting, scriptwriting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites, epubs
Experience: Freelance since 2009
Subjects: Investigation and Forensics reports or articles, Mystery and Sci-Fi and Fantasy book genres, Aviation,
Knitting, Crocheting
Availability: Full-time freelance
Cameron, Lesley
14260 Marc Road, Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2G5 CANADA
Type of work: Substantive and developmental editing, stylistic editing, copyediting, plain language editing, translation revision,
rewriting, content creation, coaching
Type of material: Books, training material, articles, reports, memoirs
Experience: Since 1993
Subjects: AI, business, education and training, gender, global development, health, legal aid, management
Availability: Full-time freelance
Campbell, Hazel
Miracle Close, Kingston, JAMAICA, W.I.
876-425-7685, 876-316-2287
Type of work: copyediting, proofreading, rewriting, business correspondence
Type of material: Books, articles, theses, papers, reports, scripts, speeches, newsletters
Experience: fifteen years, (freelancing two years)
Subjects: humanities, biography, Christian, general non-fiction, environment, international affairs, fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Campbell, Melinda
Baltimore, MD, USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting,proofreading
Type of material: Books, articles, web sites, blogs
Experience: Since 2007 (freelance since 2015)
Subjects: Non-fiction (life sciences, travel, food, animals), Fiction (science fiction, fantasy, paranormal)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Campbell, Nancy
38 Old High Street, Oxford OX3 9HN UK
+44 (0) 7758 519850
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of materials: Academic/scholarly and nonfiction trade books, fiction, journals, websites, bibliographies
Experience: Since 1996
Subjects: Humanities, literature, visual arts
Availability: Full-time freelance
Cannon, Janet
Janet T Cannon Writing Services
1220 Pontiac Trail, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 USA
734-834-0656 (cell)
Type of work: Proofreading, line editing, copyediting, translation (French <−> English), rewriting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites, poetry
Experience: Four years
Subjects: Music, poetry, education, agriculture, politics, current affairs, general
Availability: Full-time freelance
Cantrell, Alison
Portland, OR, USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books; short stories; website, blog, or social media copy; white papers, case studies, or other
academic formats; ad or B2C ecommerce/catalog copy; and marketing materials (including press releases, targeted emails,
newsletters, etc.)
Experience: Three years
Subjects: Fiction (adult and young adult), creative nonfiction, general computer/technology topics, retail/consumer
Availability: Full-time freelance
Cantwell, Laureen
340 Chipeta Avenue, Grand Junction, CO 81501 USA
Type of work: Substantive/Developmental editing, line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Books/Anthologies, stories articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Three years
Subjects: Fiction (books, anthologies, short stories, novellas), non-fiction/textbooks
Availability: Full-time freelance
Carlson-Bradley, Martha
Editing Services
PO Box 68, Hillsborough, NH 03244 USA
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, chapbooks, journals, articles, fellowship applications
Experience: Freelance since 2003
Subjects: Fiction; poetry; nonfiction; scholarship in humanities, social sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Carswell, Mary Anne
1110 - 146 Sumach Street, Toronto, ON M5A 0P7 CANADA
416-469-6784 (cell)
Type of work: Microsoft Word formatting, substantive editing, line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Academic books, journal articles, dissertations, grant proposals, tenure documents, poetry when I can get it
Experience: Since 2000 (freelance always)
Subjects: Humanities, social sciences, comparative lit
Availability: Full-time freelance
Carter, Danielle
Danielle N. Carter
Type of work: Copyediting, translation (Dutch −> English)
Type of material: Academic books, museum catalogues, museum texts, journals, articles, web sites
Experience: Since 2016
Subjects: Humanities, arts, social sciences, museums
Availability: Full-time freelance
Case, Ingrid
701 27th Avenue NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418 USA
Type of work: Substantive/development editing, line editing, rewriting,
copy writing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites,
newsletters, brochures
Experience: Since 1988
Subjects: Finance, business, investing, translate technical topics into English
Availability: Full-time freelance
Cash, Jan Mitsuko
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, translation (Japanese −> English)
Type of material: Books
Experience: Since 2015 (translation); since 2016 (editing)
Subjects: Fiction, comics/manga, light novels, translations, computers, STEM
Availability: Part-time freelance
Cassidy, Jean
JC Editorial Services LLC
Greater New York City area, USA
Type of work: line editing, copy editing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Freelance since 2003
Subjects: life sciences, medical/pharmaceutical material
Availability: Full-time freelance
Castro, Dev
Savannah, GA 31326 USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Books
Experience: Book editing (since 2023); business writing and editing (since 2014)
Subjects: Fantasy (preference for epic, sword & sorcery, magical realism)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Cernik, Frank
Scoria Press, LLC
77 Old Glenham Rd #697, Glenham, NY 12527 USA
845-765-0318 (voice)
Type of work: Developmental editing, substantive editing, line editing, manuscript evaluation, translation review
(Spanish, German, Russian −> English), rewriting, research, consulting
Type of material: Books, short stories, essays, journals, master's theses, articles, web sites
Experience: Literary magazines since 2009, freelance since 2016
Subjects: Literary fiction, speculative fiction, weird fiction, horror, humor, memoir, film, humanities, literature and
literary analysis, affect theory, phenomenology, philosophy, media studies, genre studies, intersectionality, social justice
issues, interdisciplinary scholarship, self-publishing
Availability: Full-time freelance
Chambers, Katie
Beacon Point
801-400-8166 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive/developmental editing, copy editing
Type of material: Books, websites, blogs, personal statements, resumes, essays
Experience: Freelance editor since 2015
Subjects: Nonfiction (self-help and memoirs), fiction (children’s books, chapter books, young adult fiction),
education, business, religion, academic
Availability: Part-time freelance
Champion, Suzanne
Silicon Valley, CA, USA
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting (light or standard), proofreading,
translation (Swedish, French, German -> English), translation proofreading,
ESL editing (language editing), technical writing
Type of material: Advertising, marketing, B2B, manuals, nonfiction books,
college textbooks, e-books, journals, articles, reports, websites, blogs
Experience: Since 1996
Subjects: Art and antiques, humanities, academic, business, green/sustainability,
popular health/medical/science, self-help, real estate, technology, women’s
studies, and more
Availability: Full-time freelance
Charlton, Kimberly
Ethical Proof, Limited
High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, UK
+44 (0)7971 864390
Type of work: Business editing / proofreading / writing. HTML/CMS proficient. Perfecting content by non-native English
writers (EAL, ESL, EFL). Fact checking and trademark compliance. UK/US English localisation.
Type of material: Web content, PowerPoint slides, e-books, staff handbooks and policies, marketing campaigns, professional
journals and newsletters, articles, reports
Experience: Since 1995 (freelance since 2009)
Subjects: Education and training, humanities, human resources, telecoms and media, international affairs
Availability: Full-time freelance / limited-term contracts
Chaudhuri, Jyotirmoy
New Delhi, INDIA
991-009-3243 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, rewriting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports
Experience: Since 2001 (freelance since 2016)
Subjects: New fiction writing, literary fiction, romance, mystery; travel, memoir, biography; environmental studies, science
and technology studies; military history, international relations
Availability: Full-time freelance
Chizinsky, Sandra
Beacon Editorial
7 Lupine Lane, South Burlington, VT, USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, substantive editing, line editing, and project oversight
Type of material: Books, reports, monographs, journal articles, proposals, corporate communications, and marketing materials
Experience: Since 1983
Subjects: Business, conflict management, economic development, emergency management, environmental issues, ethics, finance,
human resources, intergovernmental relations, international development, management and leadership, marketing, peacebuilding,
public administration, public policy, real estate development, risk management, strategic planning, sustainability, urban planning
and design
Availability: Full-time freelance
Chowdhury, Atoshi
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, proofreading, translation (Portuguese, French −> English)
Type of material: Journal articles, dissertations, books, grant proposals, essays, websites
Experience: Since 2019 (freelance editing)
Subjects: Mathematics, natural sciences, computer science, engineering, social sciences, music, other
Availability: Full-time freelance
Cinquegrani, Virginia
Capital Federal, Buenos Aires 1426 ARGENTINA
+54 9 11 5718 1215
Type of work: Spanish editing, copyediting and proofreading.
Type of material: Spanish, fiction (novels, short stories), nonfiction (journals, articles, reports, web sites,
academic papers).
Experience: 5 years.
Subjects: Medicine and health, science, economics, social sciences (psychology, anthropology, sociology), literature,
manuals, marketing.
Availability: Full-time freelance
Clinton, Pam
St. Louis, MO, USA
Type of work: Copy Editing, Proofreading
Type of material: Books-fiction
Subjects: Paranormal, Fantasy, Contemporary Romance, Paranormal Romance, Cozy Mystery, Paranormal Mystery
Availability: Full-time freelance
Cochrane, Mary
237 Wardman Road, Kenmore, NY 14217 USA
(716) 875-6551 (voice and cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, rewriting, indexing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites, emails, brochures, academic papers
Experience: 25-plus years
Subjects: Literary fiction, art history, studio art, art exhibitions, medical and scientific, history, literature, general university
academics, business and management, architecture, law
Availability: Full-time freelance
Cohen, Beth
North Woodmere, NY, USA
516-284-6425 (voice), 347-446-0668 (cell)
Type of work: Proofreading, photo research, text permissions, light copyediting, data entry
Type of material: College textbooks (humanities) and supplements, fiction, nonfiction, children’s books, Judaica,
catalogs, newspaper and magazine articles, websites
Experience: Since 1999 (freelance since 2007)
Availability: Part-time freelance
Cohen, Laurie
LSC Consulting
10702 Huntwood Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20901 USA
240-793-1269 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, curriculum design and quality assurance, proofreading
Type of material: Non-fiction: Books, journals, catalogues, sales literature, online eLearning modules, articles,
reports, web sites
Experience: Freelance since 1995
Subjects: Aerospace, financial services, government, medical, military, pharmaceutical, pharmacology, psychology,
technology, and telecommunications
Availability: Part-time freelance
Coll, Simon
Warrenpoint, Northern Ireland, UK
Type of work: Copyediting, translation (German −> English)
Type of material: books, journal articles, dissertations, theses, research proposals, conference presentations, websites
Experience: Since 2015
Subjects: History, sociology, cultural studies, area studies, linguistics, translation studies, video games.
Strong with texts written by non-native speakers of English (ESL)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Compton, James A.
1576 First Ave, Walnut Creek, CA 94597 USA
925-256-8794 (voice), 925-899-9269 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 1981 (freelance since 2004)
Subjects: Personal computers and technology
Availability: Full-time freelance
Conciatore, Jacqueline
9024 Route 29, Fairfax, VA 22031 USA
202-321-7230 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, developmental editing, line editing, proofreading, beta reading, fact-checking
Type of material: Books, journals, reference materials, articles, reports, web content
Experience: Since 1990s
Subjects: Life stories, humanities (especially history and literature), animal rights and welfare, social sciences, reference works
Availability: Full-time freelance
Cooper, Kelly J.
KJC Edits
1770 Mass Ave #632, Cambridge, MA 02140 USA
1-617-771-1903 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting, research, fact-checking
Type of material: nonfiction only for books, book chapters, theses, dissertations, journals, articles, reports, ad copy,
web sites, and comics (fiction or nonfiction)
Experience: Since 1994 (freelance since 2005)
Subjects: Specializing in psychology, social sciences, general science, and technology but interested in any nonfiction topics
Availability: Full-time freelance
Correa Buroni, Felipe
Avenida 18 de Julio, Montevideo URUGUAY
+598 99 105 540 (WA)
Type of work: Developmental editing (Spanish), substantive editing (Spanish), line editing (Spanish), copyediting (Spanish), translation
(Spanish <−> English), rewriting, book design
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 2013
Availability: Full-time freelance
Coulter, Neil R.
1709 Stewart Street, Cedar Hill, TX 75104 USA
Type of work: Proofreading, copyediting, translation (Tok Pisin <−> English), rewriting, fact checking
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites, letters, emails, CVs
Experience: Since 2012
Subjects: Ethnomusicology, musicology, visual arts, anthropology, cultural studies, performance studies,
sociolinguistics, literature, missiology, Christianity
Availability: Part-time freelance
Coykendall, Abby
Assurance Editing LLC
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Type of work: Copyediting (both line and substantive editing), proofreading, and book indexing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, educational materials, unpublished manuscripts and dissertations,
science and business writing
Experience: Twenty years (freelancing since 2020; book indexing since 2022)
Subjects: Humanities (esp. history, literature, and art), social sciences, medicine, fiction, non-fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Cross, Lynn
Wings for Your Words
641 Marshall Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55104 USA
612-770-7788 (cell)
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, substantive editing, developmental editing/rewriting, proofreading
Type of material: Books (fiction and nonfiction), articles, reports, memoir, web sites, PowerPoint presentations,
promotional material
Experience: Since 1980 (freelance since 2010), and currently as part of my day job in academia
Subjects: Social sciences, history, travel, self-help, fiction including SF, arts and literature, culinary arts,
natural health and nutrition, gardening
Availability: Part-time freelance
Crotty, Patricia
Arlington, MA 02476 USA
781-641-1132 (voice), 781-420-9032 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 1985 (freelance since 2002)
Subjects: Fiction, nonfiction, memoir, essays, art and film, humanities, education, social sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Crowley, Matthew
521 Bet Twice St., Henderson, NV 89015 USA
702-688-0566 (voice)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting.
Type of material: Articles, reports, websites, promotional materials including press releases.
Experience: Seventeen years
Subjects: General nonfiction, current events, business, corporate histories, books, language usage
Availability: Full-time freelance
Crowther, Brandon
Affordable Editors, LLC
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books (fiction or nonfiction), journals, articles, short stories
Experience: Since 2008
Subjects: Fiction (science fiction, fantasy, speculative fiction); nonfiction (popular science, legal, memoirs, technical)
Availability: Part-time freelance
Crum, Erin
Paris 75020 FRANCE
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, articles, reports, policy papers
Experience: Since 1996 (freelance since 2010)
Subjects: Fiction—contemporary romance, "chick lit," paranormal, NA/YA, mystery.
Nonfiction—environment, climate change, sustainability, animal welfare.
Availability: Full-time freelance
Cunningham, Donna
Houston, TX, USA
Type of work: Proofreading, technical editing and writing, copyediting, video scripting. Translation
(Persian Farsi <−> English)
Type of material: Business documents - RFx proposal responses, training, marketing (B2B/B2C), presentations, posters, articles,
blogs, reports, evaluations, abstracts, websites
Experience: Since 1994 (freelance since 2018)
Subjects: Corporate communication (all types, digital and/or print)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Cutler, Ellen B.
LNB Associates
567 Beards Hill Road, Aberdeen, MD 21001 USA
410-272-1905 (voice)
Type of work: Copyediting, research, rewriting
Type of material: Books, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Freelance since 2000
Subjects: Art, art history, humanities, education
Availability: Part-time freelance
Dahl, Kathryn K.
20 Hawthorne Street, Watertown, MA 02472 USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, rewriting, original writing, proofreading, production coordination,
project management
Type of material: Digital and print textbooks and ancillary materials, scholarly books, journals, magazines,
association publications, proposals, nonfiction for a general audience
Experience: Since 1980 (freelance since 1997)
Subjects: Social studies (including history, government, civics, contemporary issues), business, education,
international development, general interest
Daniel, Howard E.
124 Shamrock Circle, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 USA
707-657-7674 (voice), 707-888-4724 (cell)
Type of work: Writing, copyediting, substantive editing
Type of material: Business writing – speeches, opinion/op-ed pieces, website copy, brochures, news releases, reports,
analyses, misc. business writing. Editing – any general expository material (material not requiring specialized technical
background), books
Experience: Since 1994
Subjects: Anything an experienced, well-read generalist could research and make sense of
Availability: Full-time
Dannaker, Alyssa
Empath Editor
Philadelphia, PA, USA
215-353-8456 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, copywriting, content marketing, rewriting, proofreading,
ghostwriting, writing process coaching, marketing
Type of material: Books (print and eBooks), blogs and articles, websites, emails, case studies, advertising and public
relations materials, branding/brand identity materials and other marketing materials
Experience: Three years
Subjects: General nonfiction, humanities, self-help, mindfulness, mental health, wellness, healthcare, marketing, technology,
industrial, business services, communication, arts and culture, nonprofit, animal rights, small business, entrepreneurship,
Availability: Part-time freelance
Das, Angshuman
Kolkata, INDIA
+91 983-100-4749 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: 15 years
Subjects: International affairs, social sciences, natural sciences, creative nonfiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Davidson, Suzanne
Milwaukee, WI, USA
Type of work: Copyediting (electronic or paper)
Type of material: College texts, scholarly works, nonfiction
Experience: Since 1984
Subjects: Social sciences, law and criminal justice, business
and finance, politics, public policy, history, genealogy
Availability: Full-time freelance
Davies, Vanessa, PhD
Philadelphia, PA 19145 USA
Type of work: Substantive (developmental) editing, rewriting, copyediting, proofreading, translation (English <−>
German, French, Spanish), indexing, grant proposals
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, grant applications, campaign and promotional materials
Experience: Since 2003 (freelance since 2014)
Subjects: Social sciences, humanities, fine arts
Availability: Full-time freelance
Davis, Lloyd
6-19 Tennis Crescent, Toronto, ON M4K 1J4 CANADA
416-462-0230 (voice), 416-462-1840 (fax)
Type of work: Copyediting (hard copy and onscreen), line editing,
indexing, proofreading
Type of material: Books (nonfiction and fiction), newsletters,
marketing materials -- and, once, a Cheerios box
Experience: Since 1987 (freelance since 2000)
Subjects: Biography, sports (hockey, baseball, curling), pop culture,
business (personal finance, investing), history, media, politics,
technology, computers, fiction, young-adult fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Davis, M.L.
Last Stop Editing
Lynchburg, VA, USA
Type of work: Copy editing, proofreading, academic editing
Type of material: Academic papers, books, articles, reports, documents, websites, and works of fiction.
Experience: Since 2000
Subjects: Medical, education, technology, business, social sciences, natural sciences, fiction, and more.
Availability: Full-time freelance
Davis, Shelly
The Detail Devil
San Jose, CA, USA
(415) 993-9666 (voice)
Type of work: Developmental editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, blogs, websites
Experience: Twenty years
Subjects: Women’s fiction, historical fiction, literary fiction, memoir, suspense, psychological thriller,
young adult, romance
Availability: Full-time freelance
Davis, Sylvia
Hyattsville, MD 20781 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, articles
Experience: Ten years, Copyediting Certificate UCSD
Subjects: General nonfiction, fiction, history, pop culture, film, humanities
Availability: Full-time freelance
Dee, Eliza
Clio Editing Services
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, articles, dissertations and theses, blogs, websites, business communications, legal writing
Experience: Since 2004
Subjects: Fiction (literary, general, and romance, SFF, mystery, thriller, YA, and other genre fiction; novels, novellas,
and shorts); Nonfiction (including travel, how-to, memoir, business, self-help); Academic (especially social sciences,
humanities, law)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Deer, Marie
1220 East First Street, Bloomington, IN 47401 USA
(and California Bay Area, USA)
Type of work: line editing, copyediting, ESL editing, proofreading, translation, including translations of poetry
(French−>English, German−>English, Spanish−>English), indexing, writing coaching
Type of material: Books, articles, dissertations, college textbooks, elementary textbooks, websites, personal materials,
Experience: Since 1980 (freelance since 1990)
Subjects: literature, poetry, philosophy, history, art history, religious history, religious studies, anthropology,
language learning, international, memoir, poetry, open to other fields
Availability: Full-time freelance
De Stefano, George
GdS Editorial Services
4–74 48th Avenue, 18J, Long Island City, NY 11109 USA
718-729-0243 (voice), 917-444-2217 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, translation (Italian > English), writing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, book proposals, web content
Experience: Since 1998 (freelance since 2013)
Subjects: Culture and the arts, social science, health, sexuality, politics, international affairs, general interest
Availability: Full-time freelance
Devaney, MJ
Williamsburg, VA, USA
Type of work: Editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, articles, essays
Experience: Since 1995
Subjects: Humanities, social sciences, science, medicine
DeVinney, Timothy J.
88A Denbigh Street, London SW1V 2EX UK
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Books, journal articles, research papers, CME presentations, textbooks, trade nonfiction, memoirs, essays,
web sites, XML documents, and PGP encrypted documents
Experience: Since 1987
Subjects: Medicine, health science, dentistry, nephrology, immunology, neuropsychology, psychopharmacology, genetics,
psychology, psychiatry, behavioral science, self-help, cultural history (Greece and Turkey), tai chi, Buddhism, and Taoism
Availability: Full-time freelance
DiBella, Samuel
1330 Eastern Parkway #3C, Brooklyn, NY 11233 USA
Type of work: copyediting, proofreading, indexing
Type of material: Exhibition catalogs & art exhibition materials, art books, journal articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 2015
Subjects: Art, medical, technology/computer science
Availability: Full-time freelance
Dittman, Evangeline, MLIS
Rosefinch Editorial
Seattle, WA, USA
206-661-1470 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, proofreading, digital publishing with InDesign
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, blogs, reports, web sites, e-learning materials
Experience: Two years
Subjects: Education, social sciences, humanities, history, photography, parenting and childhood development, memoir,
business, fashion and beauty, travel.
Availability: Full-time freelance
Djedovic, Alex
Clarity Doctors Writing Consultants
717 Bay Street, Toronto, ON M5G 2J9 CANADA
Type of work: Developmental editing, copyediting, reference consistency (APA, MLA, Chicago)
Type of material: Academic articles, dissertations, grant proposals, cover letters, academic book
Experience: Since 2010 (freelance since 2020)
Subjects: Social sciences, natural sciences, humanities
Availability: Part-time freelance
Doan, Hanh
+84 934 800 285 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, interpretation (OPI, consecutive, simultaneous), translation
Type of material: Academic books, journal articles, dissertations, business documents, presentations, catalogs, reports, websites
Experience: Since 2005
Subjects: Education, TESOL, psychology, sociology, hospitality, construction, business, literature, legal, marketing, advertising
Availability: Part- to full-time freelance
Dolber, Paul
Dolber Writing and Consulting, LLC
1434 Norman Hill Lane, League City, TX 77573 USA
919-451-9640 (cell)
Type of work: medical editing, medical writing, substantive editing, copyediting, theses; very often for non-native English
speakers (ESL)
Type of material: medical and biomedical articles, manuscripts, grant applications, proposals, needs assessments, AMA style
Experience: since 1980 (academic medical research including writing); since 2019 (full-time editing and writing)
Subjects: medicine and biomedical science, especially oncology, pathology, cardiology, neuroscience, neurology, urology,
critical care medicine, physiology, immunology, pharmacology, health
Availability: full-time freelance
Donovan, Lauren
The Book Foundry
Bear, DE 19701 USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, copyediting, manuscript critique, proofreading
Type of material: Books, blogs, essays, RPG manuals, newsletters, proposals
Experience: Since 2019
Subjects: Fiction (fantasy, horror, science fiction, thrillers), memoirs, general nonfiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Douglas, Ellen PhD
Douglas Proofreading and Copyediting
Sellersville, PA 18960 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, proofreading
Type of material: scholarly books, journals, articles;
reports, newsletters, advertising materials
Experience: Since 2010
Subjects: classical studies, history, linguistics, humanities; business
Availability: Part-time freelance
Dowdle, Brittany
Word Cat Editorial Services
Suches, GA 30572 USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, manuscript evaluations, copyediting, proofreading, and author coaching.
Type of material: Books, manuscripts, e-books.
Experience: Since 2006 (freelance since 2011)
Subjects: Fiction: speculative/science fiction, urban fantasy, historical fiction, cozies, crime/mystery, and police procedural.
Nonfiction: eighteenth- and nineteenth-century literature, nature, art history, women’s history, automotive and racing history,
popular science, popular culture, travel, and education.
Availability: Full-time freelance
Dozier, Samantha
Ithaca, NY, USA
607-279-4282 (cell)
Type of work: Scientific editing, copyediting, substantive editing, line editing, proofreading, formatting
Type of material: Journal articles, textbooks, dissertations, grant proposals, corporate documents, regulatory documents,
LaTex editing
Experience: Twelve years
Subjects: Molecular biology, genetics, nanotechnology, biochemistry, immunology, plant biology, medical education,
and regulatory testing (pharma)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Dubnick, Heather
Heather Dubnick Editorial Services
39 Dodge St. #356, Beverly, MA 01915 USA
978-969-3122 (voice), 508-932-6955 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, translation
(English--Spanish), proofreading, indexing, project management
Type of material: Books, journals, articles
Experience: Since 2001 (freelance since 2004)
Subjects: Humanities, social sciences, arts, foreign language
Availability: Full-time freelance
Dubois, Christina
Christina Dubois Publishing Services
PO Box 13127, Burton, WA 98013 USA
206-567-9796 (voice), 206-369-7367 (cell)
Type of work: DevelDevelopmental editing, line editing, copyediting, writing, rewriting, proofreading, layout and graphic design
Type of material: Books, journals, articles
Experience: Editing since 1988, graphic design since 1990, freelancing since 1996
Subjects: Nonfiction (social sciences, humanities, memoir and biography), fiction (mystery, historical fiction, young adult and
children’s books)
Availability: Part-time freelance
Duet, Laura
New Orleans, LA, USA
504-202-7082 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, websites, manuals, brochures
Experience: Freelance since 2018
Subjects: True crime, horror, occult/new age, fiction, nonfiction, biographies, music, travel
Availability: Part-time freelance
Dula, Ronn PhD
The Dula Group
2105 Rabb Glen Street, Austin, TX 78704 USA
512-415-5113 (voice), 512-415-5113 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Books (fiction and creative non-fiction), short stories, articles
Experience: Since 1992
Subjects: Science fiction, fantasy, speculative fiction, true crime, mystery, thriller, military memoir, archaeology,
climate disruption, rapid climate change
Availability: Full-time freelance
Duncan, Elaine
Light Touch Editing
17550 SE 60th St., Bellevue, WA 98006 USA
925-628-3163 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, websites
Experience: Since 1983 (freelance since 2015)
Subjects: Legal materials, nonfiction, business, academic, natural sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Dunn, Angelique
Corr Editing
Walker Springs Road, Knoxville, TN 37923 USA
Type of work: copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web copy, press releases
Experience: Since 2004
Subjects: general non-fiction, business, general fiction, social justice, LGBT, minority religions, gender studies
Availability: Full-time freelance
Durnan, Crystal
Anima Editing
St. Petersburg, FL, USA
Type of work: Proofreading, copyediting, developmental editing, rewriting
Type of material: Books, short stories, articles, blogs, reports
Experience: Since 2016 (freelance since 2018)
Subjects: Fiction (contemporary fiction, thriller/suspense, sci-fi, fantasy, horror, crime), nonfiction (music, film,
literature, art, ornithology, wildlife biology, environmental science.)
Availability: Full-time freelance
DuSablon, Alexandra
DuSablon Editing
Seattle, WA 98106 USA
512-203-3225 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting (Chicago, APA), proofreading, beta reading, line editing
Type of material: Books, websites and digital content, business communications, reports, marketing materials,
presentations, grant proposals, games
Experience: Since 2023
Subjects: Fiction (literary, horror), non-fiction (memoir, food, gardening, outdoor recreation, astrology and the occult),
government, non-profit, fundraising
Availability: Full-time freelance
Eagan, Kevin
P.O. Box 138261, Clermont, FL 34713 USA
618-972-0465 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, book layout
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 2007 (freelance)
Subjects: Humanities, literature, arts/culture, creative nonfiction, social sciences,
academic writing, travel writing, self-help, digital publishing, technology
Availability: Full-time freelance
Edelman, Nina
Edelman Editing
Lewes, DE, USA
(845) 594-6468 (cell)
Type of work: Line editing, copy editing, proofreading
Type of material: Websites, blog posts, newsletters, product guides, graduate admission essays, nonfiction books,
children’s literature, and much more
Experience: Two years
Subjects: Marketing, business, advertising, fitness, Christianity
Availability: Part-time freelance
Eerkes-Medrano, John
943 Bank Street, Victoria, BC V8S 4B1 CANADA
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals
Experience: Since 1980
Subjects: History, biography, memoirs, current affairs, international
affairs, travel, exploration, politics
Availability: Full-time freelance
Ellenbogen, Sara
Somerville Editors
84 Grant Street, Somerville, MA 02145 USA
857 523 9826 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing, substantive editing, line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Books, journal articles, dissertations, and more
Experience: Ten years
Subjects: Humanities, social sciences, fiction, memoir, and nonfiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Enticknap, Sarah
Route 1, Box 1786, San Leon, TX 77539 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of materials: Books, journals
Experience: Since 1989
Subjects: Medical, scientific, nonfiction
Erdey, Susan
1414 Elm Street, Peekskill, NY 10566 USA
914-393-0896 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, line editing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites, blogs
Experience: Since 1987
Subjects: Religion, theology, social sciences, non-profit management, organic gardening, food (cooking, preservation)
Availability: Part-time freelance
Erlick, Louise S.
Type of work: copyediting, proofreading, research/fact-checking
Type of materials: statistical, annual, and other reports; magazine and journal
articles; marketing materials; Web site text; directories and catalogs; examinations
and related information
Experience: Since 1978
Subjects: general, health care, education, government
Ernst, Stephanie
5603 Neosho Street
St. Louis, MO 63109 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, substantive editing, line editing, developmental
editing, writing/rewriting, research
Type of material: Books (nonfiction and fiction), journals, encyclopedias,
textbooks, academic and legal articles, Web sites, public relations
Experience: Since 1999 (freelance since 2004)
Subjects: literary criticism, conservation and environmental studies, animal
rights, green living, women’s studies, LGBT studies, history, secondary
Availability: Full-time freelance
Evans, Ric
The Quality Writer
54 Stoney Creek Drive, Clifton Park, NY 12065 USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, rewriting, copywriting, documentation, forms
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, white papers, instruction manuals
Experience: 40 years off and on
Subjects: SOPs, work instructions, Quality Management Systems, electronics/electrical, manufacturing
Availability: Full-time freelance
Everhart, Ginger
Ginger Everhart Writing & Editorial Services
Edmonds, WA 98026 USA
206-409-6877 (voice)
Type of work: Developmental editing, substantive editing, line editing, copy editing (Chicago, APA, and AP styles), proofreading,
ghostwriting, screenwriting, play writing, copywriting
Type of material: Novels, nonfiction books, scripts, short stories, essays, blogs, web sites, catalogs, games, newsletters, magazine
and journal articles
Experience: Since 2015
Subjects: Literary fiction, genre fiction, play scripts, screenplays, creative nonfiction/memoir, publicity/marketing,
product descriptions, academic writing, social sciences, future trends, finance and banking
Availability: Part-time freelance
Every, Barbara, ELS
BioMedical Editor
14 Gilmore Crescent, St. Albert, AB T8N 1B3 CANADA
780-418-1969 (voice), 780-418-0052 (fax)
Type of work: Copyediting, stylistic editing, substantive editing, proofreading, journal
formatting, AMA and APA styling, writing
Type of material: Medical and scientific journal articles, technical
reports, textbooks, websites, business materials
Experience: Since 1988 (freelance since 1996)
Subjects: Specialize in general and technical biomedical science (eg, biology, genetics, health care,
medicine, psychology) and working with authors whose first language is not English
Availability: Full-time freelance
Farrell, Michael
The Write Guy
444 Eastbridge Drive, Oviedo, FL 32765 USA
407-278-4635 (voice), 336-706-2038 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, researching, rewriting, indexing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles
Experience: Since 2004 (freelance since 2004)
Subjects: Theology, general fiction, history, biography
Availability: Part-time freelance
Fatton, Joe
40 Vessel Rock Rd., Gilsum, NH 03448 USA
Type of work: Copyediting and proofreading
Type of material: Books, magazines, manuals, technical materials
Experience: Since 1984
Subjects: Computer technology, computer industry, technical editing, literature
Feldman, Barb
8 Meadow Larkway, Toronto, ON M2N 5Z8 CANADA
416-486-3796 (voice), 416-939-4791 (cell)
Type of work: Stylistic editing, line editing, copyediting, researching, rewriting, fact-checking
Type of material: Books, case studies, reports, white papers, marketing materials, web sites, articles
Experience: Since 1999 (freelance since 2006)
Subjects: Transportation, construction, public policy, social issues, cultural issues, how-to, general fiction,
speculative fiction, memoir, historical fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Ferguson, Cari
Toronto, ON, CANADA
Type of work: Substantive editing, stylistic editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, rewriting, style guide creation
Type of material: Nonfiction, books, journals, articles, reports, websites, Christian, training material, PowerPoint
presentations, brochures, newsletters, etc.
Experience: Since 2004
Subjects: Social sciences, humanities, public policy, religion, business, sales, education, ESL, training
Availability: Part-time freelance
Fernandez, Philomena
XII/220A, Desai Road, Vazhakala, Kochi 682030 INDIA
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, rewriting, proofreading, researching
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 2001 (freelance since 2004)
Subjects: Management, social sciences, natural sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Festa, Ashley
Ashley Festa Writing
Greenville, SC, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, feature writing
Type of material: Magazines, websites, K–12 educational curriculum
Experience: Since 2002
Subjects: Social sciences, hard sciences, humanities, higher education, essays, fundraising campaigns, other nonfiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Fester, Jennifer
East Dundee, IL 60118 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Nonfiction books, journals
Experience: Since 1994 (freelance since 2006)
Subjects: Law, social sciences, STEM
Availability: Full-time freelance
Fiedler, Nadine
Nadine Fiedler, Writer and Editor
Portland, Oregon, USA
Type of work: Substantive and developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting
Type of material: Everything considered. Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites, social media posts, and more
Experience: Since 1985 as freelancer, edited full time when employed as publications director at Reed College and
Catlin Gabel School since 1990
Subjects: All considered. Special expertise in arts, cooking, independent schools and education, fiction, and
making academic writing clear and accessible to wider audiences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Fievez, Taylor
Bellingham, WA 98226 USA
(509)942-8802 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, developmental editing, copyediting, rewriting, proofreading
Type of material: Academic articles, essays, and dissertations; business/marketing correspondence, copy, and handbooks;
biological/environmental consultation reports
Experience: Two years
Subjects: Biology, environmental sciences
Availability: Part-time freelance
Firestone, Elaine R., ELS
ERF Editorial Consulting
Savage, MD, USA
240-786-7540 (voice)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Books, journal articles, reports, white papers, technical reports, web sites
Experience: 30+ years
Subjects: corrosion science; enology; viticulture; botany (evolutionary, reproductive, systematics, and ecological);
horticulture; floriculture; environmental sciences; oceanography (physical, biological, and chemical); meteorology;
sensor technology (atmospheric, optical, marine, and oceanographic); astronomy; heliophysics; computer science;
flight dynamics; calibration and validation; remote sensing; astronomy; and many more
Availability: Full-time freelance
Fisher, Deborah
1343 Elon Circle, Fort Washington, PA 19034 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, writing
Type of material: Books, magazines, newsletters, directories, technical materials,
Experience: Since 1988
Subjects: Business, computers, real estate, music; can learn any topic
Fisher, Janice
Philadelphia, PA 19103 USA
215-735-1214 (landline)
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, line editing, fact checking, and proofreading, conforming to Chicago,
AMA, APA, AP, and house styles, including for ESL authors
Type of material: Academic and trade books, periodicals, articles, reports; dissertations and theses; exhibition
catalogues; web sites; interactive training programs
Experience: Since 1980 (freelance since 1992)
Subjects: Business, humanities and social sciences, pharmaceutical, health care, medical education
Availability: Full-time freelance
Fletcher, Cameron
Arlington, VA, USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports
Experience: Since 1996 (full-time and freelance)
Subjects: International affairs, natural sciences, policy, fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Flynn, Elizabeth
Flynn Books Words & Ideas
PO Box 47358, Seattle, WA 98146 USA
206-227-5793 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, rewriting, copywriting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, websites
Experience: Since 1977 (freelance since 2013)
Subjects: Genre fiction, finance, technology
Availability: Full-time freelance
Flynn, Kelly
White Glove Editing
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, ESL editing (esp. Chinese, German, French), rewriting, proofreading,
localization (UK/US English)
Type of material: Books, articles, catalogs, museum wall text
Experience: Freelance since 2001; 20-plus years in Asia
Subjects: Asian art, contemporary art, European art
Availability: Full-time freelance
Fogdall, Jon
JDFogdall Editing
3468 Don Ortega Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92010 USA
Type of work: Proofreading, copyediting, technical document editing
Type of material: Books, manuals, journals, articles
Experience: Since 2016 (technical writer 1980-2013)
Subjects: Technical, religious, fiction
Availability: Part-time freelance
Ford, Jennifer
112 Cherrywood Ct., Collegeville, PA 19460 USA
202-207-5542 (cell)
Type of work: substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading, web content management
Type of material: books, reports, websites, journals
Experience: since 2002 (freelance since 2006)
Subjects: medical, social sciences
Availability: part-time freelance
Forgas, Claudia
Claudia Forgas Editorial Services
Toronto, ON, CANADA
Type of work: Copy editing, proofreading, rewriting, substantive editing, stylistic
editing, and project management
Type of material: Textbooks, nonfiction trade books, annual reports, newsletters,
advertising materials, web sites, and more
Experience: Since 1996
Subjects: Management, organizational behavior, the environment, Canadian history,
world history, writing guides, psychology, political science, and more
Availability: Full-time freelance
Foster, Robert
555 Coalbrook Drive, Midlothian, VA 23114 USA
804-661-5706 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, auxilliary educational materials for textbooks
(review questions, quizzes, charts, etc.)
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, web sites
Experience: Three years
Subjects: Humanities, esp. but not only religious studies
Availability: Part-time freelance
Fothergill-Brown, Ann
Sampler Services
Smiths Falls, ON, CANADA
myeditor at samplerservices dot com
613-283-1549 (voice and messages)
Type of work: Copyediting, substantive editing/rewriting, abstracting, table editing, Microsoft Word formatting,
Adobe Acrobat (PDF preparation and mark-up)
Type of material: Journal articles, books, e-books, reports, brochures, conference proceedings, manuals, training courses,
Web sites
Experience: Since 1978 (freelance since 1998)
Subjects: Medicine (traditional and complementary, esp. dialysis, oncology, medical imaging, therapeutic massage),
health care, health economics, applied science, ornithology, computer applications, information technology, public policy,
transportation safety, administrative procedures, business plans, other nonfiction
Availability: Part-time freelance
Fox, Linda
Linda Fox Editing
Charlotte, NC, USA
704-968-0387 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, rewriting
Type of material: Journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 2016
Subjects: Academic, business, technology, medical, social sciences, natural sciences, history, arts, alternative subjects,
literature, management, sales
Availability: Full-time freelance
Fraser, Dahlia
62 Marvins Park, Ocho Rios, St Ann, JAMAICA
876-974-2307 (voice), 876-821-0880 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports
Experience: Since 1990 (freelance since 2015)
Subjects: International affairs, social sciences, natural sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Freestar, Kyra
Bridge Creek Editing
2940 Westlake Avenue N, Suite 303, Seattle, WA 98109 USA
206-300-2601 (cell)
Type of work: Academic editing, copyediting, line editing, proofreading
Type of material: Journal articles, grant proposals, research reports, books (fiction)
Experience: Since 2005
Subjects: Health sciences, social sciences, interdisciplinary scholarship (especially gender, environment, social justice),
genre fiction (especially SFF and SFF romance)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Fulweiler, Mary
Double Checkers Editing
192 Brecks Lane, Wilmington, DE 19807 USA
Type of work: Copyediting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites, essays
Experience: Since 2011
Subjects: Music, performing arts, fiction, Shakespeare
Aailability: Part-time freelance
NEW! …
Gage, Elizabeth
Abstract to Appendix Editorial
Dallas, TX, USA
Type of work: Copy editing, line editing, manuscript evaluation (substantive editing), formatting, coaching
Type of material: Academic writing (journals, articles, dissertations, theses) and legal writing
Experience: Five years
Availability: Part-time freelance
Gainer, Ashley
AG Editorial Services
1110 Fearrington Post, Pittsboro, NC 27312 USA
919-590-3902 (voice)
Type of work: line editing, copyediting, rewriting
Type of material: Books, articles, reports, web sites, patterns, case studies, white papers, blogs, course materials
Experience: Since 2001 (freelance since 2010)
Subjects: B2B, B2C, business, entrepreneurship, personal finance, marketing, fiction, non-fiction, memoir,
self-published titles
Availability: part-time freelance
Gallagher, Siobhán
Iguana Talk
+44 748 0748 863 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, translation (Italian <− English, Spanish > <−>
English), rewriting, copywriting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 2005 (freelance since 2015)
Subjects: Social sciences, wellness, travel, culture, lifestyle, gastronomy
Availability: Full-time freelance
Gallardo, Keila
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, translation (Spanish <−> English), writing, manuscript
evaluation, beta reading, sensitivity reading, researcher.
Type of material: Books, scripts, comics, manga
Experience: Since 2022
Subjects: Fiction (thriller, horror, science fiction, fantasy, speculative fiction, magic realism, crime, romance, etc),
creative non-fiction
Availability: Part-time freelance
Galle, Karen
Hilltop Editorial Services
Alfred, NY, USA
603-986-2275 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copy editing, proofreading
Type of material: Non-fiction books, articles, reports, websites, newsletters, marketing material, white papers, manuals, reference guides
Experience: Since 2011 (freelance since 2014)
Subjects: Business, government, economics, health care, IT, agriculture, biotechnology, STEM, biography
Availability: Part-time freelance
Gambrell, Melanie
Epic Editorial Services
San Diego, CA, USA
760-728-1868 (voice)
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, proofreading (electronic or hard copy) (language editing for nonnative speakers)
Type of material: Books, manuscripts, journals, articles, and newsletters
Experience: Three years (freelance), two years (language editing for nonnative speakers), nineteen years (teacher),
three years (journalist)
Subjects: Memoir, fiction, nonfiction, children’s, young adult
Availability: Full-time freelance
Ganis, Julia
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type of work: Copy editing, line editing, light developmental edits
Type of material: Fiction of all lengths
Experience: Since 2013
Subjects: Romance, women’s fiction and associated subgenres
Availability: Full-time freelance
Gardner, Denise
Creative Content Connection
Type of work: editing, copyediting, proofreading, content writer
Type of material: marketing content, articles, journals, reports, press releases, blogs, newsletters, textbooks
Experience: Since 2011
Subjects: general and special education, travel and hospitality, journalism, health and fitness, food and wine
Availability: Full-time freelance
Gardner, Eleonor
Killeen, TX 76542 USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, developmental editing, manuscript formatting, book cover and interior design
Type of material: Books, articles, websites
Experience: Six years
Subjects: Fiction (thriller, dark fantasy, young adult, children’s), and general nonfiction (cookbooks, memoir, travel, military,
true crime)
Availability: Part-time freelance
Gargiulo, Joseph
Brooklyn, NY 11223 USA
347-218-1634 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports,
essays, dissertations, short stories, plays, poems
Experience: Since 2008
Subjects: Academic, fiction, nonfiction, cultural, sci-fi/fantasy, pop
culture, general reporting
Availability: Full-time freelance
Gary, Heather Grennan
Valparaiso, IN, USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting, ghostwriting, editing for non-native English
writers (ESL/ENL)
Type of material: Articles (essays, features, interviews, op-ed pieces, profiles, reviews), brochures, journals,
newsletters, reports, memoirs, biographies, web content
Experience: Since 1998 (freelance since 2005)
Subjects: Humanities (religious studies, theology, history), education (higher ed and K-12), governance, health, memoir,
parenting, personal finance, spirituality, travel
Availability: Part-time freelance
Gazis, Jean
Jean Gazis Copy & Content Services
PO Box 633, New York, NY 10156 USA
646-397-1202 (voice), 917-701-8263 (cell)
Type of work: copyediting, line editing, developmental editing, proofreading, fact-checking, copywriting, article writing, newsletter
writing & production, business & nonprofit communications, presentations, book reviewing, book awards judging, copyright permissions
Type of material: Traditional and indie books (fiction, nonfiction, business, memoir), articles, reports, web content, newsletters,
personal & college admissions essays
Experience: 25+ years
Subjects: Fiction (general, literary, mystery, historical, speculative), nonfiction (general, business, nature, environment,
conservation, hiking, camping, sailing, memoir, personal essay, higher education, parenting, mental health & wellness, art, feminism,
social justice)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Geist, Jennifer
Pen & Publish, Inc.
4735 S. SR 446, Bloomington, IN 47401 USA
314-827-6567 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, cover design, interior design,
eBook formatting, imprint creation
Type of material: Books, eBooks, Articles
Experience: Since 2005 (Freelance since 2010)
Subjects: Fiction (literary, experimental, general, young adult, humor, fantasy, etc.), nonfiction
(memoirs, how-to, literature, etc.)
Gibson, Amanda
10825 NE 112th Street, Kirkland, WA 98033 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, substantive editing, proofreading, manuscript consultation
Type of material: Fiction and nonfiction books, journals, articles, websites, informational material, grants,
corporate communications
Experience: Editorial freelancer since 2007
Subjects: Social sciences, regional studies, Russian culture, literature, literary fiction, horticulture, nonprofit development
Availability: Full-time freelance
Gibson, Melody
New York, USA
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, rewriting
Type of material: Books (fiction or nonfiction), websites, newsletters, email marketing, blogs, articles, short stories
Experience: Since 2015 (freelance since 2021)
Subjects: Fiction (contemporary, upmarket, fantasy, science fiction, thriller); nonfiction (memoir, essays, food/cookbooks,
health/lifestyle, music, design, culture, marketing, TV/film)
Availability: Part-time freelance
Gilliam, Lisa
Wyandotte, MI 48192 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, short stories, anthologies
Experience: Since 2015
Subjects: Fiction only — science fiction, fantasy, crime, paranormal, supernatural, mystery, romance, adventure,
thriller, suspense
Ginsburg, Jill
1018 E. Seldon Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85020 USA
Type of work: Academic copy editing, single and multi-author works, editing non-native English authors (ESL and EFL),
Spanish-language proofing and research, substantive editing for juvenile market
Type of material: Books, journal articles, bibliographies, websites, content and scripts for interactive learning
(electronic media), novels, juvenile fiction and nonfiction
Experience: 16 years, MA
Subjects: Latin American history, humanities, arts, social movements, higher education, Spanish language learning,
juvenile fiction and nonfiction, novels
Availability: Near full-time
Glaser, Josh
Kizugawa-shi, Kyoto-fu 619-0224 JAPAN
090-1145-3556 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, substantive editing, line editing, proofreading, book indexing
Type of material: Books, journal articles, EFL/ESL course materials
Experience: Since 2017
Subjects: Cultural studies, education, literature, natural sciences, physical sciences
Availability: Part-time freelance
Goldberg, Laurie Lane
Other Eyes Editing
5508 Norwood Avenue, Loveland, CO 80538-9118 USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, revisions,
indexing, proofreading (electronic and hard copy)
Type of material: books, articles, reports, web sites, theses, dissertations
Experience: Freelance editing (since 1987); certificate
in scholarly editing and publishing (2004)
Subjects: Social science, general nonfiction, self-help, academic
Availability: Part-time freelance
Goodell, Andrew
San Antonio, TX 78216 USA
San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, MÉXICO, 37720
503-919-1700 (cell), 541-241-7983 (skype)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, fact-checking, technical editing, numerical editing,
Experience: 20 years
Subjects: Marketing and business communications, earth and natural sciences (geology, biology, ecology, environmental science,
engineering consulting, natural resources, environmental law), history and geography (environmental and Latin American)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Goraj, Suzanne
Westfield, NJ, USA
718-416-5594 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, rewriting, copyediting, fact-checking, cite-checking, Bluebooking
Type of material: Nonfiction books and journals in subjects listed below; legal documents; other written material
Experience: Freelance since 1996
Subjects: Law, STEM, medicolegal, history, music, general nonfiction
Availability: Part-time freelance
Gordon, Beth
69 Morgans Valley, Heathcote Valley, Christchurch 8022 NEW ZEALAND
+64210455613 (cell)
Type of work: Proofreading, copyediting, desktop publishing
Type of material: Books, journals, dissertations, articles, reports, web sites, newsletters, business documents
Experience: Since 2007 (part-time freelance since 2007)
Subjects: Sciences, engineering, regulatory standards, educational, medical devices, mountaineering/outdoors
Availability: Part-time freelance
Gordon, Paula
doing business as Plan B
Wilmington, DE, USA
866-238-7591 (toll-free voicemail/fax)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, translation (Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin,
Serbian −> English), translation review, back translation, odd jobs
Type of material: Editing — journal articles, white papers, policy briefs, reports, magazine articles,
grant narratives, websites, essays and opinion; Translation — all of the above plus short stories, plays, subtitles,
interviews, surveys and questionnaires, archival documents, research documentation
Experience: Since 1995 (copyediting and proofreading), since 1998 (translating), freelancing since 1983
Subjects: Health care and public policy, health-related quality of life and patient-centered outcomes, family caregiving,
clinical trials, gardening & DIY, theater, film, performance, CEE & SEE, Eastern Europe, culture and politics
of ex-Yugoslav countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Gottfried, Molly
Appleton, WI 54914 USA
920-540-2254 (cell)
Type of work: Proofreading, copyediting, APA style formatting
Type of material: Research-based doctoral dissertations, master’s theses, peer-reviewed journal articles
Experience: 6 years
Subjects: Academic - nursing, education
Availability: Full-time freelance
Goulston, Adam, MS, MISD, ELS
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading, formatting, SEO/SEM optimization, HTML/CMS-based,
localization, translation (Japanese −> English)
Type of material: Articles, reports, annual reports, web sites, newsletters, guidelines and manuals, media releases,
NGO and corporate communications, personal correspondence, marketing/PR, signage
Experience: 15-plus years
Subjects: Business, economics, IT, industrial and manufacturing, marketing, medical and clinical, health sciences,
SEO/SEM, social sciences, development, tourism, Asia
Availability: Flexible
Granda, Elizabeth
Red Clover Editing
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 USA
914-489-7694 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting (Chicago and APA), rewriting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, websites
Experience: Since 1990 (freelance since 2014)
Subjects: Scholarly/academic, including but not limited to International affairs, social sciences (business, management,
economics, finance, Slavic studies); nonfiction and some fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
NEW! …
Green, Gila
Gila Green Writes
11 Elvaston Road, Ottawa, ON, CANADA
972-58-7999718 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, academic editing, manuscript evaluation, book coaching, sensitivity reading
Type of material: Novels, memoir, nonfiction, journals, articles, graduate thesis PhD, MA; adult, YA, middle grade
Experience: 25 years; Freelance since 2000; creative writing instructor since 2009; EFL college lecturer
Subjects: Fiction, nonfiction, humanities, social sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Greer, Pamela
2444 S 144th Street, Seatac, WA 98168 USA
206-245-6974 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, manuscript review, fact-checking, technical writing, project management
Type of material: Books, journals, technical materials, blog content, online content
Experience: Five years
Subjects: Business, finance, history, education, inspirational, all fiction
Availability: Part or full-time freelance
Grey, Sarah
Grey Editing
2600 East York Street, Philadelphia, PA, USA
267-971-7654 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading,
resume review, indexing, copywriting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites, marketing
materials, social media
Experience: Since 1999 (freelance since 2005)
Subjects: Marketing, training, social science, human resources, political
science, history, sociology, environment, philosophy, women’s issues,
immigration, translated texts
Availability: Full-time freelance
Grossenbacher, Julianna
The Earnest Editor
Guelph, ON, CANADA
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading, formatting, and english as a second language editing
Type of material: Books, journals, research articles, case reports, academic writing, web content
Experience: since 2016
Subjects: Clinical medicine and surgery (human and veterinary), human and animal health, humanities, social sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Gruhn, Sarah
9829 Zykan Drive, Saint Louis, MO 63114 USA
636-926-0753 (cell)
Type of work: Ghostwriting, freelance writing, blogging, proofreading
Type of material: Articles, blog posts, magazines, books
Experience: One year
Subjects: Home education, natural sciences, food, parenting, mental health, finance
Availability: Part-time freelance
Gruman, Shari
Biomedical Editing Service
Toronto, CANADA
1-416-655-9357 (cell)
Type of work: Medical editing for physicians and scientists whose first language is not English, rewriting,
copyediting, formatting, proofreading
Type of material: Medical journal articles, medical textbooks, grant applications
Experience: Twelve years
Subjects: Medicine, with special expertise in gynecology, neurology, ophthalmology, radiology, and urology
Availability: Full-time freelance
Haczewski, Grzegorz
ul. Palacha 3 m. 26; 31-325 Kraków, POLAND
Type of work: translations from/to Polish, and from Russian
Type of material: articles, books, technical reports
Experience: Since 1978 (translation), since 1985 (editing)
Subject: geology and other earth sciences
Hadley, Caroline (Accredited Editor)
Melbourne, Vic. 3002 AUSTRALIA
+61 4 8891 2255 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental/substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, rewriting
Type of material: Academic books, journals, articles, scientific manuscripts, theses/dissertations, reports, newsletters,
grant applications, proposals, websites, general business documents
Experience: Since 2003
Subjects: General nonfiction, natural sciences, life sciences, medicine, health sciences, technology
Availability: Full-time freelance
Hadley-Miller, Patricia G.
406 Graisbury Avenue, Haddonfield, NJ 08033 USA
856-261-3517 (voice), 856-428-6489 (fax)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books (nonfiction)
Experience: Since 1986 (freelance since 1993)
Subjects: General, travel, technology
Availability: Part-time freelance
Hagenbuch, Brendan, J.D.
Washington, DC, USA
Type of work: Copyediting (Chicago, APA, Bluebook), legal editing, fact checking, substantive editing, proofreading,
developmental editing
Type of material: Nonfiction and fiction, legal documents, books, journals, articles, and reports, web sites, TOS videos,
Experience: Since 2007 (copyediting); since 2010 (legal); since 2015 (videos and subtitles)
Subjects: U.S. and international law, politics, public policy, criminal justice, social sciences, news media, LGBTQ,
history, memoirs, finance, business, technology, nature, travel
Availability: Full-time freelance
Hajek, Andrea
Your Editing Alternative
Type of work: copyediting, line editing, proofreading, translation (Italian −> English)
Type of material: academic books, book chapters, journal articles, conference papers, cover letters, grant proposals
Experience: Since 2018 (copyediting and proofreading); since 2006 (translations)
Subjects: Humanities, social sciences, international affairs
Availability: Full-time freelance
Haley, Carolyn
East Wallingford, VT 05742 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, substantive/line editing, developmental editing, proofreading, page production (designer
support for print; e-book pre-formatting), mentoring
Type of material: Books especially novels; magazines; corporate communications; catalogues
Experience: Since 1995 (freelance since 2006)
Subjects: Genre and general fiction (except horror and erotica); commercial nonfiction; non-technical business material
Availability: Full-time freelance
Hallman, Karen
3024 Rockville Lane, Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, papers, articles, reports
Experience: Since 1991 (full-time freelance since 2004)
Subjects: Business, history, linguistics, literary analysis, medicine,
natural and physical sciences, social sciences, technology
Availability: Full-time freelance
Hardin, Angela Wesley
Wordland Editing
664-A Freeman Lane #214, Grass Valley, CA, USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, copyediting, proofreading,
indexing (hardcopy & electronic)
Type of material: Books, magazines, dissertations
Experience: Since 1994
Subjects: Music, architecture, design, literary criticism, history,
social sciences (especially education), French language, genre
fiction, children’s and juvenile
Harper, Katherine
20726 Stanford Avenue, Fairview Park, OH 44126 USA
216-212-9899 (cell)
Type of work: line editing, copyediting, substantive editing, indexing, general writing, copywriting, grant writing,
rewriting, proofreading, archival and web research, grant prospect research, manuscript critiques, reworking text for
new readerships
Type of material: books, journal articles, magazine articles, press releases, newsletters, grant proposals, catalogs,
theses and dissertations, brochures, posters, websites, blogs, direct mail, instructions, reports, reviews, capsule
Experience: writing and editing since 1985 (freelance since 2013); indexing since 2014
Subjects: biography, language, literature, history, general humanities, arts, popular culture, social sciences,
general reference, nonprofits, philanthropy, nature
Availability: full-time freelance
Harrell, Dori
Breakout Editing
10 N. 41st Avenue, Yakima, WA 98908 USA
509-910-2220 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing, copyediting, proofreading, copywriting, article writing
Type of material: Book manuscripts, website content, articles, blogs, newsletters
Experience: Since 1998 (freelancing since 2010)
Subjects: Fiction (including spec), nonfiction, memoirs (specialize), Christian, inspirational, children’s books,
self-help, how-to
Availability: Full-time freelance
Harris, Megan
Clarity Doctors Writing Consultants
Toronto, ON, CANADA
Type of work: Comprehensive editing, developmental editing, copyediting, and line editing.
Type of material: Graduate theses and dissertations, books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 2010 (freelance since 2020)
Subjects: Academic writing (social sciences, humanities, sciences), and long-form fiction
Availability: Part-time freelance
Hart, Tracy
The Mindful Scrivener
North Carolina, USA
Type of work: Copywriting, ghostwriting, marketing copy, website writing
Type of material: Website copy for therapists, therapist directory profiles, therapy marketing materials
Experience: since 2009
Subjects: Mental health, therapy, counseling, psychology, psychotherapy, trauma, grief and loss, relational neuroscience,
neurodivergence, LGBTQ, parenting, family, child development, expressive arts therapy, play therapy
Availability: Part-time freelance
Hartmann, Jon
Edits Over Easy
Dallas, TX, USA
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, writing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 1991 (freelance since 2000)
Subjects: Nonfiction, Humanities, Business, Science, Medicine, Nonprofit
Availability: Part-time freelance
Hartshorn, Erin
The Well-Chosen Word
3349 Green Meadow Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18017-1942 USA
Type of work: Indexing (hardcopy & electronic), copyediting (hardcopy &
electronic), proofreading, word processing and document formatting
Type of material: Textbooks, cookbooks, books, journals, manuals,
newsletters, manuals
Experience: Since 2000
Subjects: Science, wine, cooking, baking, gardening, pet
care/grooming/breeding, Irish history, children’s books,
origami, how-to’s, general interest, computer games, travel
Availability: Full-time freelance
Haskin, Melissa
Hood River, OR 97031 USA
541-740-6028 (voice), 541-740-6028 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, academic editing, dissertations, theses
Type of material: Books, magazines, articles, web sites, academic papers
Experience: Six years
Subjects: Business, food, economics, fiction, nonfiction, social sciences, natural sciences, medical, nutrition, health,
Availability: Full-time freelance available for part-time projects
Haskins, Jess
The Game Editors
Brooklyn, NY, USA
Type of work: Editing for digital and tabletop games; editing for voiceover (V.O.); worldbuilding and narrative design; story consulting
Type of material: Games, video games, tabletop games, narrative games, interactive fiction (IF), interactive media, websites, apps,
store page, marketing content
Experience: Since 2006 (freelance since 2016)
Subjects: Games, fiction, marketing
Hatton, Linda
Ink Tracks Editing
Los Angeles area, CA, USA
661-373-2633 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, managing editor
Type of material: Fiction books, short stories, poetry, web sites
Experience: Managing editor since 2010; freelance since beginning of 2014
Subjects: All genres in fiction, health, alternative and natural medicine, beauty
Availability: Full-time freelance
Heila, Daniel
Best-Ever Edit
Eugene, OR, USA
Type of work: line editing, copyediting, proofreading, copy writing
Type of material: books, journals, articles, reports, blogs, web sites
Experience: business content creation and editing since 2004, authors and academics since 2014
Subjects: fiction-literary and genre; nonfiction-music and arts, food, gardening; academic-music and arts; open to
new subjects
Availability: full-time freelance
Hellman, Melissa D., ELS
Upstate NY, USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, consulting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, proposals, white papers, non-native English speakers
Experience: Since 1996
Subjects: STEM, life sciences, physical sciences, natural sciences, science writing, fiber arts, cookbooks, food writing, music
Availability: Full-time freelance
Hemingway, Amber
Amber Hemingway Editorial
West Yorkshire, UK
+44 (0) 7470 461540 (cell)
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, proofreading, beta reading, localization (US/UK English), non-native writers (ESL/EFL)
Type of material: Books, novellas, short stories
Experience: Since 2023
Subjects: Fiction (contemporary, literary, romance, young adult, new adult, humor, mystery, thriller)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Hemyari, Reza
Streamwood, IL 60107 USA
571-241-6032 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, translation (Persian & Classical Arabic/MLA −>
English), proofreading
Type of material: Books, articles, web sites
Experience: Since 2013 (freelance since 2015)
Subjects: primarily Religion and Philosophy, but also other Humanities fields
Availability: Part-time freelance
Hendershot, Rebekah
Semper Editing
17065 San Bruno St., Apt B, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 USA
714-319-2717 (voice), 714-319-2717 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting, coaching
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites, screenplays, admissions materials
Experience: Since 2006
Subjects: Social and natural sciences, humanities, fine arts, literature, film, business, marketing, fiction and memoir,
college admissions
Availability: Full-time freelance
Henderson, Julie Balsdon, RN, MS, ELS
Athens, GA, USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, technical editing, ESL editing, pre-editing, science and medical writing
Type of material: Medical and scientific journal articles, science textbooks (university), technical reports, monographs,
CME materials, slide presentations
Experience: Since 1996 (freelance since 2009)
Subjects: Life sciences, esp. medical and allied health sciences; biotechnology, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, plant sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Herbst, Lila Patton
Newark, CA 94560 USA
Lila [at]
Type of work: Technical writing and editing, copy editing, proofreading
Type of material: User manuals, software installation and administration
guides, online help, technical bulletins, white papers, presentations,
marketing materials, dissertations, articles, webpages
Experience: Since 2005 (freelance since 2009)
Subjects: DITA XML, data storage, UNIX, systems administration, linguistics,
cognitive psychology, French, rock climbing, mountaineering, tequila,
dance, music
Availability: Full-time freelance
Herbert, Sarah
Charlottesville, VA, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, rewriting, proofreading
Type of material: nonfiction books, articles, reports, handbooks, business documents. (I have an interest in fiction,
but my experience is in nonfiction.)
Experience: Three years
Subjects: law; political science; classical studies; the ancient world (especially Greece and Rome); history; humanities in general;
Availability: Part-time freelance
Hesson, Jim
Academic English Solutions
7504 Gibraltar St, Apt D, Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA
831-345-5282 (cell)
Type of work: developmental/substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting, fact-checking, annotation for regulatory
documents, copyright and permissions management, formatting of references
Type of material: research reports, peer-reviewed scientific journal articles, PhD dissertations, regulatory documents and
FDA submissions, academic and scholarly monographs (books), white papers, NIH and NSF grant applications, plain language summaries,
medical newsletters, randomized clinical trials, cohort studies, case-control studies, meta-analysis, systematic reviews, college
application essays, cover letters, company websites, continuing medical education (CME), health communication, PowerPoint slide decks,
patent applications, cost-effectiveness analyses, resumes (CVs)
Experience: freelance since 2005
Subjects: bioengineering, biology, cardiology, chemistry, clinical trials, education, engineering, endocrinology, epidemiology,
hematology, immunology, infectious disease, medicine, microbiology, molecular biology, natural and physical sciences, social sciences,
arts and humanities, oncology, pharmacology, psychiatry, psychology, public health, pulmonology, toxicology, veterinary, and virology
Availability: Full-time freelance
Hietkamp, Lenore
Heatherfield Editing
41-2785 Wallbank Road, Shawnigan Lake, BC V0R 2W2 CANADA
250-929-8016 (voice)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, writing coach
Type of material: Books (fiction, non-fiction), journals, articles, html
Experience: Freelance since 2003; University of Washington Press intern, 2002-2003
Subjects: Art and architectural history, computer science, humanities; book production
Availability: Full-time freelance
Hill, Brent A.
Lyceum Editing
Washington, D.C., Metro Area, USA
240-338-3686 (office)
Type of work: Copyediting
Type of material: Non-fiction books, journals, reports, technical
Experience: Since 2007
Subjects: Scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly
Availability: Full-time freelance
Himes, Lisa
LM Himes Editorial Services
Minneapolis, MN, USA
612-810-4852 (cell)
Type of work: indexing, proofreading, copyediting
Experience: Since 2011
Subjects: History, memoir, health, nutrition, strength training, running, biking, triathlon, cooking, gardening,
crafts, self-help, general nonfiction
Availability: Part-time freelance
Hittle, Arlene
Flagstaff, AZ 86001 USA
928-607-4558 (cell)
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Fiction, articles, blog posts
Experience: Since 2002 (freelance since 2014)
Subjects: Romance, science fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Hochman, Renee
Professional Translations Ltd.
6 Ben Yehuda Street, Kiryat Ono 5552806 ISRAEL
972-3-5341151 (voice) 972-547-656-100 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, translation (Hebrew><English)
Type of material: Academic articles, non-fiction books, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 1997
Subjects: finance, business, law, social sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Hoffelder, Nate
13884 Montoclair Lane, Dale City, VA 22193 USA
(571) 406-2689 (voice)
Type of work: Web design; site implementation; website maintenance and management; Tech VA
Type of material: Websites, online services
Experience: Ten years
Subjects: Small business, professional, personal, author
Availability: Full-time, part-time, freelance
Hoffman, Bobbi
Hoffman Editorial Services
Roanoke, VA 24015 USA
540-204-1466 (cell)
Type of work: Copy editing, line editing, technical editing, academic editing, substantive editing, proofreading
Type of material: Business reports, consumer magazines, journal articles, marketing collateral, nonfiction books,
proposals, research reports, technical manuals, textbooks, web content
Experience: Since 2008
Subjects: Agriculture, animal rights, business, cooperative extension, corporate health and wellness, crop and soil science,
economics, finance, food science and technology, forestry, health, higher education, horticulture, marketing, natural resources,
nutrition, pets, public health, real estate
Availability: Full-time freelance
Hoffman, Michael
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, research, translation (Bulgarian <−> English)
Type of material: Books, journals articles, reports
Experience: Twelve years
Subjects: International development projects, urban studies, social sciences, humanities
Availability: Full-time freelance
Holmberg, Janis
Persuasive Pen Editorial Service
Alexandria Library Incorporated, WebTra Translation Service
P.O. Box 9692, Brea, CA 92622 USA
714-257-3210 (voice, fax, message), 503-539-8612 (cell)
Type of work: Editing, copyediting, proofreading of English; Web site and software
translation of Spanish, Italian, Brazilian and European Portuguese, French,
German, Russian, Czech and Polish (hardcopy & electronic)
Type of material: Web sites, journals, reports, theses, handbooks, manuals
Experience: Since 1968 (editing), since 1995 (translation)
Subjects: American and British literature, social and political science (editing);
aerospace, IT, business, manufacturing, health (translation)
Holmberg, Sheryl
Vine House Creative
Utica, MI, USA
Type of work: developmental editing, substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting, web content,
copywriting, layout and design, desktop publishing
Type of material: books, journals, articles, reports, web sites, marketing materials
Experience: Since 1985 (freelance since 1999)
Subjects: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, creative writing, arts and literature, business, marketing,
documentation/technical materials
Availability: Full-time freelance
Holroyd, Sarah
Sleeping Cat Books
Washington, DC, USA
editor at
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, proofreading, print book design and layout, ebook design
Type of material: Books (fiction and nonfiction)
Experience: Since 1998
Subjects: Fiction, nonfiction, software, computers, cultural resource management, social sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Holtgrewe, Samantha T.
STH Editorial Services
Middletown, NY, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, developmental editing, proofreading, indexing
Type of material: Fiction and nonfiction manuscripts, trade books, cookbooks, essays, journals, articles, newsletters,
presentations, web pages/blogs
Experience: Freelance since January 2019
Subjects: Fiction (middle grade and YA, contemporary, sci-fi, fantasy, paranormal, LGBTQA+, romance, erotica); Nonfiction
(open to most subjects, but particularly: art history, fine arts, crafting, crochet, cooking, food/travel, culture, nature/wildlife,
pets, health/wellness, self-help, sexuality, humanities, social sciences)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Hookey, John
1700 Pierce Street - Unit 201, Lakewood, CO 80214 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books (fiction and nonfiction), brochures and flyers, corporate
documents, essays/theses/dissertations, instruction manuals, journals, meeting and
conference materials, newsletter and journal articles, stage play and screenplay
scripts, textbooks
Experience: Freelance since 2005
Subjects: Academic, business, education, general interest, history, philosophy,
psychology, sociology. Open to others.
Availability: Full-time freelance
Hopkins, Kandy
Word Geek Co.
Chicago, IL 60626 USA
Type of work: Proofreading, copyediting, and substantive editing (AMA, APA, AP, Bluebook, and Chicago styles)
Type of material: Books, peer-reviewed journals, magazines (trade and news), newspapers, and websites
Experience: Since 1998 (freelance since 2010)
Subjects: Health care, medical, legal/law, and academic
Availability: Full-time freelance
Horler, Karin
KPH Editorial
Madison, WI, USA
773-791-7815 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting (Chicago, APA, AMA, MLA, AP), fact checking, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, research briefs, newsletters, association publications, magazines,
resumes, CVs, marketing materials, conference materials, websites
Experience: Since 1999 (freelance since 2003)
Subjects: Medicine, health information management, business, political science, public policy, sociology, psychology,
history, literature, cultural studies, education
Availability: Full-time freelance
Housel, Debra
Written Right Editorial Services
315 Miramar Rd, Rochester, NY 14624 USA
585-247-7238 (voice), 585-299-1042 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing, copyediting, proofreading, and leveling (ensuring that text is written at the right reading level)
Type of material: Books, online blended learning, assessment, content management systems (such as Learnosity)
Experience: Since 1999
Subjects: K-8 all academic areas; college psychology and sociology
Availability: Full-time freelance
Howard, Erica Akiko
EAH Editorial & Creative
Seattle, WA, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, proofreading, fact-checking, English language editing for multi-language writers
(ESL, EFL, non-native speakers, etc.)
Type of material: Journal articles, curriculum/educational materials, proposals, reports, websites, PowerPoint slide decks,
books, event materials, science and technical, nonfiction
Experience: Freelance since 2017
Subjects: STEM education (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), environment, ecology, sustainability, Earth sciences,
hydrology, forestry, food, agriculture, plants, climate, atmospheric sciences, teaching, K-12, college/university, higher education,
dance, contemplative practices, LGBTQIA+, diversity, multicultural, Brazil, Amazon, Russia, Japanese American issues
Availability: Full-time freelance
Hoyle, Emma
Emma Hoyle, MPhys
England, UK
Type of work: Copyediting, development editing, substantive editing, line editing, non-native/ESL editing,
proofreading, technical/scientific editing, abstract guidance
Type of material: Journal articles (either pre-submission or post-acceptance), reports, grant proposals, books,
websites, interactives, LaTeX, Overleaf
Experience: Since 2003
Subjects: Physics/physical sciences, economics
Availability: Full-time freelance
Hromin, Bernadette, MD
Eye,MD Edit, LLC
Type of work: Medical editing – substantive editing, developmental editing, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, theses, continuing medical education, digital learning
Experience: Clinical ophthalmologist (2004-2017), Freelance editor since 2015
Subjects: All medical fields, biological sciences, health topics; AMA proficient
Availability: Full-time freelance
Hudoba, Teresa A.
Editorial Services—Editing, Proofreading, Indexing
5724 View Lane, Edina, MN 55436-1121 USA,
952-936-0317 (voice & fax)
Type of work: Editing, proofreading, indexing
Type of material: Books, textbooks, reference books, journals, periodicals,
multivolume projects, and cumulations
Experience: Since 1990
Subjects: Business (accounting, economics, finance), history, law, religion/philosophy,
education, general nonfiction, cookbooks
Availability: Full-time freelance
Hudson, Laureen
Paper Angel Press
2951 Marina Bay Drive Ste. 130-596, League City, TX 77573 USA
and or
707-338-1781 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing, substantive editing, line editing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, web sites
Experience: Since 1993
Subjects: Technology, social sciences, natural sciences, fiction (F/SF, historical), education
Availability: Full-time freelance
Hughes, Evelyn
Present Perfect Writing and Editorial Services
430 East 15th Street, Long Beach, CA 90813 USA
310-467-1067 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive and line editing, copyediting, manuscript critiques
Type of material: Computer documentation, corporate policies and procedures,
training and desk manuals (online and hard copy), children’s fiction, nonfiction, and poetry
Experience: Since 1994
Subjects: Proprietary software, nonprofit management, government/community
partnerships, the children’s literary market
Hughes, Willard
Box 892, San Bernardino, CA 92402 USA
909-763-3100 (voice), 909-494-9586 (fax), 909-251-8559 (cell)
Type of work: Copy editing, proofreading, fact checking/research
Experience: Since 1996
Subjects: All, primarily newspaper copy editing, special interests include education
(I am also a teacher)
Hunt, Pamela
62 Proctor Avenue, South Burlington, VT 05403 USA
802-922-3971 (cell)
Type of work: copyediting, proofreading, project management
Type of material: Books, ebooks, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 1999
Subjects: Nonfiction: academic, education, computers/technology, international
affairs, social sciences, history, travel, cooking, home design
Availability: Part-time freelance
Hyre, Meg
215 Fountain Street #6, New Haven, CT 06515 USA
203-389-2688 (voice), 203-389-2688 (fax)
Type of work: Copyediting, substantive editing, ESL; developmental editing; citations
and notes, bibliographies, reference lists; Chicago, MLA, SBL, APA, AMA
Type of material: Books, chapters, journal articles; scholarly and trade
Experience: Since 1992
Subjects: Philosophy, history of ideas, religion and theology, history of medicine,
history of science, political and social thought
Availability: Full-time freelance
Ioannou, Greg
Colborne Communications
720 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5S 2R4 CANADA
Type of work: Rewriting, substantive editing, copy editing, proofreading, hybrid publishing
Type of material: Books, magazines, brochures, basically anything!
Experience: Since 1977
Subjects: Generalist, happy to work on virtually any subject. Specialties include statistics, economics, philately,
fiction, and cannibalism.
Israel, Sara
Thimble Editorial
Watertown, MA, USA
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, articles, web sites, blog posts, marketing copy, newsletters, product catalogs
Experience: Since 2021
Subjects: Nonfiction, especially crafting (including knitting, sewing, fiber arts, jewelry-making, painting, and more); gardening,
lifestyle, food and cooking, how-to, and self-help; creative nonfiction
Availability: Part-time freelance
Jackson, Yashmyn
Detroit, MI 48235 USA
Type of work: Proofreading, light copyediting, website testing
Type of material: Websites, blogs, advertising/marketing, public relations, articles, manuals
Experience: Since 1998
Subjects: General, law, economics, public policy, technology, nonfiction
Availability: Part- to full-time freelance
Jamgochian, Amy
726 Andover Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 USA
Type work: Copyediting, proofreading, indexing, tutoring
Type materials: Books (academic and trade), journals, articles,
dissertations, manuals, web sites
Experience: Since 1999
Subjects: Literature, philosophy, rhetoric, communications, media, parenting,
psychology, education, health, gender, sexuality, race
Jennings, Bobbie
Jennings Books
Columbus, OH, USA
Type of work: developmental editing, copyediting, proofreading, and coaching
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, websites, white papers, RFPs, user manuals
Experience: Eight years
Subjects: Computer science, educational materials (k-12), other non-fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Johnson, Amanda B.
Nashville, TN 37216 USA
615-440-0929 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting (Chicago, AP, and house styles), proofing, copywriting, substantive or content editing
Type of material: Books and book proposals, magazines, reports, web content (from page copy to articles), blogs,
promotional and marketing materials
Experience: Since May 2015, UCSD Copyediting Extension graduate
Subjects: Business, food & cooking, Christianity, home improvement & gardening, personal finance,
government, creative nonfiction & memoir (seeking experience in fiction)
Availability: Part-time freelance
Johnson, Jamie
J& Edits
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, short stories, poetry, reviews, articles, transcripts, graphic novels, marketing materials
Experience: Since 2015
Subjects: Fiction (horror, sci-fi, fantasy, LGBTQ+, erotica), nonfiction (science communication, K-12 education, reviews and criticism,
social sciences)
Availability: Part-time freelance
Jorgenson, Signe
Signe Jorgenson Editorial Services
PO Box 1254, Shebygan, WI 53082 USA
920-783-8512 (voice)
Type of work: Developmental editing, copyediting, proofreading, resume writing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites, resumes
Experience: Since 2010 (freelance since 2015)
Subjects: Memoir, fiction, nonfiction, personal essay, humanities, business
Availability: Full-time freelance
NEW! …
Judkins, Betsy
Maine Woods Editing LLC
Type of work: copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, websites, promo materials
Experience: Since 2023 (freelance book editing), 2012-2023 (magazine editing)
Subjects: romance, SF/F, mystery, some nonfiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Kaiser, Eden
Eden Editorial
612-876-7056 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Online courses, journals, articles, essays, websites, books
Experience: Three years (freelance editing); thirteen years (teaching English and linguistics)
Subjects: Music, social sciences, education, literature
Availability: Full-time freelance
Kanable, Mary
220 S. State St., La Farge, WI 54639 USA
Type of work: Proofreading
Type of material: College textbooks, professional books
Experience: Since 1983 (freelance since 1997)
Subjects: History, anthropology, psychology, English, arts and humanities, chemistry, biology, math
Availability: Full-time freelance
Kandimalla, Sriram
Hyderabad, INDIA
Type of work: Structural editing, developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, writing, page layout, cover design,
publishing; (CMOS, New Hart’s Rules, house styles)
Type of material: Books, EFL/ESL course materials, educational materials, assessments and test prep materials, academic essays,
articles, reports, dissertations, web sites, eLearning, slide decks
Experience: Six years
Subjects: Nonfiction, fiction, education (K-12 and college), humanities, psychology, journalism, technology, translation, subaltern studies
Availability: Part-time freelance
Kapaldo, Keith
Kapaldo Editing
Shoreline, WA 98133 USA
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Books, articles
Experience: Since September 2022
Subjects: Fiction (horror, sci-fi, fantasy, LGBTQ+, thriller, contemporary, speculative), memoir, cookbooks
Availability: Full-time freelance
Kaspin-Powell, Lisa
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, rewriting, fact/reference checking, number
checking against data tables, formatting, submitting manuscripts to journals
Type of material: manuscripts published in medical journals, scientific study reports, business proposals, conference
abstracts/posters/slide decks, white papers, patient education materials, advisory board summaries, books
Experience: Since 2002 (freelance since 2017-2019, 2024)
Subjects: Medicine: areas of interest include oncology, respiratory disease, nutrition, gastroenterology, ophthalmology,
women’s health, neurology, cell biology, toxicology, health economics/pharmacoeconomics, electronic medical records,
real-world evidence-based medicine
Availability: Part-time freelance
Kassab, Elizabeth
Boston, MA, USA
617-959-4017 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting,
rewriting, development editing, proofreading
Type of material: Books, dictionaries, journals, articles,
reports, web sites
Experience: Since 2003 (freelance since 2011)
Subjects: History, humanities, other social sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Katz, Nina
Westford, MA 01886 USA
Type of work: Line editing, stylistic editing, structural editing, developmental editing, editorial “shrink-wrapping,”
coaching, translation (Russian <−> English), indexing, glossary writing, writing
Type of material: Academic articles, books, dissertations, fiction, non-fiction, business documents, grant narratives,
short stories, novels, poetry, blog posts
Experience: Since 1986 (editing, writing, and translation); since 1989 (lexicography); since early 1990s
(writing coaching); since 2015 (indexing)
Subjects: Social sciences, humanities, history, women’s studies, political science, social work, literature, law,
linguistics, holistic health, crafts, herbalism, gardening, nature, homeschooling, literary fiction, general interest
Availability: Part-time to full-time freelance
Kay, Theresa
398 Nordstrasse, Fairbanks, AK 99709-6107 USA
Type of work: Proofreading, copyediting
Type of material: Books, journals, e-books, online textbook ancillaries, articles, reports
Experience: Since 2002 (full-time freelance since 2008)
Subjects: Education (theory, practice, all levels kindergarten through college, administration, textbooks),
social sciences, anthropology, psychology, sociology, criminology, American studies, cultural studies, history,
reference materials, some science, and fiction
Availability: Part-time to full-time freelance
Kehoe, Elaine L.
341 Rochambeau Avenue, Providence, RI 02906 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, proofreading
Type of material: College texts, scholarly and professional books, journals, ancillaries
Experience: Since 1976 (freelance since 1997)
Subjects: Psychology, English-language arts, education, history, art history
Availability: Full-time freelance
Keller, Marisa D.
MDK Wordsmith
Brattleboro, VT, USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, newspapers and magazines, websites
Experience: Since 2006 (freelance since 2010)
Subjects: Adult and YA fiction, especially science fiction, fantasy, and LGBTQ fiction; nonfiction for general audiences,
especially memoir and self-help; online and print publications; website copy.
Availability: Full-time freelance
Kendall, Augustin
Clarify Editing
Minneapolis, MN, USA
612-367-6967 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental/substantive editing, line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Fiction, nonfiction, websites
Experience: Freelance since 2012
Subjects: Sci-fi, fantasy, literary fiction, action/adventure, thriller, environment, psychology, social justice,
alternative sexualities, pets and animals
Availability: Part-time freelance
Kenney, Robert
Thoughtful Editing
7258 SW 99th Circle, Ocala, FL 34481 USA
401-578-1894 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, manuscript assessment, proofreading
Type of material: Books and short stories
Experience: Since 2014
Subjects: Genre and literary fiction and memoir, including mystery, thriller, romance, science fiction, fantasy,
historical fiction, and more
Availability: Full-time freelance
Kernberger, Carolyn
Carlsbad, CA, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, substantive editing, proofreading
Type of materials: Textbooks, books, journals, short articles, manuals, technical materials rewritten for general
audiences, training materials, anything written by non-native English speakers (ESL/EFL)
Experience: Since 1987
Subjects: ESL, EFL, TESOL, English as a second language, second language learning, critical thinking, psychology,
anthropology, biology, ecology, wildlife, natural sciences, geography, U.S. history, Native Americans, U.S. Southwest, New
Mexico, travel, social issues, feminism, parents & children, humanities and the arts, ethnic studies, photography,
medical/health for general audiences, pets
Availability: Full-time freelance
Ketchen, Anne
446 Brook, Carlisle, MA 01741 USA
978-369-1661 (voice)
Type of work: Instructional editing, copyediting
Type of material: Training materials (e-learning, self-instructional text, workshops), books
Experience: Since 1995
Subjects: Pharmaceutical sales training, medical/allied health, natural history
(especially native plants)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Kinchen, Kimberly
New York, NY, USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, writing, proofreading
Type of material: White papers, articles, magazines, collateral, web content, research articles, conference reports
Experience: From 1996 to 2001 (part-time freelance); since 2007 (freelance since late 2014)
Subjects: Business and economics, international development, consumer finance, accounting, ESL, philanthropy,
transportation, public health, medical research
Availability: Full-time freelance
King, Alison
Copyedit Queen
Pennsylvania, USA
Type of work: Proofreading; copyediting; research
Type of material: Dissertations; academic writing; journal articles; blogs; podcast scripts/notes; website content
Experience: Since 2018
Subjects: Humanities, theatre/dance, librarianship (MLIS, Drexel University), education/pedagogy, podcasting, English
literature, and other similar subjects.
Availability: Part-time freelance
Kipp, Karin
Kipp Editorial Inc.
847-651-6067 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, project management, development editing, fact checking
Type of material: Textbooks, trade nonfiction and fiction, assessments, online content
Experience: Since 2002 (freelance since 2011)
Subjects: General nonfiction, mathematics, business, economics, marketing, sciences, social sciences, humanities,
library science, information science, memoirs, romances, education (English and Spanish)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Klaass, Laurie
Elle Publishing LLC
PO Box 3201, Ogden, UT 84067 USA
801-391-9192 (voice/cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, Developmental editing, line editing, copy editing, proofreading, manuscript evaluation
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, websites, poetry
Experience: 5+ years
Subjects: Fiction, children’s and YA books, poetry, biography, inspirational, instructional, most technical
Availability: Full-time freelance
Kolassiba, Rose
Orange City, FL, USA
407-417-5612 (cell)
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, proofreading, beta reading
Type of material: Novels, short stories, poems
Experience: Two years
Subjects: Fantasy, science fiction, dystopian, horror, thriller, speculative fiction in general
Availability: Part-time freelance
Komornicka, Jolanta N.
Close Reading Indexing and Editing
100 Chapel Street, Kitchener, ON N2H 2T5 CANADA
226-505-0893 (cell)
Type of work: Indexing, index review and editing, copyediting, line editing, proofreading, bibliographies
Experience: Two years
Subjects: Humanities, Social Sciences, Gaming
Availability: Full-time freelance
Krainyukhova, Alexandra
ABG Books
+37062376183 (WhatsApp/cell)
Type of work: Manuscript critique, beta reading, writing and publishing consultations
Type of material: Books, novels, novellas, short stories
Experience: Since 2016 (freelance since 2021)
Subjects: Fiction (young adult, new adult, adult), romance (most subgenres), fantasy, contemporary, paranormal, science fiction, erotica
Availability: Full-time freelance
Kumar, Vivek
Near UMIT/Raj Chauraha, Modinagar, UP 201201 India
Type of work: copyediting
Type of material: Journals, books
Experience: Since 1999
Subjects: Medical
Kummel, Polly
Polly Kummel LLC
624 Boardman Road, Aiken, SC 29803 USA
803-641-6831 (voice)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting, proofreading
Type of material: Nonfiction books, journals, articles, reports
Experience: More than 20 years, for both university and trade presses
Subjects: Humanities and social sciences, esp. history (including biography, memoir, autobiography), journalism,
politics, government, and equestrian subjects
Availability: Full-time freelance
Labonge, Kathleen, MBA, MT(ASCP)
Write Point Editing Solutions
Leland, NC 28451 USA
336-209-4982 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, fact checking, proofreading, quality control, medical-legal quality assurance
Type of material: Scientific and medical publications; pharmaceutical sales education, training, and promotional materials;
medical-legal assessment reports; continuing medical education projects; more
Experience: Freelance since 2015
Subjects: Medicine, healthcare, biological sciences, education
Availability: Full-time freelance
Lamore, Meghna
15652 McLaughlin Road, Inglewood, ON L7C 1M3 CANADA
289-966-8969 (fax 289-966-8969)
Type of work: Copyediting, blog/article writing, OCR correction, newsletter creation
Type of materials: Books, articles, technical materials
Experience: Since 1998
Subjects: Business, engineering, lifestyle, fiction, nonfiction
Land, Julia
PO Box 70083, Houston, TX 77270 USA
Type of work: Technical writing, technical editing, writing web content, rewriting, indexing
Type of material: Books, user manuals, help systems, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 1989
Subjects: Nonfiction
Lane, Karen
Karen Lane Editorial Services
220 Utopia Circle, Merritt Island, FL 32952 USA
407-421-7795 (voice), 407-479-3264 (fax)
Type of work: Editing, copyediting, indexing, technical writing
Type of material: Textbooks, journal articles, reports, theses, dissertations,
handbooks, manuals, Web pages
Experience: Since 1994
Subjects: Engineering, computer science, technical communication, English, education,
public administration, psychology, technology for general audiences
Lauener, Josh
T-n-Tees Editing
Bluffton, SC 29910 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, Proofreading, Technical Writing
Type of material: Newsletters, web content, reports & proposals, manuals, technical documents, books
Experience: Since 2014
Subjects: Nonfiction, business documents
Availability: Part-time freelance
Lavington, Laura
Laura Lavington Editing
Seattle area, WA, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, fact-checking
Type of material: Books, articles
Subjects: Fiction, travel, humanities, social sciences, nature
Availability: Full-time freelance
Lawrie, Laura
80 N Navajo Trail, Sedona, AZ 86336-3529 USA
928-282-0833, (fax) 928-222-0018
Type of work: Developmental editing, production editing, copyediting (hard copy
and electronic), indexing.
Type of material: Textbooks, college-level trade books, reference works (mainly
Experience: Since 1980
Subjects: Music, music history, art, art history, history, social sciences (mainly
sociology, political science, psychology, and philosophy), linguistics, education
Lawson, Natasha
Hiram, GA, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, proofreading
Type of material: Books (fiction and nonfiction), short stories, articles, blogs, web pages, games
Experience: Since 2016
Subjects: Fiction (especially historical, romance, fantasy, LGBTQIA+); history; LGBTQIA+ issues; video games
Availability: Full-time freelance
Lear, Krysia
The Editorial Suite
44 Pleasant Avenue, Guelph, ON N1E 3Z4 CANADA
519-767-2091 (voice)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: academic papers, instructional manuals, memoirs, reports, trade and scholarly non-fiction books
Experience: Since 1992
Subjects: institutional history, health care, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, Christian
Availability: Full-time freelance
Ledent, Sabra Bissette
4 Lancaster, Pointe-Claire, QC H9S 4B1 CANADA
Type of work: Copyediting, developmental editing, writing
Type of material: Journals, textbooks, reference books, general scholarly, general
scientific, reports, newsletters, brochures
Experience: Since 1970s (freelance since 1992)
Subjects: Political science, economics, general science, U.S. government and politics,
international relations, international development, communications, environment
Ledesma, Dave Christian
Presidio, TX 79845 USA
915-539-0004 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, pre-editing, LaTeX editing
Type of material: Scientific journals and books for Elsevier, Springer-Verlag,
Wiley-Blackwell, IEEE, AGU, Higher Education Press, Chinese Library of Sciences
Experience: Since 1994
Subjects: Business, chemistry, economics, engineering, mathematics, medicine,
natural and physical sciences, physics, social sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Ledgerwood, Kim
The Right Word
Towson, MD,s USA
678-313-0737 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, copyediting (AP, Chicago, house styles)
Type of material: Book manuscripts, short stories, journals, personal essays, thought leadership, articles, reports, websites,
presentations, marketing/advertising materials, citations
Experience: Since 1996
Subjects: Generalespecially healthcare, psychology, social sciences, nonfiction, narrative nonfiction, memoir, children’s books
Availability: Full-time freelance
Lee, Linda
4115 Fanuel Street #4, San Diego, CA 92109 USA
917-886-9690 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading,
developmental editing, project management
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, websites
Experience: Since 2001 (freelance since 2012)
Subjects: Architecture, General design, graphic design, fine arts, photography,
popular culture, gift books, corporate reports, academic texts, textbooks
Availability: Full-time freelance
Leon, Rudy
Rudy Leon, Editorial Services
Type of work: Scholarly editing, including developmental editing, copyediting, book proposal consulting, ECR support,
consulting services, and indexing. Cookbook editing and indexing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, dissertations, grant reports, book proposals
Experience: Seven years
Subjects: Social sciences and humanities (history, religion, political science, international relations, sociology, anthropology,
LIS, media and communication studies, American and ethnic studies, gender studies, education)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Leon, Timothy
Perfect Page
Moscow, RUSSIA, and Singapore, SINGAPORE
Please e-mail for telephone contact number
Type of work: Substantive/line editing, proofreading, copyediting, translation (Russian <−> English), rewriting
Type of material: Exhibitions, books, journals, articles, reports, websites, press releases, presentations, academic papers
Experience: Full-time academic/news editing since 2005, freelance since 2013
Subjects: Non-fiction. In particular, art, architecture, urban planning, public policy, international affairs,
social sciences, popular culture
Availability: Contract, freelance
Lerner, Amy
Harrisburg, PA, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, researching copyrights and locating rightsholders, writing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, press releases (writing)
Experience: Since 1999 (freelance since 2013)
Subjects: Judaism, disabilities, special needs parenting, outdoor sports, cooking, crafts, fiction
Availability: Part-time freelance
Leroe, Sabrina
Bespoke Editorial
Silver Spring, MD, USA
301-906-4857 (cell)
Type of work: substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting, proofreading
Type of material: books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: since 2007 (freelance since 2014)
Subjects: humanities, social sciences, sciences, fiction, nonfiction
Availability: full-time freelance
Levinson, Mark L.
PO Box 5780, Herzliya 4615701 ISRAEL
+972-9-9552411 (voice), +972-54-444-8438 (cell)
Type of work: Translation (Hebrew−>English), rewriting
Type of material: Articles, books, poetry, plays, screenplays
Experience: Since 1977
Subjects: General, software, cinema
Availability: Freelance
Li, Ambrose
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, graphic design, translation (traditional Chinese −> English), LaTeX editing
Availability: Part-time freelance
NEW! …
Liguori, Sheri
Tacoma, WA, USA
Type of work: Copyediting (Chicago, AP, house styles), line editing, rewriting, beta reading, proofreading, fact checking
Type of material: Books, news and popular magazine articles, website content, blogs, reports
Experience: Since 2000 (freelance since 2023)
Subjects: Trade fiction and nonfiction, YA, history, entertainment (TV, film), popular culture, travel
Availability: Full-time freelance
Lineses, Emerson Kim
Foreign Service Institute - Publications Section
5/F DFA Bldg., 2330 Roxas Blvd., Pasay City 1300 PI
+63 917 984-3305 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting,
proofreading, research, virtual assistance
Type of material: journals, articles, reports
Experience: Since 2004
Subjects: International affairs, social sciences,
natural sciences, physics, psychology, education
Availability: Part-time freelance
Liu, Sarah
Three Fates Editing
Hamlin, NY 14464 USA
Type of work: Beta reading, manuscript critiques, developmental editing, content editing, line editing,
copy editing, proofreading
Type of material: Books, articles, academic papers
Experience: Since 2012
Subjects: Science fiction, fantasy, paranormal romance, YA, memoir, poetry
Availability: Full-time freelance
Locherty, Eilidh
Chaptered Vine Studio
73 King Street, Dundee, SCOTLAND
Type of work: line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books
Experience: Editing since 2021, Freelancing since 2023
Subjects: All fiction genres but specialty in Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Romance
Availability: Full-time freelance
Lofstrom, Karen
1524 Pensacola #005, Honolulu, HI 6822 USA
808-521-9073 (landline)
Type of work: Research, writing, developmental editing, copyediting, proofreading, novel critiques, ebook formatting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, book reviews
Experience: Freelance since 2006
Subjects: Science fiction and fantasy, fiction, Hawaiiana, Victoriana, social sciences, biology, computer and internet,
Availability: Full-time freelance
Lono, Angela
Editing by Angela
Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, proofreading, journal article formatting for native and non-native English writers
Type of material: Theses, dissertations, journals, articles, reports
Experience: Freelance since 2009
Subjects: Medical science, biology, interior design, STEM, social sciences, general non-fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance; off-site only
Lorand, Susie
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, proofreading, bibliography checking, editing for non-native English writers
(Chicago, APA, and house styles)
Type of material: Books, journal articles, theses, dissertations, reports
Experience: Since 1994
Subjects: History, religion, Middle East studies, music, digital humanities, social sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Loumiotis, Rebecca, MA
Midnight Oil Proofreaders
Baltimore, MD 21224 USA
Type of work: Proofreading, copyediting (basic, heavy), ESL/ESOL copyediting, translation
(Modern Greek <−> English), developmental editing, rewriting, localization (UK/US English)
Type of material: Nonfiction/academic/professional monographs, edited books, journals, articles, research, reports,
websites, conference papers, white papers, training/educational materials, proposals, personal statements, newsletters
Experience: Since 2009
Subjects: Humanities, social sciences, public policy, health and health care (policy, education, programs, alternative
medicine), and more
Availability: Full-time freelance
Lukatch, Miranda
Park Ridge, IL, USA
mirandalukatch [at]
Type of work: Developmental editing, copyediting, beta reading, manuscript evaluations
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, web sites
Experience: Since 2006
Subjects: Fiction (all genres), YA, children's books, memoir
Availability: Full-time freelance
Lyons, Rebecca
Aurora, CO 80012 USA (Denver metro area)
(303) 632-6027
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Journals, books, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 1988 (freelance since 2007)
Subjects: Science (especially chemistry and earth sciences), medical, educational (K-12 and college), environmental,
history, general nonfiction, fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Mackay, Jane
Janemac Editing
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, writing, ghostwriting
Type of material: Journals, articles, trade and academic nonfiction, fiction, LGBTQ, sci-fi, fantasy, horror, YA, memoir,
short stories, corporate communications, marketing & PR, press releases, newsletters
Experience: Since 2007
Subjects: Social sciences, humanities, public administration, religious studies, anthropology, travel, marketing,
data mining, white papers, plus many others
Availability: Full-time freelance
Madero, Emanuel
336 C South Bugisan Street, Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta Special Region 55182 INDONESIA
0813-2659-1645 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, proofreading, translating (English <−> Indonesian), template formatting,
summarizing, citations & references management
Type of material: Journal articles, nonfiction books, academic essays, business reports, monographs, business & technical manuals,
catalogs, proposals
Experience: Since 2016 (freelance since 2021)
Subjects: Biology (botany, taxonomy), chemistry, earth sciences, applied technology, engineering, computer, IT, human labor management,
socio-economic policy & management
Availability: Full-time freelance
Madnick, Deena
Copywrite Technical Writing & Editorial Services
12 Pine Tree Drive, Worcester, MA 01609-1408 USA
508-798-2885 (voice), 508-798-2885 (fax: call first)
Type of work: Technical writing, business and academic writing, editing, copyediting,
Type of material: Manuals, procedural writing, instructional materials, standard
operating procedures (manufacturing), press and product releases, manuscripts,
articles, newsletters, promotional materials, brochures
Subjects: Software, hardware, manufacturing, training/education, business, ceramics,
nonfiction, history, government
Experience: Since 1985
Mahoney, Anne Louise
Ottawa, ON, CANADA
613-730-2060 (voice)
Type of work: Substantive editing, stylistic editing, copyediting,
proofreading, editing translations (French -> English), writing,
rewriting, production editing
Type of material: Books, reports, educational materials, marketing
materials, websites, brochures, children’s books
Experience: Since 1988 (freelance since 2008)
Subjects: Religion and spirituality, literature, biography, culture,
social sciences, history
Availability: Full-time freelance
Mamassian, Linda
Mamassian Information Services
2631 Windsor Drive, Troy, MI 48085 USA
248-528-1817 (voice)
Type of work: Copyediting, indexing (back-of-book, embedded, and database indexing)
Type of material: Books, journals, reports, transcripts, handbooks, manuals
Experience: Since 2000
Subjects: Science, health, technology
Availability: Full-time freelance
Margulis, Dick
Dick Margulis Creative Services
203 Thompson Street, East Haven CT 06513-1948 USA
203-464-3199 (cell)
Type of work: Development editing, line editing, copyediting; book interior design and production, book cover design and production;
project management
Type of material: Books of all types and complexities
Experience: Since 1959 (independent since 2004)
Subjects: Fiction other than fantasy fiction; nonfiction in a wide variety of areas
Availability: Full-time independent craftsperson
Marin, Nancee-Laetitia
562-645-3021 (cell)
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, proofreading, writing, translation editing and proofreading (Indonesian, Spanish,
French −> English)
Type of material: Books, articles, web copy, web content, business materials (brochures, contracts, newsletters, etc.)
Experience: Since 2016
Subjects: Nonfiction (nonacademic, nontechnical): self-help/personal development; guidebooks; how-to books; arts and culture
(especially music and multicultural topics); travel; business (digital marketing, networking, career, leadership, etc.);
health and wellness; spirituality; psychology; pets; language; ESL/EFL; creative nonfiction (autobiography, memoir); and
speculative fiction (particularly dystopianproofreading only)
Availability: Part-time to full-time freelance
Mark, Nada
4453 Robbins Street, San Diego, CA 92122 USA
858-344-8661 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading, rewriting
Type of material: Books, journal articles, academic reports, academic papers, personal statements
Experience: 15 years
Subjects: Humanities, social sciences, education
Availability: Full-time freelance
Marks, Ariela
and (Hebrew)
Type of work: line editing and copyediting
Type of material: academic articles, research proposals, theses
Experience: Since 2014
Subjects: Wide range of academic disciplines, including in the natural sciences and social sciences, and topics requiring
a familiarity with Israeli politics and culture
Availability: Full-time freelance
Marshfield, Laurel
Blue Horizon Communications and Blue Horizon White Papers
19717 Queen Street, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 USA
302-227-1749 (Voice) (Fax available, with request)
Type of work: Specialize in book manuscripts & book proposals: ghosting, detailed & lengthy book manuscript
evaluations, developmental editing, restructuring & rewriting, copyediting, book coaching
Type of material: Nonfiction, fiction, memoir, biography; ghostwriting & coaching for white papers,
used as content marketing for authors and business
Experience: Since 1982
Subjects: All subjects
Availability: Full-time freelance
Martin, Antonio
San Marcos, 39, Madrid 28004 SPAIN
+34 915473322, +34 647777657
Type of work: Developmental editing, substantive editing, copyediting,
proofreading (hard copy and electronic), teaching materials
Type of material: Spanish, nonfiction (journals, reports, handbooks, manuals,
web pages), fiction (memoirs, children’s books)
Experience: Since 1995
Subjects: linguistics, Business, advertising, social sciences, organizational,
human resources, user manuals, owner manuals, training
Availability: Part-time freelance
Martin, Mary Sproles
MSM Editorial
352 Maple Avenue, Waynesboro, VA 22980 USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting, indexing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites, medical editing
Experience: Since 1992 (freelance since 2006)
Subjects: Medical, how-to, children’s, academic
Availability: Full-time freelance
Martin, Tisha, MS
Tisha Martin Editorial
Bloomington, IL 61701 USA
tisha [at] tishamartin [dot] com
Type of work: Substantive/developmental editing, rewriting, line editing, copyediting, translation (ASL <−>
English), proofreading, blogging, copywriting, book marketing copy; traditional book, manuscript, and indie contest judge
Type of material: Book manuscripts, articles, newsletters, website content
Experience: Since 2008 (freelance since 2014)
Subjects: fiction (esp. historical/romance), nonfiction, children’s, Christian, inspirational, memoir, self-help,
how-to, education/curriculum
Availability: Full-time freelance
Masteller, Ryan
95111 Hither Hills Way, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 USA
Type of work: copyediting, proofreading, line editing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, papers
Experience: Since 2001 (freelance since 2004)
Subjects: Anthropology, art, business, cultural studies, digital/popular culture, economics, environment, film, history
(United States/world), literature, media studies, music, politics/political science, psychology, religion (Christianity, etc.),
regional studies, sociology, sustainability
Availability: Full-time freelance
Matthysse, Joshua
Wielded Words LLC
8545 Freeland Avenue SW, Byron Center, MI 49315 USA
616-228-5940 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, academic editing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites, marketing materials, academic writing, CVs, cover letters
Experience: Since 2010 (freelance since 2015)
Subjects: Open: fiction and non-fiction (with greater focus on education, linguistics, music, Christianity, charities,
non-profits, health)
Availability: Part-time freelance
McCowan, Molly
Inkbot Editing, LLC
Fort Collins, CO 80522 USA
800-111-3333 (voice), 800-222-4444 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, developmental editing, proofreading
Type of material: Nonfiction and fiction books, journals, articles, reports, websites
Experience: Since 2005 (freelance since 2010)
Subjects: Art, music, social sciences (especially anthropology, cultural studies, environmental affairs, linguistics,
media, and sociology)
Availability: Full-time freelance
McCrossan, T. Daniel
Schenectady, NY 12306 USA
518-956-1971 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: manuscripts, essays, journals
Experience: Since 2012
Subjects: Fiction, literary fiction, nonfiction birth
Availability: Full-time freelance
McCurdy Crooks, Jessica
Next Index Services
Miami, FL 33126-6007 USA / Kingston, JAMAICA or
and or
786-605-0346 / 876-354-4084 (Jamaica)
Type of work: Indexing, copyediting, proofreading, writing, translation (Jamaican English Patois <−>
English); reviewing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, manuals, websites, blogs
Experience: Over 20 years
Subjects: International affairs, business, computers, information technology, Caribbean/West Indian culture and history,
records management, library & information science
Availability: Full-time freelance
McDonell, Margaret MPhil
Margaret McDonell Editing & Publishing
Adelaide Hills, South Australia, AUSTRALIA
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading, indexing
Type of material: Books (non-fiction, academic), journals, articles, reports, non-standard Englishes, memoir, dictionaries
Experience: Since 1990
Subjects: Humanities, social sciences, memoir
Availability: Full-time freelance
McKown, Ashleigh
AEM Editorial
2335 S. Tarryall Way, Franktown, CO 80116 USA
703-851-0650 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, substantive editing, rewriting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, curricula vitae
Experience: Since 2001 (freelance since 2006)
Subjects: Classics, consumer health, higher education, history, medicine, natural sciences, political science, theology
Availability: Full-time freelance
McNeal, Joni
McNeal Edits LLC
67 Crescent Way, Portsmouth, NH 03801 USA
617-942-1671 (voice), 617-942-1671 (cell)
Type of work: content entry, content consultation, content collection, fact-checking, line editing, copyediting, proofreading,
style guide development
Type of material: books, magazines, marketing materials, websites
Experience: since 2016 (full-time since 2022)
Subjects: education, travel, hospitality
Availability: full-time freelance
McNees, Pat
Writers and Editors
10643 Weymouth St., Bethesda, MD 20814 USA
301-897-8557 (voice)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, rewriting,
coaching for personal histories
Type of material: Books, articles
Experience: Since 1963 (freelance since 1971)
Subjects: Biography, memoirs, personal histories, general nonfiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Measel, Joey
Texas, USA
Type of work: Copy editing, layout (InDesign)
Type of material: Books, short stories, poems (as material or subject), articles, journals, periodicals, Web sites,
appendices, letters
Experience: Since 2012
Subjects: Fiction, non-fiction, academic, humanities, English, literature, philosophy (e.g. ethics), memoir, poetry
(as subject or material)
Availability: Part-time freelance
Mendes, Paulo
Rua Sao Zeno, 131 Rio de Janeiro , RJ 22743-655 BRAZIL
832-699-0463 (voice), 832-699-0463 (cell)
Type of work: Translation (English <−> Brazilian Portuguese)
Type of material: Medical records, clinical trial documents, manuscripts in general
Experience: Since 2001
Subjects: Medicine, pharmaceuticals, clinical trials
Availability: Full-time freelance
Merchant, Barbara
Pullman, WA, USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, writing, ESL editing, instructional design, writing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, grants, web sites, databases, online courses
Experience: Since 1995
Subjects: Medicine, archaeology, history, gardening, social sciences, natural sciences, theatre, biographies, education
Availability: Full-time freelance
Meyer, Lauren
Science Refinery
512 Old Indian Trail, DeForest, WI 53532 USA
608-852-2774 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting
Type of material: Articles, dissertations, grant applications, CVs, resumes, cover letters
Experience: Since 2013
Subjects: social sciences, natural sciences, job seekers
Availability: Full-time freelance
Mierins, Krystina
Ottawa, ON, CANADA
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading, rewriting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, blog posts, web sites, biographies, museum exhibition text panels
Experience: Twelve years
Subjects: Art, architecture, history, humanities, social sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Millar, Dr Tess
Focus Editorial Services
Reading, Berkshire, UK
Type of work: Proofreading, copy editing, rewriting and restructuring, plain
English/clear communication
Type of material: Academic (journal articles, theses, dissertations, books);
business (reports, guidance and instruction documents, web site text, forms)
Experience: Since 1996
Subjects: All, Archaeology, social sciences, humanities, business, arts
Availability: Full-time freelance
Miller, Annie
Washington, DC 20007 USA
202-746-3471 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, dissertations
Experience: Eight years
Subjects: American studies, legal history, art history, humanities, social sciences, nonfiction, academic
Availability: Full-time freelance
Miller, Barbara
Queens, NY 11372 USA
646-537-5122 (cell)
Type of work: Content, copy, and substantive editing; writing
Type of material: Manuscripts, research papers, reports, proposals, essays, newsletters, web content
Experience: Ten years (freelance since 2017)
Subjects: Fiction, memoir, nonfiction, social sciences, arts and culture, general interest
Availability: Full-time freelance
Miller, Rebecca
Jefferson City, MO, USA
Type of work: Copyediting
Type of material: Books, short stories, articles, blogs, websites
Experience: Since 2019
Subjects: Fiction (sci-fi, fantasy, romance, general fiction), general nonfiction, lifestyle, personal development
Availability: Part-time freelance
Milner, Laurie
Laurie Milner Editorial Services
Montreal, QC, CANADA
Type of work: Developmental editing, substantive editing, stylistic editing, copyediting, research & fact-checking,
rewriting, writing, proofreading
Type of material: Scholarly books, chapters, articles, artist statements, novels, short stories, screenplays,
project proposals, experimental fiction
Experience: 20+ years
Subjects: Arts, humanities and education
Availability: Three-quarter time freelance
Mirsky, Deanna
179 Grant Ave., Newton, MA 02459 USA
Type of work: Editing, rewriting, copyediting, proofreading, indexing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, family histories,
web sites, e-letters, marketing copy
Experience: Since 1984
Subjects: History, business, finance, technology, literature, music, art,
travel, food, transportation, health, natural science and environment, Judaica
Mischler, AElfwine
Mischler Editorial
Cairo, EGYPT
(+2)0106-485-6112 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading, indexing
Type of material: Books, articles, websites
Experience: More than fourteen years
Subjects: General non-fiction, archaeology (Egyptology), Islam, Muslims
Availability: Full-time freelance
Monaghan, Wendy
Wendy Monaghan Editing Services
5 Kingfisher Cr., Bullaburra, NSW 2784 AUSTRALIA
+61247593392 (voice), 0413574417 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading, rewriting
Type of materials: Reports, articles, academic theses, conference papers and
proceedings, web content, editing for writers whose first language is not
Experience: Since 2001
Subjects: Human rights, cultural diversity, cultural heritage, anthropology,
immigration, religion and belief, plain English editing
Availability: Full-time freelance
Montgomery, Joy
PO Box 10956, Pleasanton, CA 94588 USA
925-963-6858 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, rewriting, maintaining an author’s voice
Type of material: Books, articles, technical documentation
Experience: Since 1981 (freelance since 1986)
Subjects: Procedure manuals, business books, fiction, inspirational books
Availability: Freelance
Moore, Jenny
Alexandria, VA, USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, rewriting, copyediting, and proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, newsletters, technical manuals, papers,
corporate and marketing materials, websites, blog posts
Experience: Since 1997
Subjects: Fiction, finance and business, government policy, history, memoir/personal narrative, food,
health, social sciences, technology
Availability: Part-time freelance
Moore, Jonathan
PO Box 903, Kent, CT 06757 USA
860-488-1870 (voice), 860-488-1870 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports
Experience: Since 2009
Subjects: Economics, finance, management, accounting, social sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Moore, Michael
Moore Editing
120–1214 Armorlite Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069 USA
442-515-9739 (cell)
Type of work: Medical editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Journal articles, textbooks, clinical trial protocols and regulatory documents
Experience: Two years
Subjects: Medical and life sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Morgan, Jennifer
JM Editorial
4613 Cedar Cliff Road, Chester, VA 23831 USA
804-768-6845 (voice), 631-680-5052 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles
Experience: Since 1999
Subjects: Education, fiction, social sciences, fiber arts, popular science, fiction, general nonfiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Morgret, Keri
Lynnwood, WA 98087 USA
Type of work: line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Blog posts, websites, reports, online content
Experience: Since 2012
Subjects: Online marketing, SEO/SEM
Availability: Part-time freelance
Moyer, Misti
Austin, TX, USA
737-231-1079 (voice)
Type of work: Copyediting (Chicago), copywriting, proofreading, beta reading
Type of material: Books, short stories, articles, web sites
Experience: Since 2018
Subjects: Fiction, business, Christian, memoirs
Availability: Part-time freelance
Mudarri-Spencer, Kahlila
Lake Forest, CA 92630 USA
714-510-2529 (cell)
Type of work: line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, essays, short stories
Experience: Three years
Subjects: Social justice, narrative fiction, academic essays
Availability: Full-time freelance
Mulligan, Shane
Radicle Works Research & Editing
Kitchener, ON, CANADA
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Books, articles, reports, grant applications, web sites
Experience: Twenty years
Subjects: International affairs, animals, ecology, energy, climate, gardening
Availability: Part-time freelance
Murphy, Avon J., PhD
Murphy Editing and Writing Services
POB 872645, Vancouver, WA 98687 USA
Type of work: Developmental/substantive editing, writing, line editing, copyediting (Chicago, APA, and MLA),
book design (InDesign), and manuscript evaluation
Type of material: Trade books, technical/business documents, magazines and journals, articles, websites, conference
proceedings, newsletters, and textbooks
Experience: Since 1976
Subjects: Information technologies, business and industry, training and higher education, general nonfiction, graphics,
history, and film
Availability: Part-time freelance
Murphy, Cheryl
Ink Slinger Editorial Services
28693 Bouquet Canyon Road, Suite C #424, Santa Clarita, CA USA
213-293-8507 (voice)
Type of work: Developmental editing, copyediting, proofreading, copywriting, mentoring, print & ebook formatting,
cover & interior design
Type of material: Books, short stories, articles, web sites, marketing materials
Experience: Since 2012, UC Berkeley Professional Sequence in Editing
Subjects: Fiction (specializing in science fiction, speculative fiction, & fantasy), nonfiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Mushynsky, Gina
Red Pen Editorial Services
8400 Transit Lane, Baldwinsville, NY 13027 USA
315-289-9470 (cell)
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, substantive editing, academic editing
Type of material: Books, articles
Experience: Since 2005 (freelance since 2017)
Subjects: Christianity, Bible interpretation, Christian theology, social sciences
Availability: Part-time to full-time freelance
Myers, Maya
Charlotte, NC, USA
Type of work: Copyediting and proofreading for book publishers; developmental/substantive editing, line editing,
copyediting, and proofreading for authors and corporate clients
Type of material: Books, websites, corporate materials
Experience: Since 2012
Subjects: Fiction and nonfiction in YA, children’s, and adult; cookbooks
Availability: Full-time freelance
Mykhaylychenko, Tanya
Montreal, QC H2L 3W1 CANADA
1-438-228-703 (cell)
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, translation (Ukrainian > English), rewriting, resume/CV writing, copywriting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites, marketing copy, resumes/CVs, cover letters,
grant applications, translations
Experience: Since 2006 (freelance since 2014)
Subjects: Career materials, ESL, humanities, anthropology, performing arts, film, theater, visual arts, popular culture,
women’s studies, LGBTQIA, ecology/environment, economics, education, linguistics, ethnography, geography, history,
psychology, social work, sociology, public policy, political science, health, lifestyle, travel, gardening, international affairs,
leadership, business, advertising-PR, marketing, multicultural interest, nonprofit organizations, personal finance, real estate,
and self-help
Availability: Full-time freelance
Nagar, Shruti
Mumbai, Maharashtra, INDIA
91-9819852036 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, translation (English <−> Hindi), rewriting, translation review, fact-checking
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 1997 (freelance since 2003)
Subjects: Social sciences, cultural studies, history, Buddhist studies, Hinduism, South Asian studies, language and
literature, children’s literature, product manual
Availability: Full-time freelance
Nagel, Darla
Flushing, MI 48433 USA
810-624-9043 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting (AMA and Chicago styles), academic editing, proofreading
Type of material: Articles, research studies, courses, bibliographies, resumes
Experience: Since 2012
Subjects: Life sciences, health, medical, business, Christian
Availability: Part-time freelance
Navarre, Jennifer
Navarre Editorial Services
Tennessee, USA
Type of work: line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books/manuscripts, including picture books, early readers, chapter books, and middle grade (MG) and
young adult (YA) novels
Experience: 5+ years
Subjects: kidlit/children’s literature (picture book, early reader, chapter book, middle grade/MG, young adult/YA);
also mystery, romance, historical fiction, and speculative fiction for adults.
Availability: part-time freelance
Necol, Barbara
Editorial Services
230 Elm Hill Road, Peterborough, NH, USA
603-924-7874 (voice), 617-378-7677 (cell)
Type of work: Proofreading, copyediting, editorial
Type of material: Books, textbooks, journals, articles
Experience: Twenty years
Subjects: Literature, art, music, history, social sciences, natural sciences, children’s books, educational materials
Availability: Full-time freelance
Newman, Bob
Bob Makes It Better
Southern California, USA
Type of work: copyediting (Chicago), proofreading, fact-checking, rewriting, copywriting, humor writing
Type of material: nonfiction books, book-length reports, student workbooks, picture books, articles, newsletters,
promotional copy, top 10 lists
Experience: Since 1986
Subjects: Elementary education (math, language arts, science, social studies), third-world development projects,
self-improvement, inspirational/Christian life stories, politics
Availability: Part-time freelance
Nguyen, Sarah V.
Read ’Em and Write
Gardena, CA, USA
310-291-9074 (cell)
Type of work: Copy editing, line editing, proofreading, beta reader
Type of material: Books (fiction and nonfiction), novellas, essays, articles, reports
Experience: Since 2012
Subjects: Fiction, nonfiction, science fiction/fantasy, mystery, thrillers, erotica, romance, Middle Grade fantasy and
science fiction, Young Adult fiction, New Adult
Availability: Full-time freelance
Nichols, Aden
Little Fire Editorial Services
Charlottesville, VA 22911 USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, substantive/stylistic/line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Trade/scholarly nonfiction books, periodicals, corporate/business communications (marketing materials,
newsletters, manuals/handbooks, reports, white papers, conference proceedings, training materials, grant proposals, etc.),
NGO materials, ESL manuscripts/documents. Works with publishers/businesses or directly with authors
Experience: Since 1984 (freelance since 2005)
Subjects: Humanities, history (military a specialty), biography/memoir, wellness/fitness, spirituality, green initiatives,
human rights, outdoors, travel, cycling
Availability: Full-time freelance (online or in-house, quick turnaround or long-term)
Nichols, Christina
Bellingham, WA 98225 USA
c [dot] t [dot] nichols [at]
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books
Experience: Eight years
Subjects: Nonfiction–textbooks, memoir, spirituality, history, self-help, philosophy, theology, Catholicism
Availability: Full-time freelance
Nielson, Jacqueline
133 Bridge Street, Suffield, CT 06078 USA
Type of work: Copy editing, line editing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, resumes, hard copies accepted.
Experience: 7 years
Subjects: Fiction, memoirs.
Availability: Part-time freelance
Nixon, Cindy
BOOKMARKER Editorial Services
Grand Strand Area, SC 29576 USA
843-668-2816 (office), 732-513-1276 (cell)
Type of work: Copywriting, copyediting (light & heavy), rewriting, line editing, proofreading, fact-checking,
desktop design
Type of material: Promotional/marketing collateral, corporate & business communications, websites, books (both trade &
academic), manuscripts, newsletters/articles/white papers, PowerPoint presentations, annual reports, manuals, handbooks—all
either in print or online
Experience: Since 1992 (part-time); since 1996 (full-time)
Subjects: Fiction (adult, YA & children’s), general nonfiction, the arts & humanities, literature/literature
studies, health & healthcare, education, psychology, popular culture, lifestyle, humor, poetry
Availability: Full-time freelance
Noble, Danielle
Noble Writing & Editing
East Center Green Building 3 Apartment 1C, Dongguan, GZ 523000 PRC
(+86) 159-9276-3492 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Nonfiction books and articles, journals
Experience: One year
Subjects: Health and wellness, workplace culture, education, history, literature, theology, memoir/biography
Availability: Full-time freelance
O’Brien, Brendan
Lurganboy, Virginia, Co. Cavan, IRELAND
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading,
writing, rewriting, indexing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 1989 (freelance since 1993)
Subjects: Natural sciences, social sciences, psychology, history,
Ireland, general nonfiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
O’Connor, Heather
Three Quills Editing
Philadelphia, PA, USA
610-563-6067 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, beta reading, writing
Type of material: Books, short stories, articles, websites, blogs
Experience: Since 2016
Subjects: Fiction (romance, contemporary, historical, fantasy, literary); nonfiction (memoir, nature, gardening, education,
general interest)
Availability: Full-time freelance
O’Donald, Louise Burnham
O’Donald Editorial Services
36 Center St., #185, Wolfeboro, NH 03894 USA
520-825-6970 (voice), 520-240-0506 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing and rewriting, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Journal articles, manuals, marketing materials, proposals
Experience: Since 1980
Subjects: Computer/engineering technology, computer history, business
O’Halloran, Kate
O’Halloran Editorial Services
Type of work: Editing, copyediting, proofreading (hard copy and electronic)
Type of material: Books, manuals
Experience: Since 1987
Subjects: Art, Asian, business, crafts, educational, meteorology, theology
Ó Maoilbhreannain, Stiofán
Poznan, POLAND (but works with clients worldwide)
Type of work: Copyediting, editing, proofreading, stylistic and
substantive editing, editing of non-native text (especially of users
of Slavic languages), editing of translated text (especially from Slavic languages)
Type of material: Papers, journals, articles, reports, grant
applications, books, multi-author volumes, web-sites (mostly but not
exclusively scholarly)
Experience: Since 2005
Subjects: Natural sciences, social sciences, others; particularly
experienced with scholarly materials written by non-native users of English
Availability: Full-time freelance
O’Moore-Klopf, Katharine, ELS
KOK Edit
15 Hare Lane, East Setauket, NY 11733 USA
631-997-8191 (voice), 631-474-9849 (fax)
Type of work: Medical editing, medical editing for non-native English writers (also called ESL, EFL, or EAL editing),
editorial consulting, substantive editing, copyediting
Type of material: Textbooks, journal articles, monographs, books
Experience: Since 1984 (self-employed since 1995)
Subjects: Medical research, clinical medicine, surgery, allied health, psychology, traditional health care,
alternative health care
Availability: Full-time freelance
Orrick, Erika
Erika Edits Books
Conroe, TX 77304 USA
214-766-2556 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, book design and formatting
Type of material: Stories of any length, journal articles, websites, academic theses
Experience: Four years
Subjects: Fiction (particularly contemporary, romance, science fiction, urban fantasy, and LGBT), Nonfiction
(user experience, computer science, engineering, and healthcare IT)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Orvos, Judith, ELS
Orvos Communications, LLC
2801 New Mexico Avenue NW, Apt 608, Washington, DC 20007 USA
202-262-4186 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, line editing, proofreading, writing
Type of material: Manuscripts, journals, reports, posters, abstracts, proposals, CME programs
Experience: Freelance since 2011; 30 years prior full-time experience in publishing and communications
Subjects: Medical (especially familiar with ob/gyn, oncology, urology, HIV/AIDS, complementary and alternative medicine,
and urgent care)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Otte, Leigh Ann
Los Angeles, CA, USA
lawordsmith [at] gmail [dot] com
Type of work: Proofreading, copyediting, rewriting, writing, blogging,
Type of material: Magazine/newspaper/Internet articles, websites, books,
marketing materials (brochures, press releases), blogs, scripts/screenplays,
Experience: Since 2003
Subjects: Seniors, baby boomers, sandwich generation, senior care/elder care, aging, health, wellness, health care, medicine, doctors, arts, entertainment, crafts, the South, Southern culture
Availability: Full-time freelance
Overmyer, Helen
Odyssey Editing
PO Box 202, Littleton, CO 80123 USA
720-212-9085 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, translation postediting (French
<−> English)
Type of material: marketing materials, manuals, brochures, non-fiction book copy, websites, reports, articles,
newsletters, papers
Experience: Twenty years
Subjects: International affairs, humanities, languages, political science, business, travel, Christianity, academic
Availability: Part-time freelance
Ozaroff, Pam
7203 Charlton Street, Philadelphia, PA, USA
857-636-0326 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, content editing, developmental editing, substantive editing, manuscript formatting
Type of material: Academic books and journal articles, art publications and exhibition text, websites and digital content, white papers,
position statements, op-ed pieces, memoirs, personal essays, book reviews, fiction
Experience: 41 years
Subjects: Art history, art conservation, contemporary art, history, literary studies, consumer research, sociology, gerontology,
health, public health, women’s mental health
Availability: Full-time freelance
Ozguner, Ceylan
Oz Editorial Services
Columbus, OH, USA
(740)975-7260 (cell)
Type of work: Copy editing, proofreading, beta reading
Type of material: Books, essays, academic papers, articles, blogs, marketing materials
Experience: Since 2016 (freelance since 2023)
Subjects: Fiction, nonfiction, fantasy, action-adventure, social sciences, business, engineering, and more
Availability: Part-time freelance
Pafort, Catja
Realm of the Green Knight
Oxfordshire, UK
Type of work: copyediting (electronic only), developmental editing,
translation checking (German <−> English [bilingual]), fact checking, rewriting
Type of material: Academic and trade books, journals, theses/dissertations
Experience: Since 2008
Subjects: Archaeology/history/geography, humanities, other areas welcome
Park, Antonn
Blue Flower Editing
36 White Street, Cambridge, MA 02140 USA
(857) 529-7648 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: websites, papers, essays, newsletters, books, reports, letters, guides and manuals, interviews,
itineraries, and grant proposals.
Experience: Four years
Subjects: Finance, economics, political science, true crime, criminology
Availability: Full-time freelance
Parris, Christopher
Modern Grammarian
PO Box 1524, Edmonds, WA 98020 USA
562-810-6813 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing, substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books
Experience: University of Washington Editing Certificate Program
Subjects: Fiction, cookbooks
Availability: Full-time freelance
Parry, Aubrey
Ravishing Revisions
Orem, UT 84057 USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, substantive editing, line editing, copy editing, translation (French −>
English), rewriting, ghost writing, indexing, video and audio transcription
Type of material: Novels, novellas, short stories, journals, articles, book reviews
Experience: Four years
Subjects: Fiction, environmental studies, YA novels, middle-grade novels, academic
Availability: Full-time freelance
Paul, Santhosh Matthew
Feather Touch Editing
Kochi, Kerala, INDIA
Type of work: Academic copyediting
Type of material: Books, papers, business case studies
Experience: Since 2004 (freelance since 2013)
Subjects: Science, engineering, sustainability, business
Availability: Full-time freelance
Paximadis, Lori
Pax Studio LLC
Fairview Park, OH, USA
440-258-1600 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, production, project management
Type of material: Books, journals, magazines, reports, marketing materials, websites
Experience: Since 1990
Subjects: Fiction; memoir; cookbooks; business; self-help; crafts; photography; pop culture; trade and academic
nonfiction in humanities and social sciences, including history, religion, art, theatre, Asian studies, and Hawaiiana
Availability: Full-time freelance
Pendley, Heather
Pendley’s Pro Editing & Indexing
PO Box 293, Imperial, CA 92251 USA
760-977-8809 (cell)
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, indexing, rewriting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, websites
Experience: Freelance since 2014
Subjects: Business, case studies, culinary arts, education, fiction, finance, history, humanities, humor, journals,
magazines, memoirs, newsletters, newspapers, PowerPoint presentations, self-improvement, trade books
Availability: Full-time freelance
Pennefeather, Shannon
Pennefeather Editorial Services
St. Paul, MN, USA
Type of work: Proofreading, citations and notes, bibliographies, reference lists, copyediting (Chicago, AP, APA)
Type of material: Books, chapters, articles, dissertations, theses, scholarly and trade
Experience: Since 2000
Subjects: Cooking, history, natural history, travel, general nonfiction, memoir, children’s
Availability: Part-time freelance
Pennylegion, Christine
Turkey Creek Editing
Windsor, ON, CANADA
Type of work: Nonfiction proofreading and editing
Type of material: Books, articles, essays, websites
Experience: Since 2022
Subjects: Business, self-help, poetry, Christian theology, general nonfiction
Availability: Part-time freelance
Perrier, Daniel
Connecticut, USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, blogs, newsletters
Experience: 8 credit academic program in editing, 1-year freelance
Subjects: non-fiction/academic religion and spirituality, history of religion, fiction (young adult, new adult, adult, and erotic)
Availability: part-time freelance, part- or full-time employments
Pettis, Nina K.
East Texas, USA
Type of work: Proofreading, light copyediting
Types of material: Advertising / marketing copy & proofs, annual reports, articles, books (academic & mundane),
conference reports, corporate communications & collateral, forms, journals, magazines, manuals, marketing materials,
menus, newsletters, PowerPoint presentations, press releases, promotional materials, RFPs, training materials, web pages;
hard copy and electronic formats (editable PDFs, Word documents, PowerPoint files) accepted.
Experience: Since 1977 (freelance since 1996)
Subjects: Various
Availability: Full-time freelance
Pfister, Christina
Well Versed, LLC
PO Box 38, Manzanita, OR 97130 USA
616 634 3684 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing, copyediting, proofreading, coaching, translation (German <−> English), ghostwriting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Fourteen years
Subjects: theology, spiritual life, pedagogy, music, literature, linguistics, performing arts
Availability: Full-time freelance
Phelan, Julie, MD, MBA
Biomedisys Inc.
312-470-6330 (voice)
Type of work: Writing, substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading, line editing, fact checking,
critical review, journal selection
Type of material: articles, journals, books, abstracts, slide decks,
web site content
Experience: Since 2001
Subjects: Medicine, surgery, biotechnology, biological sciences,
health, health administration, business
Availability: Full-time freelance
Pine, Joslyn
50 7th Avenue, Sea Cliff, NY 11579 USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Novels, short stories and memoirs
Experience: Since 1985 (freelance since 2007)
Availability: Full-time freelance
de Piolenc, François Marc
Barangay Balugo, Valencia, Negros Oriental 6215 Philippines
+63 35 523-5130, +63 917 583-3132
Type of work: Translation (French and German <−> English, English <−> French), editing, pre-press
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Translator since 1972 (full-time since 2007); writer, editor, publisher since early 1990s
Subjects: Military, intelligence, technical (primarily aeronautics and propulsion, but have worked in many other fields)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Polhemus-Annibell, Wendy
Freelance Editorial Services
Peconic, NY 11958 USA
Type of work: Copyediting and development editing (electronic or hardcopy), proofreading, and project management (ms. to prepress)
Type of material: College textbooks, nonfiction/fiction trade books, scholarly journals
Experience: Since 1983
Subjects: College-level English composition, literature anthologies, history, political science, sociology, education, business,
religion, philosophy, film studies, gender studies, ESL, behavioral sciences, communications, cultural studies; any general fiction
and nonfiction (especially gardening).
Pond, Adrienne
Lost Art Editing
PO Box 294, El Prado, NM 87529 USA
Type of work: Manuscript evaluation, developmental editing, line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Fiction and nonfiction books and short stories, articles, web copy, travel writing, memoir, essays, academic
writing, educational material for English language learners
Experience: Since 2006
Availability: Full-time freelance
Popielinski, Lea, PhD
Your Words Pop
965-R Manor Lane, Columbus, OH 43221 USA
614-270-0295 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, proofreading, citations and bibliographies, dissertation formatting (esp. APA)
Type of material: Books, dissertations, theses, articles, chapters
Experience: Since 2011 (freelance)
Subjects: Humanities, social sciences, education, business, general nonfiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Popma, Rachel
Indianapolis, IN, USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading,
indexing, e-book creation and editing
Type of material: Academic and trade books, journals, articles, e-books
Experience: Since 2002
Subjects: Humanities, social sciences, education, history (esp. local
and family history/genealogy), biography, memoir
Availability: Part-time freelance
Pouliot, Rachel
Camillus, NY, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, developmental/substantive editing, line editing
Type of material: Trade and academic books, manuscripts, journals, websites, and print
Experience: Since 1999
Subjects: Math and English textbooks, Fiction (adult and children’s), memoir, biography, pop culture, music,
art, social sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Price, Laurie
C/Zaragoza 205, int. 2, Oax, OAX 68000 MEXICO
011 52 951-269-0916 (cell) Skype ID: laurpricex
Type of work: copyediting (all levels), proofreading, translation (Spanish > English) rewriting;
I specialize in ESL editing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites, magazines, catalogues (advertising), museum and
gallery catalogues, tech manuals, bilingual educational materials, etc.
Experience: Since 1991 (freelance since 2001); translation since 2003
Subjects: all of the arts, business, psychology, social sciences, education, healthcare, etc.
Availability: Full-time freelance
Price, Stephanie
8498 Jay Lane, Morrison, CO, USA
Type of work: Editing, copyediting (hard copy and online), ESL, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports
Experience: Since 1993
Subjects: Earth sciences, environmental reports (RFI, CSM RI/FS, EIS, etc.), geology and
geophysics, seismology, dog training and showing, other
Availability: Full-time freelance
Raja, Fatima
12 Tanza Road, London NW3 2UB UK
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, rewriting, language editing for non-native English academic writers
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, dissertations, briefs
Experience: 15 years
Subjects: International development, social sciences, anthropology, sociology, migration studies, urban studies
Availability: Full-time freelance
Surname, Firstname
Business Name (if any)
Street Address, City, ST 12345 COUNTRY
800-111-3333 (voice), 800-222-4444 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, translation (Romulan <−> Mongol) rewriting, indexing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Subjects: International affairs, social sciences, natural sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Rajesh, Anupama
A2, Ceebros Ashreya, 23/11, Raman Street, T Nagar, Chennai 600017 INDIA
+91 9342435097 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: 3 years
Subjects: Biological sciences (journal articles, reports, website content), Books (fiction and nonfiction) across genres
Availability: Part-time freelance
Ramos, Alicia
Editing by Alicia Z. Ramos
Seattle, WA, USA
Type of work: Author’s editing, substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, beta reading
Type of material: Books
Experience: Freelancing since 2014; as part of job responsibilities since 2000
Subjects: Popular/genre fiction (particularly LGBTQA+ fiction), such as romance, romantic suspense, mystery, thriller,
paranormal, and science fiction/fantasy; memoir
Availability: Part-time freelance
Ramsey, John
Ramsey Editorial Services
Fort Collins, CO, USA
Type of work: academic editing, developmental editing, line editing
Type of material: books, dissertations, journals, articles
Experience: Since 2005 (in academia); since 2020 (freelance)
Subjects: Humanities and social sciences; specializations in philosophy, literature, Asian studies, gender and race;
nonnative English authors
Availability: Full-time freelance
Ranjan, Nishant K.
I.P. Extension, Delhi 110092 INDIA
+91-981-07-00631 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting, content creation
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites and social media
Experience: Sixteen years
Subjects: International affairs, social sciences, management sciences, literature, natural sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Rappaport, Joyce
11 Cressy Road, Hampstead [Montreal], QC H3X 1R3 CANADA
Type of work: Copyediting, developmental editing, rewriting
Type of material: Books, textbooks, articles
Experience: Since 1980
Subjects: Academic textbooks in humanities, social sciences; ESL; Holocaust
memoirs; personal papers; novels
Rash, Shirley
Shirley Rash Editing
Type of work: Developmental editing, substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, permissions editing
Type of material: Books, articles, journals, dissertations and theses, web sites
Experience: Since 2010 (freelance since 2011)
Subjects: Nonfiction, history, military history, true crime, literature, biography, libraries, historical fiction,
crime fiction, mysteries
Availability: Full-time freelance
Rawlings, Rachel
Kismet Editing Services
PO BOX 4145, Seattle, WA 98194 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, fact checking, line editing, proofreading
Type of material: Articles, blogs, books, conference materials, journals, presentations, reports, technical materials,
training materials, webinar materials, websites
Experience: Since 2013 (freelance since 2019)
Subjects: Alchemy, astrology, divinatory arts, esotericism, health and well-being, veganism, yoga paths and philosophy,
and all things mystical
Availability: Part-time freelance
Redmon, Ann
7 Maple Street, Lexington, MA 02420 USA
Type of work: Copyediting (especially electronic), rewriting and organization,
Type of material: Books, journals, marketing materials, contracts, web-page
text, reports, newsletters, other materials welcome
Experience: Since 1997
Subjects: Medicine, medical management, nursing, international relations, history,
economics, political science, high-tech, other subjects welcome
Redmond, Jean M.
Columbus, OH, USA
Type of work: line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: journals, articles, newsletters; print and online
Experience: Since 1980 (freelance since 2001)
Subjects: Physical and applied chemistry, math, physics
Availability: Full-time freelance, home based
Redmond, Jeanette Fast
Silver Spring, MD, USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, scholarly articles, reports, dissertations
Experience: Since 1995; full-time since 1999 (freelance since 2001)
Subjects: Religion/spirituality, especially Catholic Church;
humanities (esp. literature/linguistics), history, pedagogy,
psychology, human resources, other social sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Regan, Lisa
342 Lastreto Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA
510-290-9831 (voice), 800-222-4444 (cell)
Type of work: Academic editing, developmental editing, copyediting, translation (Italian/German/French −> English),
project management, indexing
Type of material: Books, articles, talks & conference papers, professional materials, reports, web sites
Experience: 10 years
Subjects: Humanities: Literature, History of Art, History, Early Modern Studies
Availability: Project-based and/or ongoing
Rehwaldt, Jeremy, PhD
Introspection Editing
Lincoln, NE, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, research
Type of material: Books, journals, articles
Experience: Since 1995
Subjects: Humanities (especially religion/philosophy), social sciences, general nonfiction
Reisberg, Esther
Esther Edits
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, line editing, editorial assessment, developmental editing
Type of material: Books (primarily fiction, some nonfiction), websites
Experience: Since 2012
Subjects: Open to all; specialties include children’s books, middle grade, YA, rom-coms, self-help, women’s fiction,
historical fiction, fantasy
Availability: Part-time freelance
Reisman, Andrew
315 E 65th St, New York, NY 10065 USA
917-940-8554 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting, indexing
Type of material: Books, blogs, scripts, magazine articles, news articles,
reports, web sites, press releases
Experience: Since 2012 (freelance since 2014)
Subjects: International affairs, tech, literature, arts and culture, language,
business, memoir, general nonfiction
Availability: Full-time freelance, part-time freelance
Rhudick, Diana
Woburn, MA 01801 USA
781-942-3632 (voice)
Type of work: Copyediting, translation (French <−> English, Spanish <−> English), proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, websites
Experience: Since 1991
Subjects: Marketing communications, contracts, court rulings, real estate, international development
Availability: Full-time freelance
Rinaldi, Elisabeth
Inky Paw Editing
Maple Valley, WA, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, (Chicago, AP, and house styles), substantive editing, fact checking
Type of material: Books, articles, reports, websites, advertising and marketing materials, newsletters
Experience: Since 1998 (freelance since 2006)
Subjects: General nonfiction, spirituality, health & wellness, pets, self-help, historical fiction,
women’s fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Rinaldi, Kerri
Words by Kerri
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, proofreading, rewriting, scholarly critical feedback, ESL editing
Type of material: Scholarly journal articles, dissertations, theses, academic essays, magazines, books, web sites, resumes,
cover letters
Experience: Since 2005 (freelance since 2011)
Subjects: English, education, history, psychology, nursing, sociology, gender studies, natural sciences, other humanities,
self-help, memoirs.
Availability: Part-time freelance
Ripper, Laura
Laura Ripper | Proofreading and copy-editing
25 Hague Bar, New Mills, High Peak SK22 3AT ENGLAND
Type of work: plain-language editing, copy-editing, proofreading (hard copy
and electronic)
Type of material: articles, brochures, CVs, educational materials, essays,
dissertations, handbooks, information leaflets, marketing materials,
newsletters, reports, style guides, tenders, theses, websites
Experience: Since 2004 (freelance since 2012)
Subjects: Social sciences, literature, marketing, business, charity, education,
information aimed at the general public
Availability: Full-time freelance
Roaring, Ronda
571 South Danby Road, Danby, NY 14883-9606 USA
01 607-589-4031
Type of work: Copyediting (CMS, MLA, house styles), proofreading, stylistic and substantive editing, research, ghosting,
fact checking, online and feature writing, conference coverage, ESL/EFL editing; specializing in serving Cornell
and other university communities
Type of material: Books (fiction and non-fiction), textbooks, magazines and journal articles, theses, dissertations,
newsletters, reports, blog spots, public relations materials, speeches, etc
Experience: More than 25 years
Subjects: social sciences, natural sciences, public health, humanities, sports, travel/tourism/lifestyle, advertorials,
corporate and university histories, interviews, education, biographies/memories and more
Availability: Full-time freelance
Robaina Boyd, Marcela
Business Name (if any)
Adrian Medina 216, Montevideo 11900 URUGUAY
+598-2309-2922 (voice), +598-9961-7992 (cell)
Type of work: SubstaTranslation (English <−> Spanish); substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading
(electronic/hardcopy); research and fact checking; development and maintenance of glossaries
Type of material: books (non-fiction, fiction, textbooks, children’s books, cookbooks), academic writing, journals,
articles, reports, educational/training materials (teacher/student guides, curriculum, games), web sites
Experience: Since 1995 (freelance since 2002)
Subjects: Christianity and Spirituality, Theology, ESL, linguistics, translation (studies), humanities, Latin American,
culture and history, agronomy, natural sciences, environment
Availability: Full-time freelance
Robbian, Linda
804 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262 USA
Type of work: copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: books, journals
Experience: over 20 years’ experience
Subjects: medicine, social science, business, study guides, reference
Availability: full-time freelance
Robbins, Christine
Robbins Writing Services
P.O. Box 368, La Mesa, CA 91944-0368 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, re-writing, writing, meeting
services, transcription, assisting writers who are non-Native English
Type of material: Proposals/RFPs, website text, corporate communications
(including internal HR and policy documents), forms, reports, issue briefing
papers, job search materials, articles, theses/dissertations (proofreading
and light editing only), meeting materials (agendas, minutes, notes),
timeflows to monitor schedules and activities, newsletters
Experience: Since 1986 (freelance since 2004)
Subjects: Business, marketing, government, land use, Indian Country, human
resources, world history and politics, Asian history and culture (emphasis
on Japan, China, and Thailand), community association management,
hotel/casino management, film history
Availability: Full-time freelance
Roberts, Carol
6220 S. 51st St., #8, Greendale, WI, USA
Type of work: Indexing
Type of materials: Academic books, trade books, textbooks, periodicals,
manuals, corporate literature
Experience: Since 1993
Subjects: Art/architecture, history, cookbooks, biographies, philosophy,
political science, anthropology, self-help, literature, business, horticulture,
natural science, education, crafts, pop culture, reference
Availability: Full-time freelance
Roberts, Faye, MSLS
Lake City, FL 32024 USA
386-758-2945 (office), 386-365-4467 (cell)
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, proofreading, author’s editing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, grants, reports, website content
Experience: Since 2004
Subjects: Fiction and General Nonfiction (including business, non-profit, and social sciences)
Robisch, Janell
Speculations Editing Services
P.O. Box 691, Luray, VA 22835 USA
540-227-7784 (voice)
Type of work: Copy editing/line editing, developmental editing, blurb editing, book formatting, cover design,
graphic design, consulting
Type of material: Books, short stories, nonfiction and journal articles, web sites, business correspondence,
dissertations, and theses
Experience: Since 1995 (freelance since 1998)
Subjects: Fiction (especially science fiction, fantasy, urban fantasy, romance, and mystery), academic (science and
engineering, architecture, interior design, etc.), and nonfiction.
Availability: Full-time freelance
Roettger, Lisa
Watchword Editing
Freeport, IL, USA
Type of work: Copy editing, developmental editing, substantive (line) editing
Type of material: Books, short stories, articles
Experience: Since 2006; (freelance since 2014)
Subjects: Fiction, Christian literature—fiction and nonfiction; Biblical studies, linguistics, humanities, language arts
Availability: Full-time freelance
Romero, Mariela
408 #959, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
5492215406064 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, translation (English <−> Spanish) rewriting.
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Twelve years
Subjects: Education, K-12, Educational Materials, Intellectual Property, Marketing, Technical texts, Literature.
Availability: Part-time freelance
Rommel, Andrea, Ph.D.
Fairport, NY 14450 USA
Type of work: Writing, developmental editing, substantive editing,
line editing, copyediting, proofreading, research, fact checking,
manuscript evaluation
Type of material: Textbooks, textbook supplements, scholarly books,
educational materials, journal articles, white papers, grant
proposals, articles, reports, presentations, websites
Experience: Since 1997 (freelance since 2011)
Subjects: Sciences (specialization in neuroscience and other
life sciences), social sciences, psychology, technology, engineering,
medicine, health, education
Ronsley, Jill
Sun Edit Write (Editing & Writing Services)
Box 422, Lions Bay, BC, CANADA
Type of work: Editing, copyediting (standard, substantial, developmental),research
and writing, desktop publishing, proofreading, teaching
Type of material: Books, articles, stories, cookbooks, Web content, screenplays,
manuals, handbooks, brochures, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, letters, course
Experience: Since 1984
Subjects: Asian studies, philosophy, religion, history, design, art,
yoga, cooking, photography, novels, children’s literature, memoirs, gardening,
Roome, Mel
7 Powell Street, Sandy Bay, TAS 7005 AUSTRALIA
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Reports, magazines, course manuals, articles, websites,
proposals, presentations, advertising material, theses, academic papers
Experience: Since 2005
Subjects: Business, management, tourism, education, nonfiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Rosario, Daniel, ELS
Mumbai, INDIA
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Academic manuscripts, articles, books, conference proceedings, journals, reports, short stories, web sites
Experience: Since 2000
Subjects: Humanities, business, social sciences, natural sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Rosekind, Rachel, PhD, MLIS
Write You Are!: Writing Instruction and Editorial Services in the Bay Area and Beyond
El Cerrito, CA 94530 USA
415-420-4561 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, developmental editing, copyediting, content writing
Type of material: Books, journals, theses/dissertations, articles, reports, web sites, promotional material
Experience: Eighteen years
Subjects: Humanities, social sciences, literary fiction, nonfiction, memoir, poetry, information science
Availability: Full-time freelance
Rosenstiel, Enid
Columbus, OH 43235 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Academic journal articles, resumes and letters of application, and PowerPoint presentations
Experience: Freelance since 2010
Subjects: DENTISTRY, Economics
Availability: Full-time freelance
Rosenthal, Joel
958 Kennebec St., Pittsburgh, PA 15217 USA
Tyoe of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of materials: Books, manuals, technical materials
Experience: Since 2000
Subjects: Computers, political science/politics, science, others
Ross, Tia
WordWiser Ink Copyediting Lab
Houston Metro, TX, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, stylistic editing, and proofreading (Chicago, AP, APA, and house styles); style guide development;
content editing and rewriting (accessibility and SEO); research/fact-checking
Type of material: Manuscripts/books, e-books, digital content/websites, publications, proposals, articles, reports,
technical writing, training manuals, operating procedures, policies, playbooks, newsletters
Experience: Since 1986 (freelance since 1995)
Subjects: Business, marketing, advertising, technology (information science, information technology, computer technology),
nonfiction (yoga, health, fitness, business, finance, self-help, travel), African American, fiction (contemporary,
women’s, fantasy, speculative, science fiction, young adult), calendars, cookbooks
Availability: Full-time freelance
Roth, Natalie
Chicago, IL, USA
Type of work: Copyediting (Chicago and house styles), line editing, proofreading
Type of material: Books, articles, business documents, newsletters, web pages
Experience: Since 2013
Subjects: Education, nonfiction, fiction, memoir, travel, TEFL, self-help, general interest
Availability: Full-time freelance
Roynesdal, Kristin A., MS
P.O. Box 774, Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
(434) 234-4498 (work)
Type of work: AMA style editing, copyediting, ESL editing, line editing, substantive editing
Type of material: Academic (grant proposals, journal articles, book chapters, posters/slide decks), continuing medical
education (case studies, learning objectives, needs assessments), health/medical communications (conference reports,
consumer health articles, legislative policy briefs, meeting summaries, newsletters, patient education, study reports,
white papers)
Experience: Freelance since 2014
Subjects: Biological science (biochemistry, cell biology, microbiology, molecular biology, physiology, zoology), medicine
(cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, nutrition/metabolism, oncology, pediatrics, pharmacology, veterinary), public policy
(agriculture, child nutrition, dietary supplements, food safety, public health)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Ruggeri, Linda
The Insightful Editor
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type of work: Nonfiction developmental editing, copy-editing, line-editing, Spanish Translation Reviews, Spanish Copyediting,
rewriting, book publishing, book marketing, author and editor coaching.
Type of material: Books, website content, articles.
Experience: fifteen years
Subjects: memoir (travel, historical, personal, inspirational), cookbooks, travel books, gardening books, How To books.
Availability: Full-time freelance
Runciman, Kim
Seattle, WA, USA
510-560-3348 (Voice)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, substantive editing, content reviews
Type of material: Books, magazines (trade and general interest), newspapers/newsletters, web content,
corporate communications, marketing and design
Experience: Since 1985 (freelance since 1990)
Subjects: Film, music, travel and recreational guidebooks, cooking and nutrition, gardening, environmental,
interior design, home, fashion, fiction (most genres), memoir
Availability: Full-time freelance
Russell, Rebecca
Nightbird Editorial Services
Toronto, ON, Canada
647-780-2570 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copy editing, proofreading
Type of material: Books, articles, dissertations, theses, reports, blog posts, newsletters, web copy, resumes,
personal statements, marketing materials, ESL content
Experience: Since 2012
Subjects: Humanities, social sciences, literature, literary criticism, cultural studies, arts and culture, LGBT, gender
studies, philosophy, general nonfiction, memoir, creative nonfiction, fiction (commercial and literary), business
Availability: Full-time freelance
Ruths, Ginny
Touchstone Publications
Woodland Park, CO 80863 USA
719-687-1855 (voice)
Type of work: Developmental editing, substantive editing, line editing, copy editing, rewriting, ghostwriting,
manuscript evaluation/assessment
Type of material: Books, articles, newsletters, business materials, theses/dissertations, resumes
Experience: Freelance since 1989
Subjects: Nonfiction (memoir, spirituality, self-help, how-to/instructional, historical, grief therapy, business, education),
fiction (fantasy, action/adventure, sci-fi, young adult/new adult, children’s, thriller, mystery), academic
Availability: Full-time freelance
Sackett, Ellen
SackettWorks; Huckleberry Media Group
Dallas, TX area
Type of work: line editing, copyediting, rewriting, proofreading, fact-checking
Type of material: Books, journals, articles (magazines, newspapers, newsletters, blogs), reports, websites
Experience: 15 years
Subjects: arts, entertainment, lifestyle, food, nutrition, health, restaurants, profiles, history, medical, small business,
travel, pets, television
Availability: part-time freelance
Sandstrom, Joanne
1958 Manzanita Dr., Oakland CA 94611-1138 USA
Type of work: Copyediting
Type of material: Books
Experience: Since 1982
Subjects: Humanities, social sciences, trade nonfiction
Saunders, Heather E.
Just the Write Type
Boston, MA, USA
857-574-0174 (cell)
Type of work: Proofreading (hard copy and electronic), copyediting, substantive editing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles
Experience: Since 2003 (freelance since 2009)
Subjects: STEM (science, technology, engineering, math), aeronautics/astronautics, medical, social sciences, natural sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance, part-time freelance
Savage, Lynn
Savage Editorial Services
7 Kania Street, Easthampton, MA 01027 USA
413-977-0155 (cell)
Type of work: Copy editing, substantive editing, line editing, rewriting
Type of material: Books, journals, research papers, scientific posters, blog posts, white papers, articles, reports,
websites, presentations
Experience: Since 1996 (freelance since 2012)
Subjects: Natural sciences, cognitive sciences, behavioral sciences, technologies, general interest
Availability: Full-time freelance
Schaaf, Janet
Gracious Editing
Lee’s Summit, MO 64082 USA
816-508-7656 (call or text)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, research, small business promotion (content management,
social media management)
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 2011 (freelance since 2018)
Subjects: Non-fiction and academic related to the humanities and adult education, fiction (other than romance),
website and magazine articles
Availability: Full-time freelance
Schilling, Natalie
Natalie Schilling Consulting, LLC
301 N. Juniata Street, #477, Havre de Grace, MD 21078 USA
+1 202-687-6211
Type of work: Substantive editing, rewriting, ghostwriting, copyediting, proofreading, science writing, technical writing, feature writing
Type of material: Books (scholarly and trade), proposals, technical documents, articles, reports, dissertations, theses
Experience: Since 1999
Subjects: Linguistics, languages, language technology, literature, arts, music, social sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Schinske, Helen Erwin
6750 25th Ave. NW, Seattle, WA 98117 USA
206-783-8157 (voice)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, research/fact checking
Type of material: Books, articles, reports
Experience: Since 1996
Subjects: History (especially Victorian era), literature,
health, education, travel; interests include cookbooks,
fantasy/sf, children’s literature, knitting; note: reading
knowledge of German, former rare books cataloger
Availability: Full-time freelance
Schmidt, Nicci
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, formatting (APA, MLA, IEEE, journal-specific, general),
project management, editorial recruitment and training
Type of material: Journal articles, student papers, dissertations, theses, books, reports, websites, training manuals, knowledge bases
Experience: Since 2000
Subjects: Nonfiction, academic, business
Availability: Full-time freelance
Schneider, Amy J.
Featherschneider Editorial Services
Wautoma, WI 54982 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Fiction, general trade books, textbooks, professional and academic books
Experience: Since 1995
Subjects: Any and all; previous topics include accounting, advertising, anatomy/physiology, biology, business,
chemistry, cooking, computers, education, law, health, history, mathematics (algebra through calculus), nursing, physics,
and self-help
Availability: Full-time freelance
Schuldenfrei, Dawn
DRS Editing
PO Box 7321, Boise, ID 83706 USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books
Experience: Since 2016
Subjects: Genre fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Schuler, Michael
Berger+Schuler Editing Partners
1147 N 94th Street, Apt. 302, Seattle, WA 98103 USA
206-214-6128 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, desktop publishing/interior book design
Type of material: Books, journals, reports, business documents
Experience: Since 2003 (freelance since 2014)
Subjects: General nonfiction, historic and literary fiction, urban planning, urban design, architecture
Availability: Full-time freelance
Schultz, Gail
editing on (a division of Highlands Business Group, LLC)
76 Farley Place, Allendale, NJ 07401 USA
201 819-8215 (cell)
Type of work: Medical editing, copy editing, proofreading, substantive editing
Type of material: articles, websites, books, newsletters, blogs, reports, encyclopedias, catalogs, correspondence
Experience: Since 1974 (freelance since 2010)
Subjects: Medical marketing/education, health, non-fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Schutz, Mary Ellen (your Gentle Editor)
Gentle Editing, LLC
2686 Norwich Street, Madison, WI 53711 USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, copyediting, feature article writing,
technical writing, documentation project management, translation project coordination
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, manuals, Help, tutorials
Experience: Since 1986 (freelance since 2007)
Subjects: Computer hardware, software, firmware and BIOS, scientific
instrumentation and software applications, general business, general interest
Availability: Full-time freelance
Scott, Amy L.
Nomad Editorial
New Jersey, USA (currently based in Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, developmental editing,
substantive editing, line editing
Type of material: Books, magazines, articles, reports, web copy,
blogs, newsletters, proposals
Experience: Since 1999 (freelance since 2005)
Subjects: Nonfiction, including general interest, travel,
lifestyle, diet, wellness, health, psychology, relationships
Availability: Full-time freelance
Sellers, Janice M.
Sellers Publication Services
1009 NE 196th Avenue, Portland, OR 97230 USA
(503) 381-2654
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, indexing, translation (Spanish −>
English, French −> English)
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, Web sites, games
Experience: Editing since 1985 (freelance since 1990); translating since 1984; indexing since 1991
Subjects: geology, seismology, general, literature fiction, family history
Availability: full-time freelance
Shannon, John
JDS Communications
21 Taylor Street, Amherst, MA 00102 USA
(413) 835 1025
Type of work: writing, editing, research, multimedia development, content development, translation (Italian, Spanish),
social media, SEO, technical writing, project management
Type of material: Web sites, articles, trade articles, research reports, speeches, marketing copy, advertising copy,
press releases, corporate communications, brochure design, executive presentations, training materials, newsletters,
technical documentation, videoscripts.
Experience: Since 1994
Subjects: Medicine (traditional and alternative), finance, information technology (web & software development), science,
Buddhism, performing arts (music, movie/film history), culinary arts, travel and leisure
Availability: Full-time freelance
Sharpe, John
633 Bay Street, Apt. 2203, Toronto, ON M5G 2G4 CANADA
416-597-1924 (voice), 416-898-2549 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, rewriting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports
Experience: Since 2000 (freelance since 2010)
Subjects: Visual arts, classical music, science fiction/fantasy
Availability: Part-time freelance
Sheedy, Aileen
Portland, OR, USA
503-862-8182 (cell)
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, proofreading; developmental & substantive editing (screenplays only)
Type of material: Books, poetry, scripts, websites & blogs
Experience: Editing since 2019; film & screenwriting since 2014
Subjects: Screenplays (feature, short, episodic); fiction (young adult, new adult, middle grade, chick lit, romance,
LGBTQ, short stories); nonfiction (memoir & biography, film & TV, cooking)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Shepherd, Emily
Shepherd Essential Editorial
South Atlantic, USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, sensitivity editing, rewriting, fact-checking
Type of material: Trade and scholarly nonfiction, articles, blogs, websites, grant proposals, newsletters
Experience: Two years
Subjects: Agriculture, animal sciences, botany, conservation, crop sciences, food and nutrition, geography, history, natural history,
natural resources, science policy, soil science, sustainability, water and resource management, wilderness, wildfire, wildlife
Availability: Full-time freelance
Sheppard, Susan
Richmond, VA, USA (and Bracey, VA, USA)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading (Chicago or AP)
Type of material: Advertising, direct mail, collateral, annual reports,
white papers, proposals, websites, newsletters, articles, menus, evites,
catalogs, client alerts, PowerPoint presentations; history (Virginia)
Experience: Since 1975 (freelance since 1988)
Subjects: Advertising, public relations, marketing, business marketing
(such as law firms) (references available)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Short, MaryAnn
Oregon, USA
Type of work: substantive editing, copyediting, line editing
Type of material: Books, college textbooks, trade and academic nonfiction, journals, articles, reports, dissertations,
and academic articles, for non-native and native English speakers
Experience: Since 1989; freelance since 2001
Subjects: Almost anything—e.g., alternative energy, computer technology and software, memoir, natural resources,
science (biotechnology, chemistry, physics), self-help, social science (anthropology, criminal justice, education, film studies,
history, organizational sociology, political science, public policy), vegetarianism
Availability: Full-time freelance
Shriro, Leah
Beverly, MA 01915 USA
978-927-3680 (voice)
Type of work: Substantive editing, science editing, technical editing, copyediting, rewriting, writing
Type of material: Books, texbooks, scientific reports, computer software instruction, computer
programming books, white papers, marketing materials, style guides
Experience: Since 1988 (freelance since 2001)
Subjects: Air pollution and health, healthcare, social sciences, business, literature, computer
software and programming
Availability: Full-time freelance
Shubs, Shana Yael
Global Wording
Toronto, ON, CANADA
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, translation (Spanish <−> English), ESL editing
Type of material: Academic manuscripts, journal articles, research reports, dissertations, grant proposals, informed
consent forms, job applications, CVs
Experience: Since 2003 (freelance since 2009)
Subjects: Social sciences (political science, sociology, labour studies, human rights, gender, Latin American studies);
life sciences (biology, ecology, conservation biology), psychoanalysis
Availability: Full-time freelance
Silberg, Barbara
Houston, TX 77042 USA
Type of work: Proofreading, substantive editing, line editing, copyediting,
Type of material: Fiction, nonfiction, books, newspaper and magazine articles,
essays, short stories, ad copy, brochures, flyers, direct mail, poetry
Experience: Since 2006
Subjects: children, children’s literature, young adult, popular literature,
cookbooks, healthcare, self-help, autobiographies and biographies; history,
anthropology, psychology, medicine, health and fitness, alternative health,
pets, memoirs, romance, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, business manuals,
women’s issues, beauty, humor, green living, and general interest
Availability: Part-time freelance
Simboli, Brian
Easton, PA 18045 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, rewriting
Type of material: Articles, books
Subjects: Economics, physics, history and philosophy of science, philosophy of social science
Availability: Full-time freelance
Skeen, Katie
Catherine Skeen, PhD / Editorial consultant
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, substantive editing, copy
editing, formatting/styling, proofreading, research/fact-checking
Type of material: Books (academic and trade nonfiction),
dissertations, theses, journal articles, proposals, instructional
materials, promotional copy, web content, social media
Experience: Since 1994 (freelance since 2009)
Subjects: humanities, social sciences, arts, literary
theory/criticism, politics, gender studies, religious studies, Irish
topics, general interest (fashion, cooking, parenting, gardening,
baseball, travel, pregnancy, health, personal finance); open to
other subjects
Availability: Full-time freelance
Skinner, Rachel Daven
Romance Refined
Hawaii, USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, Americanizing, anglicizing
Type of material: Books, traditionally published and self-published
Experience: Since 2012
Subjects: Romance genre fiction and commercial fiction with romantic subplots for the following genres/subgenres:
mystery, suspense, thriller, adventure, historical (any period, including extensive knowledge for Regency romance), dystopian,
fantasy, sci-fi, paranormal, contemporary, and chick-lit. Adult, New Adult (NA), and Young Adult (YA).
Availability: Full-time freelance
Sloane, Merryl
PO Box 64866, Tucson, AZ 85728 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, substantive (line-by-line) editing
Type of materials: academic and scholarly books, journals, journal articles,
dissertations, nonfiction trade books
Experience: Since 1978 (freelance since 1994)
Subjects: religion, literary criticism, philosophy, political science,
music, business, sociology, anthropology, psychology, history, law, cinema, popular culture
Smith, Lisa J
Erudite Editing
216 6366 Commerce Blvd., Rohnert Park, CA 94928 USA
617-285-5211 (cell)
Type of work: Developmental editing, Substantive editing, Copyediting, Proofreading, Rewriting, Indexing,
Research, Fact-checking
Type of material: Books, monographs, journals, advertising, magazines, academic manuscripts, theses, dissertations,
textbooks, legal, general interest nonfiction (e.g., cookbooks), ESL
Experience: Since 1991 (freelance since 2003)
Subjects: Medicine, Law, Science Public policy, Pharmaceuticals, Psychology, Religion, Health Care, Sociology, Art history
Availability: Full-time freelance
Smith, Sarah C.
Arbuckle Editorial
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading (hard copy and electronic)
Type of material: Books, websites
Experience: Since 2014 (freelance since 2017)
Subjects: History (esp. environmental, American, history of science and media); cultural and regional studies (esp.
Native American studies and ethnography, religion); literary studies; biography and memoir; food and cookbooks; and others.
Availability: Full-time freelance
Smith, Thressa
Onboard Editing
PO Box 16183, Galveston, TX 77552 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, substantive copyediting, science copyediting, life
science copyediting, ESL copyediting, medical copyediting
Type of material: Manuscripts for science journal articles and clinical
medicine journal articles, reviews, reports, grant and fellowship applications, abstracts
Experience: Since 1992 (freelance since 2013)
Subjects: Life science, biology, health, clinical medicine, biomedical research,
neuroscience, pharmacology, animal behavior, drugs of abuse, drug development,
particularly experienced in helping non-native English speakers (ESL)
Availability: Full-time freelance (telecommute/remote/virtual)
Smith, Vanessa
PO Box 20615, Tuscaloosa, AL 35402 USA
Type of work: Transcription, proofreading, light editing
Type of materials: Books, journals, manuals, legal, business, academia, technical materials, sermons
Experience: Since 2006
Subjects: Legal, business, novels, academia, medical and legal research
Smith du Toit, Lauryn
Temecula, CA, USA
847-387-7990 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, rewriting, other
Type of material: Novels, memoirs, journals, articles, blog posts, other
Experience: Twelve years
Subjects: Health and wellness, medicine, natural sciences, education, other
Availability: Full-time freelance
Sommerville, Caleb
Stet Media
3600 Virginia Ave, Kansas City, MO 64109 USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, proofreading, copyediting, rewriting, photography, social media management/consultation
Type of material: Websites, deliverables, books, social media
Experience: Since 2012 (full-time since 2015)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Sommerville, Donald
31 Hamdon Close, Stoke-sub-Hamdon, Somerset TA14 6QN UK
+44 (0)1935 825917
Type of work: Copyediting, design and typesetting, proofreading, writing
Type of material: Trade, academic, and self-published books, magazines, etc.
Experience: Since 1979 (freelance since 1994)
Subjects: Non-fiction, including history, biography, military history and technology, sports, travel, popular science,
mind–body–spirit, poetry and literary criticism
Availability: Full-time freelance
Spangler Buswell, Stefanie
Dunfermline, IL 61524 USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading,
rewriting, and writing
Type of material: Books, e-books, articles, reports, website copy, business
documents, newsletters, and marketing materials
Experience: Since 2006 (freelance since 2011)
Subjects: Fiction, nonfiction, children’s literature, political science,
business writing
Availability: Full-time freelance
Sparber, Elaine Will
The Sharp Pencil Editorial Services
2375 Amherst Street, East Meadow, NY 11554 USA
516-783-4045 (voice)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, developmental
editing, proofreading
Type of material: Books, booklets, articles, short stories, Web pages
Experience: Since 1981 (freelance since 2003)
Subjects: Health, nutrition, dieting, cooking, fitness, pregnancy and childbirth,
parenting, relationships, psychology, self-help, lifestyle, politics, pet care,
New Age, fiction (general, mystery, suspense, thriller, romance, fantasy,
young adult)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Sparkman, Gretchen
Huntingtown, MD 20639 USA
(240)476-4434 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, substantive editing
Type of material: Books, articles
Experience: Since 2012
Subjects: New Age/Spirituality, children’s books
Availability: Part-time freelance
Spencer, Sydney
Big Sky Editing
Helena, MT, 59602 USA
509-312-0505 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Nonfiction books, articles, reports, websites
Experience: Ten years
Subjects: health sciences, nonprofits, self-help, spirituality
Availability: Part-time freelance
Spicher, Sandra
Lago Vista, TX 78645 USA
Type of work: Writing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, translation (Spanish > English), indexing
Type of material: Books, articles, theses and dissertations, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 1999 (freelance since 2012); since 2012 (indexing)
Subjects: Fiction, screenwriting, Spanish and Latin American studies, English literature, science and technology
Availability: Full-time freelance
Stamboltsyan, Seda
55/2 N. Zaryan, Yerevan 0014 ARMENIA
Type of work: Translation (between English, Armenian [modern and Classical], and Russian), copyediting, proofreading,
formatting, creation of e-books, preparing critical editions of medieval Classical Armenian texts
Type of material: Books, articles, newsletters, websites, manuscripts, e-books
Experience: Since 1991
Subjects: General, humanities and social sciences
Availability: Part-time freelance
Stein, Melissa
San Francisco, CA, USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, copyediting, proofreading, copywriting, training
Type of material: Books, reports, proposals, websites, marketing materials, newsletters, articles
Experience: Since 1991 (freelance since 1998)
Subjects: General trade nonfiction (including creative nonfiction, self-help, memoir), fiction, poetry
Availability: Full-time freelance
Stewart, Lisa
67 Hermitage Road, Saughall, Chester CH1 6AQ UK
+44 (0)1244 880464 (voice)
Type of work: Medical editing, scientific editing, substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Theses, journals, articles, reports, web sites, presentations
Experience: Since 2000 (freelance since 2002)
Subjects: Medicine, biology, chemistry, general non-fiction
Availability: Part-time freelance
Stewart, Sharon
1365 Mayview Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1Z 8H6 CANADA
613-422-7396 (voice)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, publication management, substantive editing
Type of material: Annual reports, books, dissertations, editorial audits, journals, manuals and guides, newsletters, reports,
speeches, style guides
Experience: Since 1978 (freelance since 1990)
Subjects: Agriculture, computer education, Earth sciences, economics, engineering, environment, government, health, science,
sustainable development, technology
Availability: Full-time freelance
Stimpson, Mike
Thunder Bay, ON, CANADA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, substantive editing, writing
Type of material: Books (nonfiction), business communication, journalism, magazines, web content
Experience: Since 1995 (freelance since 2006)
Subjects: Business, current affairs, politics, entertainment
Availability: Part-time freelance
Stitt, Judith V.
16 Ware St. Suite C, Cambridge, MA 02138-4034 USA
617-547-7453 (voice), 617-547-1593 (fax)
Type of work: Substantive editing, copy editing, condensing, fact-checking,
research, correspondence, editorial proofreading
Type of material: Technical, scientific, scholarly/academic, trade, and government
documents including proposals, reports, journal articles, white papers, case
studies, brochures, newsletters, book manuscripts, manuals, web content, working
Experience: Since 1978 (freelance since 1997)
Subjects: Sciences, engineering, computers and technology, mathematics, business/management/manufacturing
(incl. nanoscale), economics, policy, environmental issues. Special interests:
"new physics" (e.g., superstring theory, nonlocal energy / quantum hologram
/ "the Mind of God"), spirit/science interface, synchronicity, consciousness/mind/brain/body,
health, nutrition (especially vegetarian), medicine, inspirational works, history,
negotiation, finance, law.
Stoffregen, Morgan
Type of work: copyediting, translation (Spanish > English)
Type of material: Academic, NGO
Experience: Since 2005
Subjects: Human rights, international and comparative law, United Nations
Availability: Full-time freelance
Studenmund, Sarah
Wordstream: Technical Writing and Editing
3129 SE Franklin St, Portland, OR 97202 USA
918-381-1157 (cell)
Type of work: Writing, substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting
Type of material: Newsletters, journals, articles, reports, books, ephemera
Experience: Since 1983
Subjects: Archaeology, natural and social sciences, engineering, business
Availability: Part-time freelance
Sturgis, Susanna J.
P.O. Box 39, West Tisbury, MA 02575 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, rewriting (on paper and on screen)
Type of material: Books (fiction and nonfiction), academic papers and dissertations,
Experience: Since 1979
Subjects: General nonfiction, social sciences, humanities, lesbian/gay
and women’s studies, general fiction, science fiction and fantasy
Sumner, Amanda
Careful Copyediting
Type of work: Copyediting
Type of material: Books, online fiction
Experience: twenty-five years
Subjects: Fiction, especially self-published/indie fiction; mostly genre fiction, including romance, thriller/suspense,
paranormal, erotica, and other genres
Availability: Full-time freelance
Sutherland, Karen
Sutherland Communications
Brookings, OR, USA
Type of work: Technical and general editing, developmental editing, line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Reports, educational materials, articles, books, web sites
Experience: Since 1984 (freelance since 2000)
Subjects: Health care, quality measurement/improvement, lean manufacturing, environmental monitoring, general nonfiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Sutton, Kenneth
PO Box 1681, Provincetown, MA 02657 USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, articles, blog posts, websites
Experience: Thirty years
Subjects: Nonfiction, essays, spirituality, liberal religion, Quakerism, Unitarian Universalism, new age/paganism, tarot,
personal growth, memoir, lgbtq+, social justice
Availability: Part-time freelance
Swenson, Olivia
Olivia Edits
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
412-438-3889 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: books, short stories
Experience: Since 2013 (minor in editing from BYU)
Subjects: science fiction, fantasy
Availability: Full-time freelance
Syth, Em
Em Syth LLC
Fitchburg, WI 53711 USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, and proofreading
Type of material: Websites, journals, articles, books, reports
Subjects: Healthcare, patient-focused writing, clinician-focused, international affairs, business
Availability: Full-time freelance
Tan, Athena
Claremont, CA, USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, sensitivity editing,
layout design (InDesign), production coordination, research and fact-checking, writing (academic, journalistic, informational,
marketing, reviews, in-house style guides)
Type of material: Books, journals, dissertations, articles, newsletters, catalogs, websites
Experience: Since 2010 (freelance since 2016)
Subjects: Academic: interdisciplinary humanities and social sciences; general: social justice, public policy, arts and
pop culture, local reporting, travel; geographic: Philippines
Availability: Full-time freelance
Tan, Jennifer
RPT Pengkalan Pegoh Seberang, Ipoh, PERAK 31500 MALAYSIA
+6012-2822473 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, substantive editing, rewriting, proofreading, layout design
Type of material: Correspondence, curriculum vitae, résumés, books, journal/conference papers, articles, reports, surveys, websites,
whitepapers, infographics, marketing materials (including press releases), guides, video/interview scripts, theses/examination assignments,
presentation slides/posters, newsletters, bylaws & regulations
Experience: Since 1998 (voluntary) (employed since 2016, editing freelance since 2020, laying out freelance since 2018)
Subjects: Business (various industries, including IT, healthcare, public sector, transportation & logistics, automotive, banking &
financial services), engineering, environment, sustainability, technology, medical, Christianity
Availability: Part-time freelance
Tangedal, Ross
Stevens Point, WI, USA
406-570-8102 (cell)
Type of work: substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: trade and academic books, journal articles, dissertations, theses, conference papers,
business documents, website copy
Experience: Nine years (writing instruction); Five years (academic writing/publishing); Four years (editorial process)
Subjects: English, history, humanities, engineering, physical sciences, social sciences, professional, fiction,
nonfiction, education
Availability: Full-time freelance
Taylor, Tiffany
Type of work: Copy editing, proofreading
Type of material: Articles, blog posts, Christian, short stories
Experience: 5 years (writing)
Subjects: Christian theology and living, early childhood education, international travel
Availability: Part-time freelance
Thompson, Stephanie
Thompson Editing
Miami, FL, USA
925-471-6151 (voice or text)
Type of work: copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, blogs
Experience: Six years
Subjects: Adult non-fiction with specialties in memoir and self-help, cookbooks, scientific journal articles, academic books
Availability: Full-time freelance
Thukral, Hitesh
Toronto, ON, CANADA
416-877-5046 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, substantive editing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites, social media posts, corporate communications, presentations,
research papers
Experience: Five years
Subjects: Medical sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, biological sciences, emergency management, marketing, finance, psychology,
politics, fiction
Availability: Part-time freelance
Thurmond, Elizabeth
Thurmond Editing
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Novels, screenplays, comic scripts
Experience: 22 years
Subjects: Science fiction, fantasy, horror, thriller, mystery, for middle grade, young adult and adult audiences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Tobin, Stacey
The Tobin Touch, LLC
532 S. Donald Ave., Arlington Heights, IL 60004 USA
773-368-3079 (cell)
Type of work: Writing, rewriting, developmental/substantive editing, copyediting
Type of material: Academic (journal articles, grant proposals, abstracts,
posters, slides, textbooks), healthcare communications (conference reports,
case studies, rep education, reprint backgrounders, monographs), continuing
medical education (newsletters, journal supplements, speaker program
materials), biotechnology (SBIR proposals, white papers)
Experience: Since 2003
Subjects: Life sciences (biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology,
physiology), medicine (cardiology, oncology, obstetrics/gynecology,
reproductive medicine, diabetes, endocrinology, HIV/AIDS, diagnostic
imaging, nephrology)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Tomkies, Kelly Kagamas
36 N. Cassady Rd., Columbus, OH 43209 USA
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, copyediting,
Type of material: Fiction, nonfiction, academic; books, journals, publications,
textbooks, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 1999 (freelance since 2001)
Subjects: A variety of genres and subjects including all aspects of business,
market reports, healthcare, pharmaceutical, bioscience, all kinds of fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Trudeau, Michael
Belle Étoile Studios
Cary, NC, USA
314-337-2154 (voice)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books: fiction and nonfiction
Experience: Since 2004
Subjects: Literary and genre fiction, social sciences, politics, current affairs, specializing in socialist and
radical left politics and theory
Availability: Full-time freelance
Truitt, Jocelyn, MS
Truitt Editorial Services
Berkeley, CA 94702 USA
510-926-0242 (cell)
Type of work: Copy editing, line editing, substantive editing, and
proofreading (hard copy and electronic, Chicago, Turabian, APA, AAA,
and house/publication-specific styles); indexing
Type of material: academic papers, corporate documents, educational
materials, essays, film discussion guides, KSAs (Knowledge, Skills,
and Abilities profiles), legal documents, press releases, professional
and personal correspondence, reports, resumes, visual aids, website
content; EFL/ESL/nonnative English authors welcome
Experience: Since 2006 (freelance since 2010)
Subjects: General nonfiction, humanities, law/legal scholarship,
social sciences, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics); clean technology, environmental
science/issues, global warming and climate change, green/sustainable
development, health and fitness, music, natural hair/trichology,
self-help/personal development, sexuality, spirituality/New Age; all
inquiries welcome
Availability: Full-time freelance for short projects or long-term
contract, will consider local on-site contract
Tsai, Beth, PhD
Troy, NY, USA
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, editing for non-native English writers (ESL),
translation (English <−> Chinese), indexing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, book proposals, cover letters, CVs, grant proposals
Experience: Since 2006 (freelance since 2017)
Subjects: Humanities and social sciences, film and media studies, art history, women’s and gender studies
Availability: Part-time freelance
Turnbull-Sousa, Jahleen
Maplewood Editorial Services
Toronto, ON, CANADA
Type of work: Writing, rewriting, article appraisal, substantive editing, stylistic editing, line editing, copyediting, localization
(Canadianizing), SEO
Type of material: Articles, blogs, communications, press releases, educational materials, e-learning, manuals, medical assessment
reports, medicolegal forensic reports, medical exam questions
Experience: 14 years
Subjects: Health and wellness, healthcare, psychology, medicolegal, mental health and addictions, medicine and pharmacology,
aging, caregiving, nature and environment, education, business, home and garden, cooking and nutrition
Availability: Full-time freelance
Tuttle, Cassie
CT Editing
56B Bethany Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15215 USA
Type of work: Copyediting and proofreading
Type of material: Treatises, books and e-books (generally nonfiction), journals, articles, reports, newsletters,
websites, memoirs
Experience: Since 1989 (freelance since 2007)
Subjects: Law, education, social sciences, health and wellness, ESL
Availability: Full-time freelance
U, Nkoli
Aesteryx Editorial Services
585-304-3985 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading, translation (English <−> Korean,
English <−> Vietnamese)
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, essays, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 2008 (freelance since 2014)
Subjects: Life sciences, medical, information technology, history, social sciences, natural sciences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Unsinger, Jodi
Acme Editorial Services
Summerville, SC, USA
843-291-1238 (voice), 843-291-1238 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting (light, medium, heavy), proofreading
Type of material: Manuscripts, articles, documents/correspondence, blogs
Experience: Since 2023
Subjects: Self-help, health and wellness, mental health, fitness, business
Availability: Full-time freelance
Van Pelt, Julie
JVP Editing
2023 E Sims Way #128, Port Townsend, WA 98368 USA
Type of work: Project management, editing (developmental, substantive,
copyediting), proofreading, fact-checking, developing
audience-appropriate documentation
Type of material: Trade and academic fiction and nonfiction, articles, reports
Experience: Since 1995
Subjects: Environmental history, assessment, and advocacy; natural
history and sciences; travel and outdoor education, especially
climbing/mountaineering/guidebooks; politics; Asian studies; literary
Availability: Full-time freelance
Varacalli, Hannah
H.V. Editorial
Type of work: Copyediting, indexing, developmental editing
Type of material: Books, short stories
Experience: Since 2017
Subjects: fiction, academic nonfiction, Japanese language textbooks
Availability: Full-time freelance
Venkat, Meenakshi
Absolute-Ink Editorial
27114 Hardwick Hills Lane, Katy, TX 77494 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, technical editing
Type of material: Books (esp. academic/scholarly), journals, articles, reports, web content
Experience: Since 2004 (freelance since 2012)
Subjects: Humanities, social sciences, marketing and business, health communication, software documentation
Availability: Part-time freelance
Versluis, Sara
Portland, OR, USA
347-687-2509 (voice)
Type of work: Developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Nonfiction books, journals, articles, reports, marketing materials, curriculum, magazines
Experience: Since 2009
Subjects: General nonfiction; law and technology; religion, faith, spirituality; curriculum (children’s and adult)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Waddell, Starr
Quiethouse Copy Editing
Type of work: copyediting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 2014
Subjects: Fiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Wade, Dawn
Atlanta, GA, USA
Type of work: Substantive, developmental, and line editing, proofreading, copyediting, writing, ghostwriting
Type of material: Books, articles, marketing materials, web content
Experience: Since 2013 (freelance since 2015)
Subjects: business, self-help, memoir, general and genre fiction, YA, and more
Availability: Full-time freelance
Waldbrook, Adam
Waldbrook Editorial Services
Montreal, QC, CANADA
Type of work: Copyediting and proofreading
Type of material: Articles, web sites, blogs, educational materials, résumés, personal statements
Experience: Four years
Subjects: Philosophy, social sciences, real estate, education, general nonfiction
Availability: Part-time freelance
Walinski, Kristin
Scribe On Demand
3201 Seminary Avenue, Richmond, VA 23227 USA
804-517-7726 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting, writing, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, white papers, reports, web sites, electronic media
Experience: Since 1997 (freelance since 2008)
Subjects: Law, business, careers, education, weddings, personal development, nonfiction, other subjects welcome
Availability: Full-time freelance
Wallace, Heather, PhD
Writing is Thinking
Austin, TX, USA
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, developmental editing
Type of material: Academic and nonfiction books, articles, reports, journals, dissertations, theses, web sites,
personal statements, application materials
Experience: Freelance since 2020
Subjects: humanities and social sciences, specializations in philosophy, literature, sociology, cognitive science, &
adapting scholarship for public audiences
Availability: Full-time freelance
Wallach, Susan Levi
Columbia, SC, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, developmental/substantive editing, coaching, ghostwriting, technical writing and editing,
copywriting, public relations
Type of material: Manuscripts, articles, reports, websites, marketing/press materials
Experience: Freelance since 1985, MFA in Writing
Subjects: Fiction (adult and children’s), poetry, memoir, business, technical
Availability: Full-time freelance
Walworth, Sarah
Tricot Edit
Krugerville, TX 76227 USA
Type of work: Knitting technical editing, copyediting, proofreading, transcription
Type of material: Craft patterns, books, articles, web sites, blogs, tutorials, social media
Experience: Since 2015
Subjects: Knitting, knitting design, knitting patterns and instruction, crafting, sewing, sewing patterns and instruction,
fiber, do-it-yourself (DIY)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Washington, Jeanne
Provincetown, MA 02657 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, proofreading, writing
Type of material: Books, magazines, journals, websites/blogs, newsletters,
press releases
Experience: 20+ years (freelance since 1999)
Subjects: Social sciences, education, business, health and fitness, medical;
most subjects welcome
Availability: Full-time freelance
Watt, Stephanie
Recto Verso Editing
Montreal, QC H2G 2J5 CANADA
Type of work: Indexing, copy editing, line editing, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, websites, newsletters
Experience: Since 2010
Subjects: Food studies and cooking, human geography, Middle Eastern and North
African studies, politics, social sciences, tourism, urban studies
Availability: Full-time freelance
Weber, Charlotte, PhD
Scholar’s Touch Editing
Columbus, OH, USA
614-439-1497 (cell)
Type of work: developmental editing, substantive editing, copyediting, ESL editing
Type of material: academic books, journal articles, research reports, white papers, theses and dissertations,
grant and book proposals
Experience: since 2000 (freelance since 2008)
Subjects: humanities and social sciences; academic expertise in history, women’s studies, Middle East studies
Availability: part-time freelance
Weeks, Toni
Pismo Beach, CA 93449 USA
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting (Chicago and house styles)
Type of material: Books, articles, essays, reports, manuals
Experience: Since 2010
Subjects: Entrepreneurship, leadership, home improvement, gardening, health, general life/physical science, young adult
and children’s literature, memoir
Availability: Full-time freelance
Weigle, Natalie
Grammar Gnat, LLC
Greenville, SC 29615 USA
864-630-9954 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites, social media and marketing posts
Experience: Since 2018 (freelance since 2021)
Subjects: Medical, business, professional, education, more
Availability: Full-time freelance
Weiner, Marcella Fecteau
Ann Arbor, MI 48103 USA
734-546-1113 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, developmental editing, substantive editing, proofreading
Type of material: Teaching resources, academic books, journal articles, marketing materials, websites
Experience: 20 years
Subjects: Early childhood, English language teaching, education, families
Availability: Full-time freelance
Wenzel, Caryl
Illinois, USA
847-458-5767 (voice)
Type of work: Indexing (copyediting at full-time position)
Type of material: Books (trade books, textbooks, professional resource books), conference materials
Experience: Since 1985 (full-time freelance since 2006; part-time since 2017)
Subjects: Generalist, including education, science, business; no philosophy, scholarly, law, or engineering
Availability: Part-time freelance
West, Vickie
410 W. First Street, Fairmount, IN 46928 USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, rewriting, factchecking
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, monographs, textbooks, web sites
Experience: Since 1989
Subjects: General (any subject), fiction, nonfiction, science, social science,
business, humanities, technical, health care, medical (specialty), STM documents, HTML
documents; hardcopy or electronic (MS Word, Adobe Acrobat)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Wheeler, Glen
Owl Editing
Victoria, BC, CANADA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading, formatting, research
Type of material: Academic papers, books, journals, articles, reports, dissertations and theses, grant proposals, curricula
vitae, reviews, reference lists, PowerPoint presentations, web sites
Experience: Since 1994
Subjects: Nonfiction, science, medicine, natural sciences, humanities, business, accounting, communications, community,
e-commerce, economics, education, finance, law, management, marketing, biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, chemistry, computing,
computer science, earth science, engineering, environment, forestry, home ecology, information systems, Internet, mining, natural
disasters, plant sciences, soil science, web technology, zoology, health care, anatomy, cell biology, genetics, health science,
histology, immunology, laboratory science, neurosciences, nursing, nutrition, pathology, pharmacology, physiology, arts, anthropology,
art criticism, art history, architecture, Asian studies, creative writing, ESL, film studies, geography, history, international studies,
journalism, literary criticism, literature review, musicology, music, philosophy, poetry, poetry criticism, political science,
psychology, sociology, urban studies, urban planning
Availability: Full-time freelance
White, Vee
Vee White Editorial, LLC
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Type of work: developmental editing (content/structural/line editing), substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading, fact
checking, and writing and rewriting
Type of material: pharma/biotech education and sales training materials, advisory board materials, medical continuing education
content, books, journals, slide decks, conference proceedings, meeting reports, backgrounders and training materials, med comms,
medical continuing education, general nonfiction and academic content
Experience: Since 2003 (specializing in medical content since 2008; full-time freelance since 2015)
NEW! …
Whited, Jason
Las Vegas, NV, USA
702-338-2453 (cell)
Type of work: SSubstantive editing, developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, and translation
(Russian <−> English, French <−> English)
Type of material: Novels, novellas, short stories, long-form nonfiction, magazines, professional, and web
Experience: Since 2014
Subjects: Fiction (general fiction, literary fiction, thriller, suspense, romance, science fiction, and historical fiction),
nonfiction (book-length nonfiction, reportage, self-publishing, and personal finance)
Availability: Full-time freelance
Wiencke, Katharine R.
Hancock, MA, USA
413-346-3139 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, ESL copyediting, line editing, proofreading (hard copy and electronic)
Type of material: Academic books, trade books, book chapters, journal articles, short stories
Experience: Since 1992 (freelance since 1995)
Subjects: Children’s, middle grade, and YA fiction (contemporary, historical, multicultural, speculative, fantasy, paranormal,
science fiction, thriller/suspense, mystery, LGBT/LGBTQ); children’s, middle grade, and YA nonfiction; medicine (all fields,
especially psychiatry; also ESL); nature; humanities; memoir and biography; classical music; other nonfiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Wild, Ayshea
Write Wild
PO Box 1267, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 USA
503-887-0348 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, line editing, developmental editing
Type of material: Memoir, narrative nonfiction, meditation guides, self-help, newsletters
Experience: Since 2020
Subjects: Memoir, meditation, Buddhism, yoga, healing
Availability: Full-time freelance
Willard, Erin
Erin Willard, Copy Editor
13568 Scarsdale Way, San Diego, CA 92128 USA
619-892-4963 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting
Type of material: Books, blog posts
Experience: Since 2010
Subjects: fiction, general non-fiction, news articles and reviews
Availability: Full-time freelance
Williams, George J.
Editing and Beyond
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading, fact-checking, translation (English <−>
Spanish), transcription, copywriting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 2014 (freelance)
Subjects: International affairs, social sciences, humanities, nonprofit, business, travel
Availability: Part-time freelance
Williams, Kate
Mill Creek, WA 98012 USA
760-218-6692 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, proofreading, writing
Type of material: Books, articles, reports, websites
Experience: Since 2001 (freelance since 2011)
Subjects: Fiction, academic works, websites (editing); book reviews, newsletters (writing)
Availability: Part-time freelance
Williamson, Lisa
Apos Editing
Fort Washington, MD 20744 USA
Type of work: Developmental/substantive editing, line editing, copyediting (Chicago, AP,
APA, and house styles), proofreading, rewriting, copywriting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites, newsletters, grants,
proposals, general business documents
Experience: Freelance since 2012
Subjects: Social sciences (including economics, history, law, political science,
psychology), general nonfiction, business, contracts
Availability: Full-time freelance
Willoughby, Shawna
WillowTree Copy Editing
Billings, MT 59101 USA
406-694-8649 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting
Type of material: Books, articles
Experience: Since 2012 (freelance since 2013)
Subjects: Fiction, nonfiction
Availability: Full-time freelance
Wilson, Gaye, PhD
46 Millers Road, Cattai, NSW 2756 AUSTRALIA
+61-2-4572-8878 (voice), 0414-260-605 (cell)
Type of work: Editing, proofreading, desktop publishing
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, web sites, brochures, newsletters,
ezines, ebooks, fiction, bibliographies. Thesis and dissertation editing,
proofreading and coaching; multi-author works, academic papers and monographs;
on-screen or paper editing/proofreading
Experience: Since 1977 (proofreading); since 2001 (editing/DTP)
Subjects: Egyptology (including hieroglyphs), anthropology, archaeology,
history, animals, personal development, self help, coaching, teaching and
learning, adventure, travel, business, military, needlework, leadership
and management, youth and more
Availability: Full-time freelance
Wine, Bill
441 Greenwood Avenue, Wyncote, PA 19095 USA
215-572-0536 and 215-951-1168
Type of work: Editing, copyediting, writing, ghostwriting,
rewriting, proofreading, scriptwriting
Type of materials: Books, newspaper and magazine articles,
scholarly journals, broadcast scripts, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 1972
Subjects: Entertainment, pop culture, all academic/scholarly, literature, social sciences
Wise, Mark B.
585 9th St., Unit 351, Oakland, CA 94607 USA
321-946-0477 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting
Type of material: Textbooks, articles, white papers
Experience: Since 1991
Subjects: General science and health, physics, K-12 education curriculum design, NGSS, general interest nonfiction, cooking,
music, LGBTQ+
Availability: Full-time freelance
Wotipka, Paul
721 SE 43 Avenue, Portland, OR 97215 USA
503-232-7139 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, copyediting, copywriting, proofreading, research
Type of material: Business documents, white papers, books, articles, marketing collateral, press releases, newsletters,
Experience: Since 2002 (freelance since 2006)
Subjects: Business, technology, electronic discovery
Availability: Full-time freelance
Wybert, Donna-Lee
TextualMatters, Ltd
431 – 13 Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 1C3 CANADA
403 669 2089 (Cell & Office)
Type of work: Editing (substantive/stylistic, line, developmental, and proofreading), writing, writing coaching, plain language
rewriting, Canadianizing, references
Type of material: Books, textbooks, anthologies, monographs, journal articles, essays, reports, grant applications, dissertations &
theses, resumes & application packages, short & long fiction, institutional/non-profit reports, webcopy
Experience: Since 2012
Subjects: Social sciences & humanities, cultural studies, art & film, qualitative research, arts-related, fiction,
creative non-fiction, business
Availability: Full-time freelance
Wynands, Anthony
Kearsarge Editorial Services
108 Pleasant Pond Road, Warner, NH 03278 USA
603-746-4441 (voice)
Type of work: Developmental editing, substantive editing, line editing, copy editing, translation
(French <−> English), rewriting, proofreading
Type of material: Novels, textbooks, academic journals, articles, white papers, government reports,
education materials, catalogs, guide books
Experience: Since 2009 (freelance since 2014)
Subjects: Nonfiction/fiction, international affairs, ELA (English language arts),
education pedagogical- and curriculum-based, ESL materials, applied linguistics
Availability: Part-time freelance
Xanthos, Clare, PhD
The Scholastic Editor
Marietta, GA, USA
404-590-3847 (voice)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Academic books, journal articles, dissertations, PhD proposals, grant proposals
Experience: Since 1997 (academic writing); since 2010 (academic editing); since 2013 (freelance)
Subjects: Social sciences, public health, education, business, humanities
Availability: Full-time freelance
Yurman, Enid
340 Hartert Drive, Idaho Falls, ID 83404 USA
208-524-6374 (voice), 208-521-5725 (cell)
Type of work: Copyediting, tech editing, line editing, web
content editing, proofreading, rewriting, proposal writing,
writing human interest features, public relations writing
Type of material: Proposals, reports, training materials,
procedures, articles, newsletters, web sites, short biographies
Experience: Since 1980
Subjects: Energy, environmental, and nuclear engineering and
research, education, family issues, parenting, children’s advocacy,
health and fitness, nutrition, soil conservation, and nonprofit management
Availability: Full-time freelance
Yusof, Mohd Asri
MAY Editing & Proofreading
No 453A Bangunan Hj Yusof, Kg Balik Bukit, 22000 Jerteh, Terengganu, MALAYSIA
+60199346003 (Mobile and Whatsapp/Telegram)
Type of work: Line editing, copyediting, proofreading, translation (English <−> Malay), and rewriting
Type of material: Theses/dissertations, books, journals, articles, reports, and web sites
Experience: 2000–2015 (full time document controller); since 2015 (freelance)
Subjects: Humanities/social sciences, natural/pure sciences, engineering and related subfields, medicine and related subfields
Availability: Full-time freelance
Zibauer, Martin
Martin Zibauer Editorial Services
Toronto, ON M4J 2P3 CANADA
647-360-2966 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, copyediting, rewriting, display writing
Type of material: Articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Since 1998 (freelance since 2016)
Subjects: Food, recipes, DIY, building construction, woodworking, recreation, architecture, cottages
Availability: Full-time freelance
Zimmerman, Melanie
2001 Aspen Drive, Algonquin, IL 60102 USA
224-241-8110 (voice), 413-441-8115 (cell)
Type of work: Proofreading, copyediting, rewriting, line editing
Type of material: Books, articles, journals, reports
Experience: Since 1988 (freelance since 2003)
Subjects: law, business, cookbooks, adult fiction and romance
Availability: Full-time freelance
Zimonick, Krista
Sun Prairie, WI, USA
Type of work: Copyediting, proofreading
Type of material: Academic books, journal articles, dissertations, business communications, fiction books, children’s
and young adult fiction books
Experience: Freelancer since 2019
Subjects: Humanities, social sciences, business, education, fiction
Availability: Part-time freelance
Zolbrod, Sara Miura
Reach Editing and Writing
Eugene, OR 97405 USA
541-514-2679 (cell)
Type of work: Substantive editing, line editing, developmental editing, copyediting
Type of material: Books, journals, articles, reports, web sites
Experience: Ten years
Subjects: Dance, nursing/medicine, alternative and mainstream health, sexuality, erotica, social sciences, social justice
and anti-racism, Japanese/Asian Studies
Availability: Part-time freelance